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琼山第三小学 黄明敏,外语教学与研究出版社小学第三册,英 语,Unit1,Were going to go to Hainan,MODULE 7,Travel,学习单词,学习句型,学习课文,小练笔,课后小结,plane,China,5 oclock,swim,Hainan,单词:,children,tomorrow,by plane,get up,from,China,swim,sea,visit,Im going to,swim in the sea.,visit my grandpa.,我将要,在大海里游泳.,(去)看望我爷爷.,Be going to (将要),Were going to,go by plane.,get up at 5 oclock!,go to Hainan.,我们将要,乘坐飞机.,在5点钟起床.,去海南.,Im from我来自,China.中国,England.英国.,Its bedtime, Children.,Were going to go toHainan tomorrow.,Were going to go by plane!,And were going to get up at 5 oclock!,Hello. Whats your name?,Im Sam. Im from England.,Im Xiaoyong. Im from China.,Were going to go to Hainan. Im going to swim in the sea.,Im going to visit my grandpa. And Im going to swim, too.,Im going to swim now!,Oh no! This is Xiaoyongs bag!,And Xiaoyongs swimsuit!,Were going to go to Hainan.,Were going to go by plane.,Im going to Swim.,句型:,1、 Im going to,swim in the sea.,visit my grandpa.,3、 Im from,China.,England.,2、 were going to,get up at 5 oclock!,Im from,Goodbye,
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