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PIX防火墙的Troubleshooting工具,Syslog ICMPPacket CaptureShow commandOutput InterpreterPDM/ASDM,什么是Syslog?,记录发生了什么事件?包括流量行为的一系列事件都可以被记录下来。 是一种很好的troubleshooting的工具,尤其是在PIX重启或者crash后。,Log的级别和数目,log级别中包含的具体内容,可参见:http:/www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/multisec/asa_sw/v_7_2/syslog/logmsgs.htm用show logging可查看目前log的设置情况。,配置和使用Syslog,Pix(config)#logging host inside 10.1.15Pix(config)#logging trap 3Pix(config)#logging buffered 1Pix(config)#logging onPix(config)#logging monitor 4,定义log server,发送到log server的级别(错误),存储在PIX内部buffer的级别(alerts),启用log,发送到Telnet/SSH的级别(warnning),如何修改Syslog消息的级别,用途:想收到某个消息,但不想收到这个消息同级别其他无用的消息命令语法:no logging message level 将Syslog message 111009的级别由7级修改到3级(error) Pix(config)#logging message 111009 level 3 或者 Pix(config)#logging message 111009 level error用no命令恢复,PIX Troubleshooting工具之二ping,最常用的工具之一,可判断: 路由的可达性 NAT设置是否正确 相关命令:debug icmp trace,在6.3以下版本,可用undebug all,PIX Troubleshooting工具之三Packet Capture,举例:access-list cisco_test permit ip host host access-list cisco_test permit ip host host in_cap interface inside access-list cisco_test capture out_cap interface outside access-list cisco_testshow capture show capture in_cap detail show capture out_cap detailhttps:/ https:/ 注意:确保PIX上启用了http server。,PIX Troubleshooting工具之三Packet Capture,命令语法: capture capture_name type asp-drop drop-code | raw-data | isakmp | webvpn user webvpn-user url url access-list access_list_name buffer buf_size ethernet-type type interface interface_name packet-length bytes circular-buffertrace trace_count 在版本6.2中首次出现。 可捕获在ACL中匹配的包。 可用sniffer软件,如Iris,ethereal,sniffer等打开。 保存在内存中,缺省512kb,当buffer满的时候会自动停止。关键步骤: 在ACL定义感兴趣的数据流。 将ACL应用到目标接口。,PIX Troubleshooting工具之三Packet Capture,PIX Troubleshooting工具之四show command,Show connect和show connect detail,pix#sh conn 1514 in use, 66418 most used TCP out in idle 0:00:15 Bytes 4454 flags UIOB TCP out in idle 0:00:29 Bytes 4453 flags UIOBpix#sh conn det 1521 in use, 66418 most used Flags: A - awaiting inside ACK to SYN, a - awaiting outside ACK to SYN,B - initial SYN from outside, C - CTIQBE media, D - DNS, d - dump,E - outside back connection, F - outside FIN, f - inside FIN,G - group, g - MGCP, H - H.323, h - H.225.0, I - inbound data, i - incomplete,k - Skinny media, M - SMTP data, m - SIP media, O - outbound data,P - inside back connection, q - SQL*Net data, R - outside acknowledged FIN,R - UDP RPC, r - inside acknowledged FIN, S - awaiting inside SYN,s - awaiting outside SYN, T - SIP, t - SIP transient, U - up TCP dmz: inside: flags UIOB TCP dmz: inside: flags UIOB显示当前连接情况。,Show xlate和show xlate detail,pix#sh xlate 861 in use, 8295 most used Global Local Global Local Global Local xlate det 873 in use, 8295 most used Flags: D - DNS, d - dump, I - identity, i - inside, n - no random,o - outside, r - portmap, s - static NAT from dmz: to outside: flags s NAT from inside: to outside: flags s显示当前NAT转换情况。,Show cpu usage,pix#show cpu usage CPU utilization for 5 seconds = 2%; 1 minute: 2%; 5 minutes: 2%显示当前CPU利用情况。,Show traffic,pix#sh traffic outside:received (in 2.890 secs):0 packets 189971 bytes0 pkts/sec 65733 bytes/sectransmitted (in 2.890 secs):0 packets 2914252 bytes0 pkts/sec 1008391 bytes/sec inside:received (in 2.890 secs):0 packets 2627283 bytes0 pkts/sec 909094 bytes/sectransmitted (in 2.890 secs):0 packets 170788 bytes0 pkts/sec 59096 bytes/sec dmz:received (in 2.890 secs):0 packets 305187 bytes0 pkts/sec 105601 bytes/sectransmitted (in 2.890 secs):0 packets 23331 bytes0 pkts/sec 8073 bytes/sec,显示在PIX各个接口的流量情况,出、入包和字节数等。,Show local-host,pix#sh local-host Interface dmz: 282 active, 282 maximum active, 0 denied local host: ,TCP connection count/limit = 0/unlimitedTCP embryonic count = 0TCP intercept watermark = unlimitedUDP connection count/limit = 0/unlimitedAAA:Xlate(s):Global Local显示本地主机的TCP、UDP连接和NAT情况。,Show tech-support,Show version Show clock Show memory Show conn count Show xlate count Show blocks Show interface Show cpu usage Show process Show failover Show traffic Show perform Show running-config,PIX Troubleshooting工具之五输出解释器,帮助分析输出结果中的错误。 需要CCO帐号。 https:/www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/Support/OutputInterpreter/home.pl,PIX Troubleshooting工具之五输出解释器,PIX Troubleshooting工具之六PDM/ASDM,可通过图形化的管理工具,更直观地监测到如CPU、内存、接口带宽等一些动态参数的运行趋势。可结合CLI进行维护。 也可参照Ciscoworks 2000的相关安全管理工具。,PIX 调试中的问题应用不能正常使用,检查: Permissions:安全策略设置是否正确 Translation:地址翻译设置是否正确。Static和NAT语句,global语句 Routing:路由表是否正确强烈建议:在PIX的安全策略、接口、路由,甚至配置改动的时候,尽可能在条件允许的情况下使用clear xlate、clear arp、clear local-host清除原有的xlate、arp和连接!,PIX Troubleshooting案例分析,问题现象: 用户不能正常访问Internet。 新连接不能正常使用。 原有连接可正常使用。分析过程: 第一步:检查Syslog %PIX-3-211001:Memory allocation Error %PIX-3-211001:Memory allocation Error 第二步:检查可用内存 Hardware: PIX-515E, 64M RAM - show memory -Free memory: 714696 bytes Used memory: 66394168 bytes - - Total memory: 67108864 bytes,
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