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专题四 情景交际,一、单项选择。 1It is very nice of you to help me. _ AI agree BNot yet CMy pleasure DNo way 2Lets try paragliding next Sunday morning. OK._ ACatch you on Sunday BNot at all CYoure welcome DThats right 3Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday? _Its one of the worlds cleanest cities. ASounds great BNot at all CYoure kidding DYoure welcome,C,A,A,4Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening? _ AYes,its true. BYou really do. CIts upstairs. DYes,Id love to. 5Could I borrow your bike,please? _ AOf course you can BIt doesnt matter CYes,Id love to DNo,thank you,D,A,6How do you like the TV show Running Man? _ AYes,I like them BNo,she cant stand it CMy brother likes them DI dont love it 7I am upset.My dog was lost. _Why dont you ask the police for help? AGood job BSounds great CHere you are DIm sorry to hear that,D,D,8You look unhappy,John._? Well,I found my mother looking through my mobile phone yesterday. AYou want to rest BWhats wrong CHow do you do 9Our basketball team will beat theirs and win the match. _ Your team is the best in our city. AIm afraid not. BI believe so. COf course not. DWell done!,B,B,10I have passed my driving test. _ So you are going to buy a car. AYou did! BGood idea! CThats OK. DCongratulations! 11I will have an important match tomorrow.I hope I will win. _ AGood luck BNo idea CThats such a pity DIts all right 12A lot of old people feel lonely.We should try our best to care for them. _I mean,were all going to be old one day,too. ATake it easy BNot at all CYoure right,D,A,C,13Hurry up,or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. _We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins. ATake it easy BGood luck CI guess so DTake care 14Are you sure you can do well in the competition? _ Ive got everything ready. ANo,Im not sure. BYes,I think so. CIts hard to say.,A,B,15Hi!My names Tim.Its my first time to be here. _ AVery well,thank you BIts all right CThat would be very nice DNice to meet you,D,二、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余) (一)(2016,安徽) Lisa:Hey,Jane.16._ Jane:Really? Lisa:Yeah,its a dancing party. Jane:17._ Lisa:Do you want to go with me? Jane:Can I?I dont really know Susan. Lisa:18._ She said I could invite a friend. Jane:OK,then.Id love to go.19._ Lisa:On Saturday night.,G,E,C,F,Jane:Wow,thats the day after tomorrow!I need to get a new dress. Lisa:20._ Theres a clothes shop near here.Lets go there after work. Jane:Sounds good! AMe,too. BI hope not. CNo problem. DWhat a shame! ESounds like fun. FWhen exactly is it? GMy friend Susan is having a party this weekend.,A,(二)(2016,重庆) A:Hello,this is Laura.May I speak to Cindy? B:Hi,Cindy speaking. A:21._ B:I am watching a film on the Internet. A:22._ B:A popular film called Zootopia (疯狂动物城) A:23._ B:Yes,its about animals dreams.I am deeply moved by it. A:Sounds good.Ill enjoy it when Im free. B:Im sure youll like it.24._,C,D,G,F,A:Oh,I found an interesting place to go for a picnic.Want to join us tomorrow? B:Umm,let me have a look first.25._ A:Sure.Please do remember to give me a reply. B:OK.Thanks for calling. AI hear its very popular. BIs it about animals? CWhat are you doing now? DWhat film is it? EWould you please send its information to me? FWhen do you usually go to the movies? GWell,but why do you call me?,E,(三)(2016,山西) (Jack and Tom are talking at break.) Jack:Hi,Tom. Tom:Hi,Jack.26._ Jack:Im reading an article about Kobe Bryant.You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries. Tom:27._ His leaving made all his fans sad,including me.He is one of the greatest players in NBA. Jack:Thats true.He has won five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. Tom:He is a real basketball hero.28._ Jack:Yes.He often started to practice as early as 5 am.,E,A,G,Tom:He has a real love for basketball.We should do things like him. Jack:29._ Nobody can succeed easily unless he works hard. Tom:Bryant can have some time to relax now. Jack:Youre right.Oh,its time for class.30._ Bye. Tom:Me too.Bye. AWhat a pity! BI quite agree. CIts a pleasure. DNice talking with you. EWhat are you reading? FHow long did he practice every day? GDo you know how hard he was working?,B,D,(四) A:Hello!This is Jim speaking. B:Hi,Jim,31._ A:Hi,Jack.Whats up? B:Hmm.are you free this afternoon?32._ Would you like to come? A:A picnic?Are you kidding?Its reported that the temperature will stay over 38. B:Oh,thats too bad.33._ A:Im going swimming.Its comfortable to swim in this heat. B:Thats a good idea.34._ A:Sure.When and where shall we meet? B:35._,B,G,D,F,E,A:OK. See you then. B:See you. AMy name is Jack. BThis is Jack. CIm going fishing. DWhat are you going to do then? ELets meet at our school gate at 4 oclock. FCan I go with you? GIm going for a picnic.,
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