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文学研究视域中的比较文学,一、比较文学与文学史,(一)文学史,研究文学发展的进程、特点,分析重要作家、作品在文学史上的地位。 一代有一代文学,一代有一代文学观念。 T.S.爱略特:“一切历史都是当代史。” 十七年的中国新文学史:鲁郭茅巴老曹;以至于演变为“鲁迅走在金光大道上 ”,(一)文学史,文学史也是处于不断重写和改写的过程中。 1980年代末,钱理群、黄子平、陈平原提出“20世纪中国文学”观念。王晓明、陈思和提出“重写文学史”。王德威:“没有晚清,何来五四?” 夏志清的A History of Modern Chinese Fiction (中国现代小说史,1961),突出了张爱玲(研究上的张学,创作上的张派,阅读史上的张迷)、沈从文、钱锺书的文学地位。 80年代中后期,沈从文、张爱玲、钱钟书在文学史上的地位不断提高。,比较文学与文学史的关系,任何一部作品都处在特定的文学发展史的时空中。比较文学从文学史中取材,从文学史中发现值得探讨的问题,在文学史的的语境中加以阐释。,二、比较文学与文学批评,(二)文学批评,研究个别文学现象,对文学作品的艺术价值和独创性作出分析和评价。命名;概括;分析;评价。如“王朔现象”、“先锋派文学”、“寻根文学”、“新写实小说”、“新历史小说”、“朦胧诗”、“白银时代诗歌”,文学批评的作用,中国古代的直感、印象、点悟式批评 司空图二十四诗品概括的24种诗歌风格是: 雄浑冲淡纤秾沉着 高右典雅洗炼劲健 绮丽自然含蓄豪放 精神缜密疏野清奇 委曲实境悲慨形容 超诣飘逸旷达流动,中国古代直感、印象、点悟式批评,冲淡:素处以默,妙机其微。饮之太和,独鹤与飞。犹之惠风,荏苒在衣。 阅音修篁,美曰载归。遇之匪深,即之愈希。脱有形似,握手已违。 纤秾:采采流水,蓬蓬远春。窈窕深谷,时见美人。碧桃满树,风日水滨。 柳阴路曲,流莺比邻。乘之愈往,识之愈真。如将不尽,与古为新。 沉著: 绿杉野屋,落日气清。脱巾独步,时闻鸟声。鸿雁不来,之子远行。 所思不远,若为平生。海风碧云,夜渚月明。如有佳语,大河前横。 自然:俯拾即是,不取诸邻。俱道适往,着手成春。如逢花开,如瞻岁新。真与不夺,强得易贫。幽人空山,过雨采苹。薄言情悟,悠悠天钧。 含蓄:不着一字,尽得风流。语不涉己,若不堪忧。是有真宰,与之沉浮。如满绿酒,花时反秋。悠悠空尘,忽忽海沤。浅深聚散,万取一收。 典雅:玉壶买春,赏雨茅屋。坐中佳士,左右修竹。白云初晴,幽鸟相逐。眠琴绿阴,上有飞瀑。落花无言,人淡如菊。书之岁华,其曰可读。,印象式、感悟式批评 社会学批评 道德批评,“中国文学批评的特色乃是印象的而不是思辨的,是 直觉的而不是理论的,是诗歌的而不是散文的,是 重点式的而不是整体式的。”(叶嘉莹),比较文学与文学批评的关系,比较文学研究,以单个作品的分析、批评为基础。在比较研究中,仍然需要运用文学批评的基本方法。,三、比较文学与文学理论,(三)文学理论,韦勒克:文学理论就是对“文学原理、文学范畴、文学标准的研究”。 研究文学的本体,文学的内在规律。对文学流派、创作手法、风格以及文学作品的结构特点、形态特征、语言等现象进行总结、归纳、研究,为文学批评提供新的理论视角和方法,从而揭示文学现象内在的本质,阐明文学发展、创作的一般规律。,(三)文学理论,研究共同的诗心、文心,从诸多纷繁复杂的文学现象中总结出文学的内在规律,上升为理论,并以此作为研究个别文学现象或作品的理论方法。,文学的诸要素与文学理论,世界 作品作者 读者以作品为中心:形式主义、新批评、结构主义 以作者为中心:传记批评、表现主义、精神分析理论、症候式阅读 以读者为中心:文学现象学、文学阐释学、接受美学理论、读者反应理论 以作品与世界的关系:文学社会学、新马克思主义、存在主义、女性主义、新历史主义、后殖民主义、文化研究理论、后现代理论,文学理论的作用,新批评:文本细读精神分析理论(哈姆莱特、石秀、路遥作品的主人公)症候式阅读(symptomatic reading)(围城、呼啸山庄、伤逝)结构主义理论(鲁迅小说中的“圆形结构”、杨朔的散文模式、文革小说的叙述模式)接受美学理论(同一作品在不同文化语境中的不同解读),新批评文本细读(Close Reading),The said Eliza, John, and Georgiana were now clustered round their mamma in the drawing-room: she lay reclined on a sofa by the fire side, and with her darlings about her (for the time neither quarrelling nor crying) looked perfectly happy. Me, she had dispensed from joining the group, saying, She regretted to be under the necessity of keeping me at a distance”)(Jane Eyre, chapter 1) Reader. I married him. A quiet wedding we had: he and I, the parson and clerk, were alone present.( Jane Eyre, Chapter 38),Early Autumn By Langston Hughes(1902 - 1967),When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had come between them, and they didnt speak. Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women. Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years. “Bill Walker,” she said. He stopped. At first he did not recognize her, to him she looked so old. “Mary! Where did you come from?”,Early Autumn By Langston Hughes,Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. She took it. “I live in New York now,” she said. “Oh” smiling politely. Then a little frown came quickly between his eyes. “Always wondered what happened to you, Bill.” “Im a lawyer. Nice firm, way downtown.” “Married yet?” “Sure. Two kids.” “Oh,” she said. A great many people went past them through the park. People they didnt know. It was late afternoon. Nearly sunset. Cold.,Early Autumn By Langston Hughes,“And your husband?” he asked her. “We have three children. I work in the bursars office at Columbia.” “Youre looking very . . .” (he wanted to say old) “. . . well,” he said. She understood. Under the trees in Washington Square, she found herself desperately reaching back into the past. She had been older than he then in Ohio. Now she was not young at all. Bill was still young. “We live on Central Park West,” she said. “Come and see us sometime.”,Early Autumn By Langston Hughes,“Sure,” he replied. “You and your husband must have dinner with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and Id love to have you.” The leaves fell slowly from the trees in the Square. Fell without wind. Autumn dusk. She felt a little sick. “Wed love it,” she answered. “You ought to see my kids.” He grinned. Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.,Early Autumn By Langston Hughes,“Theres my bus,” she said. He held out his hand. “Good-bye.” “When . . .” she wanted to say, but the bus was ready to pull off. The lights on the avenue blurred, twinkled, blurred. And she was afraid to open her mouth as she entered the bus. Afraid it would be impossible to utter a word.Suddenly she shrieked very loudly. “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.,Early Autumn By Langston Hughes,The bus started. People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didnt know. Space and people. She lost sight of Bill. Then she remembered she had forgotten to give him her address or to ask him for his or tell him that her youngest boy was named Bill too.,
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