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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner,.重点单词 1._ n.改正;纠正 2._ n.制度;体系;系统 3._ vi.搬家 4._ vt.包含 5._ n.文凭;毕业证书 6._ n.鼓励;激励encourage vt.鼓励;激励,correction,system,move,cover,diploma,encouragement,7._ n.享受;乐趣enjoy vt.欣赏;享受 8._ n.流利;流畅fluent adj.流畅的;流利的 9._ n.误解misunderstand vt.误解,误会 10._ adj.失望的disappointing adj.令人失望的 11._ vi.消失appear vi.出现 12._ n.助手;助理assist v.帮助,援助,enjoyment,fluency,misunderstanding,disappointed,disappear,assistant,.核心短语 1._在开始的时候 2._ 在结束的时候;在的尽头 3._ 被(划)分成 4._ 玩得开心 5.go to college _ 6.take part in _ 7.all over the world _ 8.all kinds of _,at the beginning/start of,at the end of,be divided into,enjoy oneself,上大学,参加,全世界,各种各样的,.经典句式 1._ answering the questions for me?你介意回答我的问题吗? 2.Oh, really? _.哦,真的吗?我也是。 3.The school year is divided into two semesters, _ is September through December, and the second January through May.整个学年分为两个学期,第一个学期从9月到12月,第二个学期从1月到5月。,Would you mind,So have I,the first of which,原文呈现,A Letter from a Senior High Student Dear Li Kang, Hows it going? I thought Id write to tell you about the American school system. Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years,grades six to twelve.Ninth to twelfth grades are high school.At the end of twelfth grade,American students receive the high school diploma.Students need a high school diploma if they want to go to college. The school year is divided into two semesters,the first of which is September through December,and the second January through May.We have a LONG summer vacation!We start school at 7:50 am and we finish at 3 pm.,I take part in all kinds of after-school activitiesI play football,basketball,volleyball,table tennis and I go to theater club. Will you tell me something about your summer vacation and the Chinese school system in your next letter? Best wishes, Rob Marshall,阅读清障,Hows it going?一切可好?/日子过得怎么样? 相当于How are things going/getting on? system /sIstm/ n.制度;体系;系统 secondary school中等学校,中学 cover /kv/ vt.包含 at the end of在结束的时候 by the end of截止到,到结束为止 diploma /dIplm/ n.文凭;毕业证书 go to college上大学,be divided into 被(划)分成 the first of which is September through December.是非限制性定语从句,修饰two semesters。and the second January through May补充完整为and the second of which is January through May。 vacation n.假期 be on (a) vacation在度假 go on (a) vacation去度假 句子使用了一般现在时,表示按计划、安排或时间表等将要发生的动作。 take part in参加 after-school activities课外活动 wishes此处用复数形式,表示“祝愿”。,Read the text carefully and choose the best answers. 1.The letter is mainly about .,A.making friends B.American school activities C.the summer vacation D.the American school system,2.From the letter,we know secondary school in the US .,A.is the same as high school in China B.is the same as Junior High school in China C.covers seven years D.equals the second grade of high school in China,3.Summer vacation in American schools is at least .,A.three months B.one month C.two months D.five months,4.From the school time,we can conclude that .,A.American students dont study so hard as Chinese students B.American students have a lot of time for sports C.American students should devote more time to studies D.American students are bored in the long summer vacation,5.Which of the following is NOT true?,A.Rob Marshall is a pen friend of Li Kang. B.American students need to get high school diploma before going to college. C.Rob Marshall is a high school student. D.Rob Marshall doesnt like sports. 答案 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D,1.disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的,(教材P6)They were both disappointed with their lessons. 他们都对所上的课感到失望。 (1)be disappointed at/with/about.对感到失望 be disappointed to do sth 做某事感到失望 (2)disappoint v. 使失望 disappointing adj. 令人失望的,(3)disappointment n. 失望 to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是 in disappointment 失望地 He was disappointed _(find)they had missed the flight. 他失望地发现他们已经错过了航班。 The next day,we got a _(disappoint)message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. 第二天,我们得到一个令人失望的消息:另一个买主给出了一个更高的价格。 He left the station _ great disappointment,for she wasnt on the train. 他极其失望地离开了火车站,因为她不在火车上。,to find,disappointing,in,2.cover vt.覆盖;(新闻记者)采访,报道;走完(一段路程);看完(若干页书);包括,包含;谈到,涉及;占有(多少面积);足以支付,够付,(教材P9)Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years. 美国的中学通常是七年 一词多义 写出下列句子中cover的汉语意思 Two thirds of the earths surface is covered with/by water._ The discussion covered a wide range of subjects. _ Our school covers more than 4,000 square meters_ Lots of reporters were sent to cover the Olympic events. _,覆盖,包括,占有,报道,Your parents will have to cover your school fee._ The new car can cover 120 kilometers per hour. _ cover.with. 用盖住 be covered with. 覆盖着 强调状态 be covered by. 被覆盖 强调动作 cover an area of. 占地面积为 All the furniture was covered _ dust. 所有家具都落满了灰尘。 The reserve _ some 1,000 square kilometers. 这个保护区占地大约1 000平方公里。,
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