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Lesson 1,海淀区羊坊店第五小学 黄银晶,Unit6 Chores,I usually,chore,do s,Lily,Bill,Andy,wash clothes,sweep the floor,clean the room,make the bed,take out the rubbish,sweep the floor,mop the floor,sw,ee,p,tidy the desk,u,r b,bish,take out the rubbish,wash the dishes,fold the clothes,wash clothes,sweep the floor,clean the room,make the bed,take out the rubbish,Lets Play,What chores do they do?,Watch, Guess and Say,sweep the floor,take out the rubbish,Watch, Guess and Say,wash clothes,make the bed,Watch, Guess and Say,water the plants,feed the dog,What chores do you usually do?,Rhyming with me,I usually,What chores do you usually do at home?,Do you help your parents do chores at home?,How often do you do it?,Yes, I do.,I usually wash clothes.,Tree times a week.,Life Skills Competition 生活技能大比拼,Lets do a survey.,I,7,4,1,3,Lets do a survey.,I,4,1,7,Vicky,3,3,1,1,5,2,3,5,Tom,2,3,7,7,Lets report.,1. We usually _ and _at home. 2. We _ once a week.(everyday)We usually _in the morning./after dinner./after class.,Zhu Yu,5,4,wash clothes,make the bed,take out the rubbish,Zhu Yu,Tom,5,1,make the bed,take out the rubbish,once,washing clothes,Tom,Which chores do you like doing? Are there any chores that you dont like doing? Which chores are easy?,Homework ,Group work,Huang Yinjing,Ask your partners about what chores do they like and dislike.,Huang Yinjing,Homework ,Homework ,Find more house chores and share with us.,do the laundry,iron the laundry,dusting,feed the fish,
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