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七年级英语七年级英语( (下下) )第第 8 8 单元第单元第 5 5 课时课时Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? Section B 3aSelf Check 一、 【教材分析】知识 目标1. 学习并熟练掌握下列词组。go shopping , on weekends , to get there , go along , on the left , turn left , your favorite place , play Chinese chess , on school days , spend with 2. 复习、整合整个单元知识要点,形成体系。 (1)单词和短语识记。 (2)功能句型。 (3)谈论指路问路。能力 目标整合整个单元知识要点,形成知识体系,谈论指路问路。教 学 目 标情感 目标鼓励学生自主探究,培养学生善于总结归纳知识,善于反思的品质。教学重点复习、整合整个单元知识要点,形成体系。教学难点运用所学知识,学会礼貌地问路指路。教学方法自主探究教学法;任务型教学法二、 【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I. 复习 热身1. Read and write the new words in the unit first. Then dictate them. 2. Make a report: Let some students talk about the neighborhood where they live.There is a zoo in my neighborhood . I like to spend time there on weekends . I like to watch people dancing there . To get there , I usually walk out and turn left on Center Street . Then I go along Center Street . The zoo is on the right .II. 感知 体验1. Look at the map of Cindys neighborhood and fill in the blanks .3a library , supermarket , police station , library , park , hotel Read the passage again and try to translate the sentences . 2. Draw a map of your neighborhood and write about it . These questions may help you . 让学生分小组讨论回答问题,然后根据问题答案,组织成完整的 短文,每组找一个同学展示。1). Where do you live ? 2) What is your favorite place in your neighborhood ? Why ? 3) How do you get there from your home ? Activity 1 Complete the passage with the words in the box . free , enjoy , climbing , spend 2. Activity 2 Write five sentences about your school using there is / are . There are some trees in my school There are some small supermarkets across from my school . There is a big playground in my school . There are many teachers and students in my school . There are many cars in my school .III.强化 巩固3. Activity 3 Imagine you are one of the people in the picture on page 46 . A person asks you how to get to the supermarket or library . Write a conversation . Add as many words as you can to make phrases. Excuse me . Is there a supermarket ? Yes , there is . Just go along Bridge Street and turn left .The supermarket is on your right . It is next to the post office . Thanks . And where is the library ? Go along Bridge Street and turn left . You can see the library on your left . It is across from the post office . Thanks very much . You are welcome . . 实践 应用Ask students to talk in groups about their neighborhoods . And make new conversations , ask some of them to show before class.总结 反馈结合笔记,让学生自己盘点所学单词和短语的用法。 1) spend on sth. 花费/消耗在某物/某事上 spend time on/ in doing sth. 花费/消耗时间在某物上 2) watch sb. do sth. 看着某人做了某事;watch sb. doing sth. 看着某人正在做某事3) enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事.作业 布置Make a mind map about Unit 8 三、 【板书设计】四、 【教后反思】
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