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亚新科工业技术有限公司亚新科工业技术有限公司(“亚新科集团” )是一家大型的,产品种类多样的零部件制 造集团。它于 1994 年成立于中国北京,由一支国际化的管理团队和经验丰富的本地经 理队伍共同管理。亚新科集团在国内拥有 17 家制造企业,生产和销售动力传动系统、 底盘系统、燃油喷射系统和噪声与振动技术产品领域中的各类产品。亚新科集团在国 内还拥有 52 个销售中心,并在美国、英国和日本分别建立了销售公司。亚新科集团的战略是通过向其基于中国的生产企业提供资金,管理和技术作为一个整 体方案的一部分,使这些公司具有国际市场的竞争力。2005 年,在由翰威特咨询公司和共同举办的亚洲最佳雇主评选活 动中,亚新科集团被评为“中国最佳十家雇主”之一。杰克先生杰克先生是亚新科工业技术有限公司创始人、董事长兼首席执行官。他于 1970 年毕业 于美国耶鲁大学,获得文学学士学位;1973 年毕业于哈佛商学院,获得工商管理硕士 学位,并被授于贝克学者称号(毕业班中毕业成绩排名位于前 5%的学生可以获得该称 号) 。杰克先生 1973 年加盟佩恩韦博(Paine Webber)投资公司,1988 年离任时, 已升任为投资银行部总经理。之后他出任一家金融投资公司(LBO)的总经理。经过三年在亚洲和中国的投资机遇的调研后,杰克先生于 1994 年成立了亚新科集团。 早在他人意识到中国将在未来的世界经济中扮演举足轻重的角色之前,杰克先生就已 经在中国的大地上创建了一番扎实的事业。在杰克先生的领导下,亚新科在开发本土 管理团队和整合公司运营能力以融入全球市场方面赢得了极高的声誉。杰克先生是与龙共舞我如何在中国打造十亿美元销售额的公司的作者。您可 以登陆 www.managingthedragon.com 网站,阅读到杰克先生在北京对发生的各种事件 进行连续性评述的文章。美国知名专栏作家托马斯弗雷德曼先生在其最畅销小说 世界是平的 - 21 世纪简史 (The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century)用一个完整章节就杰克先生如何在中国做生意进行了专门采 访和报道。ASIMCO Technologies Limited was formed in Beijing, China in 1994. It is a privately held, large scale, multi-product components manufacturing organization with global reach and is managed by an international team in partnership with experienced local managers. ASIMCO operates 17 manufacturing facilities which produce a broad range of powertrain, chassis, diesel fuel injection and NVH products for automobiles and commercial vehicles, and has a network of 52 sales offices in China, and regional offices in the U.S., U.K. and Japan. ASIMCO Technologies strategy has been to provide its companies with capital, management and technology to enable them to compete in the global marketplace. In 2005, ASIMCO was named one of the “10 Best Employers in China” ranking third in a survey conducted by Hewitt Associates and 21st Century Business Herald. Jack Perkowski is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of ASIMCO Technologies Limited. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree (cum laude) from Yale University in 1970 and an MBA degree (with high distinction) from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration in 1973 and was designated a Baker Scholar (top 5% of graduating class). He joined PaineWebber in 1973 and was the Director of Investment Banking when he left in 1988 to become the Managing Director of a leveraged buyout firm. Mr. Perkowski founded ASIMCO in February 1994 after spending three years investigating opportunities in Asia and China, well before others recognized the significant role that China would play in the global economy. Under his leadership, ASIMCO has gained a reputation for developing local management, and integrating a broad based China operation into the global economy. Mr. Perkowski is the author of “Managing the Dragon: How Im Building a Billion Dollar Business in China” and his ongoing commentary on unfolding events in China can be found on his website www.managingthedragon.com. He was also featured in Thomas L. Friedmans book, “The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century” in the chapter dealing with China.
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