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陕州渭学 儿赵治华 了 二rroducrion了 | a|天加屯 Im 天 1二本站 3 ARself nowucRe 1 心_Hello : Nice to meet you. Myname is .Im yearsold.Ijike .工likeBecause it5 ,了camnlike ,to00. How about you2 That?s all. Thank youl!大民 人 SYS了 一 WSIR 下要What s Enolish?六康夫间广二夫二注训二从六二二间袜记寺痢广康夫二交本二 人 昱玫 | M N OP 9q R 9丰 ZX 乙 世界上最广泛使用的语言。Its the most widely used language in the world. 8亿人,官方语言。 wa有一个人懂英语。The official languages of the eight hundred million people.One in every five people to understand English in the 网, 数十个国家,官方语言,这些国家独占了全世界70%以上的财富.:不懂英语就意味着跟这709%的机会无缘。The official languages of the dozens of countries. These countriesmonopolize the fortunes of more than 70%of the world. Didnt understandEnglish means with this 70% chance.Which 人人 Eggiah? England英国 Canada加拿大
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