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闽教版小学英语第八册,Unit7 Dream JobsLesson 13,城厢区逸夫实验小学 陈 君,He flies a plane. He takes people to different places. What is he?,pilot,She works in a hospital. She helps doctors to make people strong and healthy.What is she?,nurse,He makes cars or buses for us. What is he?,worker,She works in a school. She teaches children lessons.What is she?,teacher,He can cook delicious food for people. What is he?,cook,singer,dancer,policeman,doctor,policewoman,farmer,farmer,teacher,worker,dancer,singer,policeman,doctor,nurse,pilot,Jobs,Dream,cook,What do you want to be?,I want to be aan,Amy,What does Amy want to be?,An airhostess,What can an airhostess do ?,An airhostess can help people and make the trip nice and happy.,Why does she like her job?,She likes flying in the sky.,She is form America.,Read and answer,Where is Amy form?,招聘者面试内容: Whats your name? Whats your hobby? What do you want to be? Why?( Because I can),记录应聘者的资料: He/She is _ (姓名).He/She likes _. He/She wants to be _ . Because she/he can _. (两人一组,既可以当应聘者,也可以当招聘者。),Fair,Job,A: Recruiter,B: Candidate,Where there is a will , there is a way.,有志者事竟成,HomeworkRead the report and try to retell the text according to the key words. (读笔录,并尝试根据自己整理的关键词复述整篇课文。) 2. Interview some people about their jobs and write a short report. (采访身边的人有关他们的职业,仿照笔录写一写) 3.Finish Activity Book of Lesson 13.,Goodbye,
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