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We Lecture -ManagementConsulting: An lntroductionJurgen Zech2001 AprilCLIENT ENGAGEMENT*New engagement versus follow-upon existing study=-LOP=-Pitch*Work plan*Close interaction with client team“Periodic review process -Steering Committee*End of study经理人世界PROJECT WORK PLAN: ONE EXAMPLE FOR A THREE-MONTH PROJECTEPEWeek1|2345|678|9io1|12 Phasel*Screening marketopportunities EEEEEPhase1*Evaluation and prior-tization of key options ”|Phase 咱“Development of businass |planimpiementaiion |planning Steering Committee二os Analysis Priority list Recommen-dations/bu-siness plan经理人世界719.CHNAGENDA Introductiom/Expectations Example consultant company Consulting: Nature, Trends,Careers沁SaiecieG Meihods frammewaolks) Research (Some basics) Graphics (from data to chart)经理人世界多2 呈MANAGEMENT CONSULTING: SELECTED METHODS Rankings*Important Frameworks *Benchmarking*Balanced scorecards RANKINGSsource Meknaey EFIC *Rankings are importantin many areas,eg, for marketing purposes, to determinestrengths/weaknesses of clients/potentialclients and also in the case of performancerelated salaries*Anincreasing number ofinstitutions andmagazines offers rankings*As rankings mavy chanae siqnificantly withony minorchangesin deiinilions, acarsfufidicaton of ine ier eq 经理人世界719.CNRANKINGS FOR MARKETING PURPOSES: ONE EXAMPLE 区 Iela = POSsitioDn Deutsche 已eankouroe TheEoonomigl 人3935RANKING ONE EXAMPLE: BOOKRUNNERS OF ALL INTERNATIONAL/EUROBONDS Ranl Volume 。 No.of 。 Market share1990 “1995 “1998 Bookrunner USD bilions tranches ”Percent15 2 1 Merrill Lynch and Co Inc. 75.4 286 9.821 9 2 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 。 63.0 249 8.21 1 3 UBSAG 56.2 224 736 8 4 JP Morgan and Co inc 54.7 174 749 10 5 Goldman Sachs and Co 54.0 118 7.03 4 6 CS/CsF6 Group 47.7 187 6.236 汪 7 Lehman Brolhars 443 150 5.82 6 Deutsche BankAG 43.5 195 5.65 18 Citigroup Inc 42.7 124 5.540 11 10 。 ABNAMRO Bank NV, 38.4 143 6.0MTechnicalsearcn oneni Apaan borda IFRaanka algwexbdgcrea alcounres orcudeal equyirkedSourca: IFR Patnum EFIC 3719.CMMANAGEMENT CONSULTING: SELECTED METHODS*Rankings Frameworks *Benchmarking*Balanced scorecards FRAMEWORKS*Whatis it?*。Why are they helpful?*When do 1use them?*How do 1use them? 10
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