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Seeing the doctor,Period 1,Sing a song,Body Song,Brain Storm,I have a ache,headache,toothache,earache,Listen and watch,Whats wrong with Su Hai and Mike?,Whats wrong with Su Hai?Whats wrong with Mike?,Step1 Watch and Answer,She has a headache.,He has a toothache.,Step2 Listen and Fill,Why .?What should .?,Fill in the two questions.,does she have a headache?,she do?,Discuss and amswer.,Because she has a fever.,She should have a rest, take medicine and drink warm water.,Lets read part 2.,Why does he have a toothache?,Step 3 learn part 2,Guess two questions,What should he do?,Read in your groups.,Circle some more new words.,Discuss the answers.,Because he eats a lot of sweets.,He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. He shouldnt eat too many sweets.,headache,fever,have a rest,take some medicine,drink some warm water,Whats wrong with Su Hai and Mike?,Task2 Watch and complete,toothache,eat anything,Task3 Read and write,What should they do?,dentist 牙医,eat too many sweets,brush my teeth,模仿Su Hai 和Mike的口气读一读吧!,a.Lets read with the tape in a whole.,跟录音一起读, 看谁的语速、语音、语调最准哦。,Step 4 Performmace,b.Lets act.,Tip: 试着模仿语音语调,看谁最像哦,检查一下,check,Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the doctor.,Task4 Read and imitate,Mike has a toothache. He goes to see the dentist.,Task4 Read and imitate,注意模仿他们的动作和语调!,Task5 Read in groups,Read together. (齐读),Read in roles. (分角色读),Read after a leader. (一人领读,他人跟读),Read one by one. (一人读一句),Lets act,两或三人一组,选一幅图进行表演,别忘了表情和动作哦!,Show time,Share a prose,Lets do it now for a good tomorrow 让我们一起奔向美好的明天,随堂练习,英汉互译,Homework,Listen,read and recite the story. 听录音,朗读并背诵课文。Make a new dialogue about illness. 创造一个新的有关疾病的对话。 Finish workbook Unit 4 (Period 1). 完成课课练第一课时。,Add your company slogan,Thank You !,www.themegallery.com,
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