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第三部分 写作能力提升TOP One “ 浙基锅“”名子先行(一)名型1:.think/believelfeelfind/make/consider.十it十adj./m十offor sb.to do sth.1,我认为无论何时何地遵守交通规则都是必要的。 答案 think it Decessary to obey traiiic rules Whenever andwherever.2. 手机的使用令我们跟别人联系很方便。 答案 The use of the telephone has made it quite convenientfor us to get in touch with others句型2: Itis worthwhile remembering/to remember that.3. 值得牢记的是,和许多其它国家比较,英国是一个生活昂贵的地方。 答案 t js worihwhile _ remembering/to _ remember thatcompared with many other countries, the UK is an expensive placeto live in.4, 大家一定要记住,团队精神一旦丧失,重建就不是一件简单的事。 答案 It is worthwhile remembering/to remember that teamSpirit is a difficuit thing to rebuild when it is iost.句型 3: not only.,but also.5. 这位护士不仅能干而且亲切和获。 答案 The nurse was not only competent but also kind.6. 我不仅听见了车的声音,而且还亲眼看见那辆车被撞坏了。 答案 Not only did I hear the car,but Ialso saw it crash.句型 4: neither.nor.7. 英语和语文我都不喜欢。 答案 Ilike neither English nor Chinese.8你我都不想做这么麻烦的一件事。 答案 Neither younorIwant to do such aboring thing.句型 S: No sooner十.had done.than 十.did.Hardly十.had donewhen十did.9. 我一到家天就下起雨来。 答案 No soonerhad Ireached home tian it began to rain.10. 我刚到公共汽车站,汽车就开了。答案 Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus started.句型 6: Tnere is no denying that.11. 不可和否认,当今世界上电脑正在发挥着重要的作用。 答案 There is no denying that computers are playing animportant role in the world today.12. 不可和否认,事业成功的关键在于健康的身心。 答案 There is no denying that successful business lies in ahealthy body and mind.句型7: Since.,why shouldn?tydon:t13,既然我们都困在这里了,为什么我们不好好享受这个城市的一切呢? 答案 Since We are trapped here,wWhy domf we make themost of it and enjoy the city?
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