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Unit 5 Whose dog is it?,PA Lets learn,Welcome to the Dog Show!,Lets say!,I like dog _. Its _.,A,F,E,D,C,B,E,Zooms,Zoom become a little arrogant(自负).,Hi, Zoom!,Sure! Because thats _!,Wow, its so cute!,my,mine,Zoom likes his dog very much!,Wow, your dog is beautiful!,Sure! Because thats mine!,Are Zooms friends happy with Zoom?,Yes! Its your dog!,The dog is yours!,Sorry, can I have a look at your dogs?,Zoom become more (更加) arrogant.,Hi, Zoom!,Sure! Because _!,Wow, _!,Pair work!,Whose is it?,Its _.,his,his dog = his,her dog = hers,_ is it?,Its _.,hers,Whose,Whose is it,_.,Its theirs,their dog = theirs,_?,The dog is _.,Its our dog.,our dog = ours,ours,I want a dog, too!,Whose is it?,Its _.,yours,your dog = yours,Hooray!,Lets act!,Whose book is that?,Its Amys.,Ha! The book is hers.,_?,_.,Its Johns,Whose book is that,Ha! The book is _.,his,Look, say and complete.,Its his ruler.,The ruler is his.,Its her book.,The book is hers.,They are our books. = The books are ours.,( ) mine cat-my ( ) his school-her ( ) their bag- theirs ( ) our pictures-ours,Lets review!,my cat- mine,his,Read and tick or cross.,课堂小结, Whose is it?, Its Johns., my our his her their youmine ours his hers theirs yours,Homework,Read the text for 15 minutes and try to remember the new words and sentences.(熟读课文15分钟,记忆新学词汇和句子。),2. Act the dialogue out with your partner. (和同桌一起演一演对话。),Thank you!,
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