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Unit 10 Review and Check,(苏教版)牛津英语课件五年级下册 unit10,教学目标:、通过复习, 要求学生掌握前四个单元的四会单词、词组和句子。、通过本单元各个板块的复习操练,要求学生能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。,Now, stand up, everybody! Sit down, please. Put on your head. Touch your feet. Bend your knees. Jump times. Stop! Turn right/left. Lift up your right/left leg. Do this times. Lie on your back.,6:30,What time is it? Its Its time to ,7:30,11:15,18:00,21:00,On Saturday, I get up at seven oclock. I have breakfast at half past seven. I usually do my homework in the morning and play basketball in the afternoon. I watch TV at a quarter to six in the afternoon. I read books at eight. I like reading very much. I often listen to music at nine and go to bed.,Where is(are) he/she/it(they) from? He/She/It(They) is(are) from ,Tibet 西藏 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 Xinjiang 新疆(维吾尔族) Jilin 吉林(朝鲜族) Ningxia 宁夏回族自治区 Beijing 北京(汉族),b,d,c,a,g,e,f,h,Put hands head,Turn,Lie lift up,legs,Touch toes,fingers,Bend arms touchshoulders,Lie back Lift,feet,hands,Put knees,insects,want,watch,cartoons,do,surf Internet,want to,like want to,listen to music,lives,likes,hands,draws,feet pictures,butterflies,cicadas,flowers,
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