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学术英语 医学,Academic English for Medicine,Unit 3,Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Despite the progress in medicine, many diseases are still untreatable and incurable. It has been generally agreed that prevention is more cost-effective than the treatment of diseases. Here come some fundamental questions: Which play a more important role in causing human diseases, genes or environmental factors? Why do people with good interpersonal relationships live healthier and longer? What are the major steps in developing a new drug? In this unit, we will probably find the answers to these questions.,Listening,Note-taking Forms Suggested answers,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Listening,Note-taking Forms,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Listening,Suggested answers,Task 1,40,000 56,300 Measures taken 13-64 82 22 African Americans Take Charge, Take the Test gained bisexual men development of a comprehensive HIV prevention plan for the united states,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Listening,Suggested answers,Task 2,expand access to HIV incidence surveillance system Targeting precision compelling reasons specific information,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Unit Contents,Lead-in,Text A,Text B,Text C,Listening,Speaking,Writing,Get reading for Unit 9,Lead-in,Issues to be covered,The common and special means of treatment and prevention of diseases The different roles of genes and environment in causing diseases The relationship between interpersonal relationship and health The major steps in designing and developing new drugs,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Lead-in,Task: Work in pairs and discuss the causes and treatments you know of the following conditions.,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Lead-in,Task: Work in pairs and discuss the causes and treatments you know of the following conditions.,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Text A,Critical reading and thinking Topics for presentation Knowledge of the subject matter Useful expressionsSuggested answers,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Text A Critical reading and thinking,Topics for presentation,1. How was Terrys life before she was diagnosed with MS?,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,loved practicing Tae Kwon Do attended medical school, practiced as an internal medicine residency, became an academic general internist married and got a son and a daughter,multiple sclerosis: a serious disease of the nervous system, which gradually makes a person weaker, and sometimes affects their sight or speech. The abbreviation MS is also used. 多发性硬化症,Text A Critical reading and thinking,Topics for presentation,2. What causes MS? How does the author describe the development of his illness?,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,bout,If you have a bout of an illness or of an unpleasant feeling, you have it for a short period. (疾病或不愉快情绪的)发作 He was recovering from a severe bout of flu. 我感到一阵紧张。 I was suffering from a bout of nerves.,relapse,这种治疗方法通常针对术后复发风险高的女性。 The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery. If a sick person relapses, their health suddenly gets worse after it had been improving.旧病复发;再次发病 In 90 per cent of cases the patient will relapse within six months. 90%的病人在6个月内会再次发病。,Crossroads,A crossroads is a place where two roads meet and cross each other.十字路口 Turn right at the first crossroads. 在第一个十字路口向右转。If you say that something is at a crossroads, you mean that it has reached a very important stage in its development where it could go one way or another. (发展的)关键时刻,紧要关头 该公司显然处于发展的关键时刻。 The company was clearly at a crossroads.,Text A Critical reading and thinking,Topics for presentation,3. What did Terry do before he self-experimented? (7-8 para.),Began his own study of the literatureReading articles about new MS drugs in animal models Reading articles about neurodegeneration of all typesdementia, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons, and Lou Gehrigs disease,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Text A Critical reading and thinking,Useful expressions,I had only two options: accommodation and acceptance of deepening disability despite optimal treatment, or increased involvement in my own health care. (P55),Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Text A Critical reading and thinking,Useful expressions,I began my own study of the literature, reading article after article on PubMed, knowing that the seeds for todays clinical care were laid years, sometimes decades earlier in the basic science literature.,Unit 3 Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,A Magic Bullet,In medicine, a magic bullet is a drug or treatment that can cure a disease quickly and completely. 灵丹妙药 A magic bullet is an easy solution to a difficult problem. 妙招 许多人都在寻找能够解决这个问题的良方。 A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem.,
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