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Unit 6,Asking the way,闽教版五年级英语上册,Play a game: Whats missing?,a zoo a park a bank a train station a post office,Lets read,You cant miss it (你不会找不到它的) .,How many stops are there?,玄武湖公园 鼓楼 珠江路 山西路,1 千 米,How far is it from here ?,Its about a kilometre away .,Three .,(离这儿多远),(大约1千米远),(停车站),1 千 米,How can I get there faster ? (我怎样才能快一点到那儿),You can take bus No.9 . (你可以乘9路公共汽车.),这里放一张自己的照片。,He wants to go to the Post Office, but he doesnt know the way. Please help him.,Some questions: 1.Who is helping him? 2.How can I get to the history museum?3.How far is it from here?4. Which bus can I take ?,Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on his left .,Its about a kilometre away.,Bus No.5.,M: How can I get to the post office ?,G: Im sorry. I dont know. You can ask the policeman.,M: Thanks all the same.,I met Mr Smith in Shanghai Street. He wanted to go to by bus. I told him to No.5 and get off at the stop. Then he asked me how to get to . I told him to No.9 in front of ,the History Museum,take bus,second,the,post office,take,bus,the History Museum,Guangzhou Road,Tianjin Road,Shanghai Road,Hong Kong Road,Nanjing Road,Beijing,Road,我来当导游!,旅游节到了,来了许多外国的游客,我们一起来当回小导游吧!,1.Listen and read Part A; 2.Make a dialogue about asking the way.,Homework,Byebye,Thank you!,
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