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Module Four Wild Animals Unit 11 What Animals Run Fastest?,广州版五年级英语下册,Bear,cheetah,Bear,Cow,Fish,Turtle,Elephant,Horse,Lion,Panda,Rabbit,Duck,Fox,Whale,Giraffe,Monkey,Pig,Mouse,Snake,Sheep,Kangaroo,Cat,Dog,Chicken,Cheetahs run faster than horses.,Which run faster, cheetahs or horses?,Cheetahs run _ in the world.,fastest,Of all animals cheetahs run fastest.,How fast can a cheetah run?,More than _ kilometers an hour.,95,How fast can a horse run?,More than _ kilometers an hour.,60,How fast can a tiger run?,More than _ kilometers an hour.,72,Y: What are you eating, Ben? B: Im drawing a tiger. Horses are my favourite subjects. Of all animals they jump highest. Y: I dont think so. Some animals swim faster than horses. B: What animals can run slower than horses? Y: Cheetahs. They run fastest on land? B: How far can a cheetah jump? Y: More than ninety-five meters a second.,doing,horse,animals,run fastest,run,faster,in the world,fast,run,kilometers,an hour,B: What does a cheetah look like? Y: It looks like a tiger.,leopard,cheetah,leopard,Cheetahs run _ than horses. Of all _ cheetahs run _. They run fastest _ _ _. How _ can a cheetah _? More than 95 _ an _. A cheetah looks like a _.,faster,animals,fastest,in,the,world,fast,run,kilometres,hour,leopard,A _ can be _ (inches/meters) long.It weighs _ kilos.They eat _.They live in _.They can live for _ years.,Use the languages:,Thank You!,
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