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Teaching Objectives(教学目标),Discuss the difficulties the class have in English learning, and find out any possible solutions. Get to know three different learning styles and define what kind of learner you are.Write a composition based on the above.Make clear about how to learn efficently.,How can we learn English better?,Lead-in,Learning styles 执教人:邱玲佛山 08-12-19,Auditory,Visual,Tactile,Visual learners? Auditory learners? Tactile learners?,_ learn bestwhen they can see or watch something. They like to read or look at pictures or diagrams(图表).,Visual learners,Task 1,_ learnbest when theres an oral component (成分) to the material they are learning.They prefer to listen to explanations or instructions rather than read them.,Visual learners? Auditory learners? Tactile learners?,Auditory learners,_ learn best through concrete (具体的) experience; that is, when they can touch or feel real objects, do experiments or make things.,Visual learners? Auditory learners? Tactile learners?,Tactile learners,Decide what kind of learner they are. I would rather hear a book on a cassette than read it. It is a struggle for me to keep my room or desk tidy. I tend to see pictures in my mind when Im reading or listening. I find it hard to concentrate with lots of people talking near me.,A,T,V,A,磁带,something difficult,focus,往往会,Task 2,5) I find it hard to concentrate with people moving around or things messy.6) I find it tiresome to sit and concentrate on anything for long.7) I usually remember peoples faces but Im often vague about their names.8) When Im giving directions, I have a tendency to move my body or hands as I speak.,V,T,V,T,tend to,untidy,tiring,not clear,Tick only the statements that you think resemble your situation.Group leaders figure out how many of the members belong to the three types of learner.Collect the data and report to the whole class.Everyone takes down the results.,Quiz: What type of leaner I am,Task 3,Time: December 19, 2008Subject: Our class (30 students)Topic: What kind of learner are youResult: 1) Visual learners- ?% 2) Auditory learners - ?% 3) Tactile learners -?%Which type of learner do you belong to and what implication can you get?,Writing Write a 5-sentence composition,Task 4,beautiful words, phrases or sentences: “ ”mistakes or confusing words, phrases or sentences: “_”,Peer marking,Task 5,Marking,Assignment,Polish your writing and rewrite it neatly.,THANK YOU!,
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