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SICENCE 新闻发布 作者: Eran Perlson 稿号:NRR-D-15-00141神经轴突运输中受体介导的狂犬病毒狂犬病毒是一种嗜神经的原型病毒,是大多数发展中国家的一个重大致命风险。狂犬病毒感染过程中的关键步骤是它会通过细胞运输机制进入中枢神经系统。神经元是种不规则细胞,可延伸跨越一米长的轴突。在受感染的生物体中,狂犬病毒会进入被咬区域的神经元周围,并利用逆行轴突运输机制从中枢神经系统到达周边神经元细胞体。以色列特拉维夫大学的 Eran Perlson 教授指出了狂犬病毒的神经元逆行传播,同时认为近几年的标记病毒领域已经非常适用于神经和突触跟踪。相关内容发表在 2015 年 6 月第 6 期中国神经再生研究(英文版) 杂志上。Article: Receptor-mediated increase in rabies virus axonal transport by Shani Gluska1, Stefan Finke2, Eran Perlson1, (1Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, and the Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel; 2Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Institute of Molecular Virology and Cell Biology, D-17493 Greifswald Insel Riems, Germany)Gluska S, Finke S, Perlson E (2015) Receptor-mediated increase in rabies virus axonal transport. Neural Regen Res 10(6):883-884.欲获更多资讯:http:/www.nrronline.org/SICENCE 新闻发布 作者: Eran Perlson 稿号:NRR-D-15-00141Receptor-mediated increase in rabies virus during axonal transportRabies virus (RABV) of the rhabdoviridae family is a prototype neurotropic virus that causes a fatal disease, and is still a major risk mostly in developing countries. A key step in the RABV infection process is its arrival into the central nervous system (CNS), for which it uses the cellular transport machinery. Neurons are irregular cells with a specialized anatomy, and often extend lengthy axons that may span over a meter long. In infected organisms, RABV virions enter the neuron periphery at the area of a bite and must overcome great distances in order to reach the peripheral neuron cell body and from there, the CNS. To this end, RABV exploits the retrograde axonal transport machinery, a fast and directed route aimed for trafficking cargo from the neuron periphery to its soma. Dr. Eran Perlson (Tel Aviv University, Israel) demonstrated that RABVs neuronal tropism and retrograde propagation, combined with the development of safe, labeled viruses in recent years, have rendered it ideal for neural and synaptic tracing. The relevant study has been published in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 10, No. 6, 2015).Article: Receptor-mediated increase in rabies virus axonal transport by Shani Gluska1, Stefan Finke2, Eran Perlson1, (1Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, and the Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel; 2Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Institute of Molecular Virology and Cell Biology, D-17493 Greifswald Insel Riems, Germany)Gluska S, Finke S, Perlson E (2015) Receptor-mediated increase in rabies virus axonal transport. Neural Regen Res 10(6):883-884.
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