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,1、这套房子净高3米。|tis three meters in height.。 The net height of this flat is three meters . 。2、请问您喜欢住哪一层?。 Which floor are you interested in?。 Which floor do you like?”3、房子面积约110平米,设计有一个客厅、一个饭厅、两个睡房、一个厨房、一个洗手间。This flats gross area is 110 m2,which isdesigned as one living room, one dinningroom, two bedrooms, one kitchen, oneWash rceem.。4、这套房子符合您的要求。 This flat suits your requirement.。 5、这么高的品质,这样的价格很值。|tis worthwhile because of its highquality.“和 简单来说,物业是指一个人所拥有的资 。In plain terms, property is what oneOwns. 。7、物业管理公司主要负责对业主的房地进行全方位的管理。Aproperty management company istasked with the responsibility ofmanaging the multiple aspects whichcom alcng with the ownership of realestate.8、物业管理公司的职能包括收取租金,对维护事项作出居民儿杖桂 为业主 发布招租广告、对承租人进行信用和背景调三。 Duties of property managementcompanies include accepting rent,responding to and addressingmaintenance issue, advertising vacanciesforlangdiords, and doing credit andbackground checks on tenants.。Week 3“。 1、物业管理营销的指导原则是: 以服务宗骨,以经营为手段,以效益为目的。 。The guiding ideology principle )of property managementmarketing ;is to 认Ke Service asan aim; management as means;benefit as purpose.
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