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2012年专四词汇冲刺精讲(二),A,to the best of ones ability竭尽全力abound in 盛产,富于,充满 Wild animals abound in this area. This area abounds in/with wild animals.,accommodate,kmdeitvt. 容纳向提供住处使适应, 顺应accommodate oneself to accommodate sb. with,of ones own accord自动地、自愿地in accordance with与.一致;依照,accustom,kstm vt. accustom sb/yourself to sth; accustom sb/yourself to doing sth (使)习惯于be accustomed to acquaint,acute,a.敏锐的 尖锐的激烈的,严重的 (疾病)急性的,(疼痛)剧烈的acute hearing acute crisis an acute angle锐角 acute patients chronic,adapt,v. 使适应,使适合 改编,改写(for, from)【搭配】adaptto 使适应.,add,add to增加add up to总计,累加;意味着,addition,in additionin addition to adv.除.之外,In addition to the rising birthrate and immigration, the _ death rate contributed to the population growth. A) inclining B) increasing C) declining D) descending,除了日益增加的出生率和移民现象外,死亡率也促成了人口的增长。 inclining(空间上)倾斜的 increasing(数量等)上升的,渐增的 declining(数量等)下降的,减少的 descending(空间上)下降的,递减的,adhere,vi. 粘附,附着遵守,坚持 She adhered to her plan to leave early. 她坚持自己的计划,要早点动身. abide by adhere to comply with stick to,advantage,take advantage of利用 to ones advantage对有利 have an advantage over胜过,优于A man who can think will always have an advantage over others.,affirm,vt. 断言,坚持,声称证实,确认 He affirmed his love for her. 他坚持声称自己爱她. The witness affirmed the facts. 证人证明这些确是事实.confirm vt.证实, 证明; 肯定, 确认;使巩固, 加强;批准; 认可,affluent,flunt,flu=flow,fluctuate flktjueit vi. flush flu fluid a. n. influence influential a. fluent superfluous a. affluent adj.,flu=flow,fluctuate flktjueit vi.波动, 涨落, 起伏 flush flu fluid a.流动的,液体的 n.流体,液体 influence influential a.有影响的;有权势的 fluent superfluous a.多余的,过剩的 affluent adj.富裕的, 富足的,on the alert (for)对保持戒备be alien to/from与相反/不同,allocate vt.分配, 分派;把拨给 (权威,分拨款项、财产) allot vt.分配, 拨给, 摊派 (任意性) assign vt.分配; 交给;指派, 选派 (工作或任务),考虑到,allow formake allowance(s) for,aloof from 远离alternate alternative,alternate adj.轮流的;间隔的;代替的 vt. & vi.(使)交替, (使)轮换alternative adj.两者择一的, 供替代的 n.取舍, 抉择,by analogy with,运用类比 The author explained the movement of light by analogy with that of water. 作者通过对水的运动的类比来解释光的运动。,alone,not to mention There isnt enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat. 连我们的地方都不够了,更别提还有地方给六条狗和一只猫了。,in the last/final analysis归根结底,B,apart from除开;除.之外,But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article.affiliation n.联系; 交往,appeal to 呼吁;诉诸;上诉;吸引apply for/to,appreciate,vt. 感激, 感谢欣赏, 赏识, 重视意识到, 体会,appreciate your help,I would appreciate it if you would keep quiet. =be grateful to sb. for sth.Sallys abilities are not fully appreciated by her boss.I am most grateful to you for lending me the car.,appreciate与thank的区别,appreciate后面接感谢的事或物 或appreciate it if/when thank后接要感谢的人,如果接事或物用for,形成thank sb. for sth.的结构appreciate your help appreciate it if you offer me help,appropriate,prupriitadj.适当的, 恰当的pruprieitvt.挪用; 占用; 盗用;拨出(款项),approve,pru:vvt. 认可,be apt to做是恰当的易于的,有倾向的,originate,v.发源,创始,开始-originstem derive descend,originate,v.发源,创始,开始-originoriginate 发起,创办,强调初始状态 stem起源于某物,滋生出来 derive衍变,有变化 descend由遗传下来,一般来自祖先,arosearousean array of一群,一批 A galaxy of,宣称,断言,assertaffirmallege,assume resume presume consumeassuming that,assume vt.假设;假装;承担, 就职;呈现 resume v.重新开始; 恢复 n.摘要,美履历 presume vt.以为; 假定 consumeassuming that假设,Believe beliefRelieve reliefGrieve grief,attend to专注,专心,照顾,authorize,:raiz vt.授权, 批准; 委托be authorized to do sth.被授权/允许做某事,award vt.授予, 奖给; 判给n.奖品, 奖金reward n.报酬, 报答, 奖赏, 报偿;赏金, 酬金 vt.酬谢, 奖赏,bare feetbald hill/sb is baldnaked eyesnude裸体艺术人像,beat,drive a bargain讨价还价beat about the bush 绕弯子beat off 击败,behave oneself行为检点,表现好beware of 留心,注意,提防,bias bais n.偏见, 偏心, 偏袒 vt.使倾向于 prejudice predudis n.成见, 偏见, 歧视,be to blame怪罪No one is to blame for this fault.,bless,bles vt. 求神赐福于be blessed with受惠,在方面有福,I will call your bluff.我接受你的挑战。call ones bluff揭露某人虚张声势的做法bluff vt.以虚张声势找出或达成 n.欺骗, 恐吓, know(s) no bound 没有极限 Communication knows no bound.Eat/rack ones brain绞尽脑汁brain drain人才外流,breath,above ones breath below/under ones breathhold ones breath out of breath waste ones breath,breath,above ones breath below/under ones breath 高声/低声 Hold/catch ones breath屏住呼吸 out of breath上气不接下气 waste ones breath白费口舌,bridle,bradln.马笼头, 马缰;约束,限制;控制put a bridle on抑制,控制,X/Y/Z,yearn vi. yield v./n.zeal n.,yearn j:n vi. 渴望, 切盼, 向往yearn for 渴望,yearn j:n vi. 渴望, 切盼, 向往yearn for 渴望long for thirst n. thirsty adj.,yield,vi. 屈服,顺从vt. 产生,出产;让出,放弃 I will not yield a step.n. 产量,收益 increase the yield,yield,vi. 屈服,顺从 vt. 产生,出产;让出,放弃 n. 产量,收益The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, the greater the stress to the truck. (2004),zeal,n. zi:l 热心, 热情zealous adj.热心的,热诚的passion/fervor/zealfervor f:v n.热烈,热情,w,wage,n. 工资,wage,innovate n.工资vt.进行,开展 Wage a war against,wake,in the wake of随之后到来in the wake of the crisis这次危机之后Lost 4 straight games,warn 常用,及时通知使人警觉caution 警告某人小心,wit,witn. 风趣;心智, 才智at ones wits end智穷计尽 out of ones wits失去理智,不知所措,
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