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3.(2015湖南,23)Only after talking to two students I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.,答案 did 句意:直到跟两个学生谈过之后,我才意识到有强烈的动机是达成目标最关键的因 素之一。“only+状语”放在句首,后面句子需用部分倒装形式。根据语境可知设空处应该用 一般过去时,故答案为did。,考点二 其他特殊句式,1.(2018北京,8)In any unsafe situation, simply the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.,答案 press 句意:在任何危险情况下,只要按下按钮,一个训练有素的特工就会为你提供你 需要的帮助。本题考查特殊句式。根据题干可知,本句为“祈使句+and+陈述句(将来时)”结 构,因此设空处应用动词原形。,2.(2018天津,14)It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house we saw Lily in the passenger seat.,答案 that 句意:直到汽车停在我们家房前时,我们才看到Lily正坐在乘客座位上。本题考查 强调句式。强调句型的结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。本句中“only when the car pulled up in front of our house”为被强调部分,为时间状语,故答案为that。,3. (2017天津,11)It was when I got back to my apartment I first came across my new neighbors.,答案 that 句意:就在我返回我的公寓的时候,我第一次遇到了我的新邻居。根据语境和结 构可知,本句考查强调句式,且强调when引导的时间状语从句,所以设空处要用that。,4.(2016天津,13)You are waiting at a wrong place.It is at the hotel the coach picks up tourists.,答案 that 句意:你等错地方了。长途客车是在宾馆接游客。考查强调句型。被强调部分为 at the hotel,故设空处填that。,5.(2015北京,31)If (accept) for the job,youll be informed soon.,答案 accepted 句意:如果你被录取做这个工作,你将很快被通知。本题考查状语从句的省 略。完整的句子为:If you are accepted for the job,youll be informed soon.,6.(2015湖南,24)Video games can be a poor influence if (leave) in the wrong hands.,答案 left 句意:电子游戏如果落入不对的人的手里就可能有坏的影响。考查状语从句的省 略。主从句的主语相同,且从句中含有be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。,7.(2015湖南,31)Always in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.,答案 keep 句意:永远记住:你的主要任务就是让这个公司顺利运作。句子没有主语且表示 命令,故为祈使句,答案为keep。,8.(2014北京,24) (observe) carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.,答案 Observe 句意:在实验室做实验时要仔细观察是否发生了什么变化。本题考查祈使 句。设空处应为动词原形,故填Observe。,9.(2014福建,28)The climate here is quite pleasant,the temperature rarely, ever,reaching 30 in summer.,答案 if 句意:这里的气候很宜人,夏天的气温极少达到30摄氏度。本题考查状语从句的省 略。if ever与rarely连用,意为“极少”。,10.(2014湖南,30) (make) what youre doing today important,because youre trading a day of your life for it. 答案 Make 句意:让你今天做的事情有意义,因为你正拿你生命中的一天来换取它。本题考 查特殊句式。根据句意可知前半句为祈使句,用来给别人提建议,故填动词原形Make。,1.(2018浙江选考十校联盟,58)Not until I was 55 years old I think about all this.,三年模拟,A组 20162018年高考模拟基础题组,单句填空,考点一 倒装句,答案 did 句意:直到55岁的时候,我才考虑了这一切。本句是由not until引导的一个倒装句, 同时本句用的是一般过去时,因此用did。,2.(2018河北石家庄期中,66)Hard the road to becoming a lawyer is, he has not given up and sticks to it firmly.,答案 as/though 句意:尽管成为一个律师的路很艰辛,但是他没有放弃并且坚定地坚持下 去。“形容词+as/though+主语+谓语”相当于although/though引导的状语从句。,3.(2018北京朝阳3月二模,8) red was her coat that it stood out against the snow.,答案 So 句意:她的衣服如此红以至于它在雪地里非常显眼。本题考查so.that.的倒装结构。,4.(2017浙江3月大联考, 65)He offered to get my suitcase out of the trunk. I collected it and walked away. did he.,答案 So 句意:他主动把我的箱子从后备厢拿出来。我提起箱子走开了。他也跟着离开 了。此处表示另一方也做同样的事情,所以填so。,5.(2017浙江杭州四校高三期中, 66)She opened it and let out a deep breath.Inside it (be) two sharp knives!,答案 were 这里是一个倒装句。所缺单词是谓语动词,由语境可知此处应该用一般过去时, 主语two sharp knives为复数,因此用were。,6.(2017山东烟台重点学校联合质检,61)Just as I was driving out of the house, out (rush) my neighbors girl.,答案 rushed 句意:就在我刚要开车出去的时候,我的邻居家的女孩冲了出来。此处考查完 全倒装。主句中,副词out 置于句首,句子要倒装。此处讲述发生在过去的动作,因此用一般过 去时。,7.(2016内蒙古兴安盟一模,68) in this way will you know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly.,答案 Only 句意:只有用这种方法你才会知道如何安排你的时间,如何正确使用你的时间。 “Only+状语”置于句首时,后面句子用部分倒装。,8.(2016天津河东二模,10)It rained heavily overnight and not until this morning it stop.,答案 did 句意:大雨下了一整夜,直到今天早晨才停了下来。not until.置于句首,句子需用 倒装形式,本句介绍的是过去的事情,需用一般过去时,故设空处填did。,1.(2018浙江衢州三校联考)“Its totally okay if it doesnt make me step on to the stage of CCTV,”said a citizen in line when (ask)by the reporter.,考点二 其他特殊句式,答案 asked 句意:一位排队的市民在接受一名记者的采访时说:“如果它不会使我登上中 央电视台的舞台,那完全没关系。”此处考查省略句。状语从句中省略了he was,补充完整应 该是:when he was asked by the reporter。,2.(2018北京师范大学附中期末,33)It was in the hotel where he stayed I met him.,答案 that 本句是强调句,强调部分为in the hotel where he stayed。,3.(2017浙江杭州四校高三期中) While (drive) alone through the countryside, I saw an old woman by the side of the road, reaching out her hand.,答案 driving 句意:在我独自开车经过乡下的时候,我看到一个老太太在路边,伸出她的手。 这是一个省略句,补全为While (I was) driving alone through.。,4.(2017北京东城5月模拟,29)Wave a book in front of your face, you will feel a little cool.,答案 and 句意:拿一本书在你面前挥动,你就会感觉到一丝凉意。这是一个“祈使句+and+ 陈述句”的结构。,5.(2017河南郑州三模,62)It was my father took me to reading and made me appreciate its beauty.,答案 who/that 句意:正是我的父亲把我带上了读书之路,并且教会了我欣赏读书之美。此 处是一个强调句式,被强调部分指人,所以用who 或that。,6.(2017浙江十二校联考,59)During the visiting, we were told not to touch the equipment in the laboratory unless (allow) to.,答案 allowed 句意:在参观期间,我们被告知除非经过允许,否则不要触摸实验室里的设 备。考查状语从句的省略。从句补全是 unless we were allowed to。,7.(2016江西红色七校一联,70)It was consistent love and kindness won a lifelong friendship. 答案 that 句意:是持续的爱和宽容赢得了终生的友谊。本题考查强调句型,被强调部分为 consistent love and kindness,故答案为that。,Passage Our school library,along with many other buildings,is very different from other schools.There 1 (be)two computer rooms,three art rooms,a meeting room and a reading room in the library build- ing.The number of the books 2 (be)large.It was 2,000,000 dollars 3 all the books cost our school.It is such a large amount of money 4 an average family cant afford it,right?But in my view,it is worth it because in the era of knowledge explosion,many students have a thirst for knowledge. Our library is also a multifunctional building.There are 500 computers in it.Many a student 5 (surf)the Internet at weekends here and now you can see that my classmates,Mike and John,are surfing the Internet. 6 happy they are!,
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