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肠易激基综合征(IBS)1diHnchttoucoOnmnmz 0本Jinchutou.con区入2 全3 多全二下开本避让全于 功能性胃肠羔病新概念(FGID)存在消化症状缺乏器质性疾病的证据两个概念: 功能性胃肠疾病新概念FEGID)六从单一疾病 “生物心理社会模式 Te本 2 | 骨 仙人 Available Brain ImagingTechniquesfMRI “Functional magneticresonance imaging所 Natomography SPECT Single photon emissioncomputed tomography The fMRI BOLD Technique Blood Oxygenation Level reDependent (BOLD) contrast prrfrasP国 technique is based on detectingSubtle changes in hemodynamicWEoxyhemoglobin paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin)ET 外?alters th | eveTeaaand pixel intensity 于 iD Pixel intensity is stored as a 旧于numeric value to create an image 和六 Atime course of gradient echo “到UL |于2和沁B2 知气症活光 B3 功能性哎吐GT全【ww【0| 区 本特异性肠功能亲乱C. 肠道疾病 和 胃肠动力疾病 (DGIM )5 全全 介克区区和二记二廿有5纪22s2帮作用大2二二时党全 全放手二人用 区本人三肠运起斯交C玫计必是HGOmn
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