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CAAC 批准CSN-06-24REV 22010/04/15 4 - 1发动机控制方案ENGINE CONTROL PROGRAM4.0 发动机状态控制方案 4.0 ENGINE CONDITION CONTROL PROGRAM4.1 孔探检查监控方案 4.1 Borescope Inspection Monitoring Program4.1.1 概述 4.1.1 General 在发动机遇特殊情况如发生超温, 鸟撞及其他情况下, 孔探被用于检查发动机内部气流通道部件状况来判断发动机是否可用; 孔探也被用于定期检查发动机有关部件状况以监控发动机性能。 When engine runs into special conditions like high EGT temperature, bird strike, etc., borescope is applied to check the continuous serviceability of the engines gas path component. Borescope also is used in regular engine component checks for engine performance monitoring. 发动机孔探检查监控方案的目的是为了持续监控发动机孔探检查发现的故障/缺陷的变化情况并在必要时能及时制定纠正措施。 本方案将确保发动机孔探检查所发现的故障/缺陷在维护手册允许范围内。 The engine borescope inspection (BSI) monitoring program is to monitor the failure and defects found during engine BSI and take timely actions to ensure the failures and defects are within the limitation of the Maintenance Manual. 孔探检查监控方案的流程图见图 4-1。 4.1.3 The flowchart illustrating borescope inspection monitoring program is followed (see flow chart 4-1).CAAC 批准CSN-06-24REV 22010/04/15 4 - 2发动机控制方案ENGINE CONTROL PROGRAM流程图 4-1 孔探检查监控方案流程FLOW CHART 4-1 BORESCOPE-INSPECTION MONITORING FLOW CHARTCAAC 批准CSN-06-24REV 22010/04/15 4 - 3发动机控制方案ENGINE CONTROL PROGRAM4.1.2 数据收集 4.1.2 Data Collection4.1.2.1 发动机的孔探工作由孔探人员负责完成。避免安排同一孔探人员长期进行同一发动机的孔探工作。 Engine borescope inspection is done by borescope inspector. The same inspector should not do the inspection on the same engine in a long time. 孔探有两种情况:一种是维修方案中的例行孔探,它要求在相应的定检中完成; 另一种是按相关工卡孔探检查发动机,它要求在规定的期限内完成。 Borescope inspections are generated by two conditions, one is routine Borescope inspection according to Maintenance Schedule, and another is non-routine Borescope inspection according to task card. 孔探人员应对每次所做的孔探检查填写电子版的发动机孔探检查报告单(见附录 1 中图 4-1)。孔探状况收集和控制人员负责收集和保存孔探检查报告单,并在孔探检查后 24 小时内将孔探检查报告单上传到“发动机在线”网站,如需延期,需向发动机管理中心申请。 The each Borescope Inspection that had been done should be registered as the electron revision Engine Borescope Inspection Report (see Appendix 1 FIGURE 4-1) by the borescope inspector. Borescope Status Collection and Control personnel take charge to collect and file the Borescope Inspection Report, and submit the report to CSN Engine Online Website within 24 hours after the borescope inspection, otherwise, need to apply to EMC. 孔探发现发动机存在故障/缺陷时,孔探人员应根据维护手册或厂家相关要求制定出合理的重复孔探时间间隔,交生产部门控制。同时,及时将孔探发现的故障/缺陷等损伤情况通知发动机管理中心以及本单位的工程技术人员、孔探状况收集和控制人员、发动机性能监控人员。 If failure/defects are found during borescope inspection, the inspector should establish corrective repeated check interval and send it to Production. The inspector should report the BSI finding to EMC and his own engineering technical personnel, Borescope Status Collection and Control personnel and Engine Performance monitoring personnel in time. 所有孔探检查的重要部位需用照相或者录像的方式进行记录并存档。 Borescope inspection of all the engine important parts should be recorded by photo or video and file. 所有孔探检查工作要有复检步骤。孔探复检由另一位孔探人员负责完成,可通过以下方式完成: All the borescope inspections need to be reviewed. The review needs to be performed by another borescope inspector. The inspector can perform the review through CAAC 批准CSN-06-24REV 22010/04/15 4 - 4发动机控制方案ENGINE CONTROL PROGRAM1. 与孔探人员一起完成孔探检查或者2. 在孔探工作后参考孔探报告和相关的照片/录像对孔探检查进行复检的方式完成。复检工作必须在孔探检查后 24 小时内完成,如需延期,需向发动机管理中心申请。完成复检后,复检人员在孔探检查报告单的“复检人员签名”栏签名。the following manner:1. BSI companied with the borescope inspector or 2. Review the borescope inspection report and relative photo and video. The review need to be finished within 24 hours after the borescope inspection, otherwise, need to apply to EMC. The review inspector sign at Re-inspector Signature column in Borescope Inspection Report. 孔探检查报告单的填写规则: Fill-out Requirements of Borescope Inspection Report: 孔探人员必须认真填写下列内容:1. 发动机序号2. 飞机号/位置3. 发动机型号4. 使用时间/循环(TSN, CSN, TSO, CSO, TSR, CSR)5. 孔探检查日期6. 孔探原因和内容7. 定检工卡/工卡号/EO 号8. 孔探发现的故障/缺陷记录9. 孔探结论和手册标准10. 孔探人员签名11. 复检人员签名12. 报告日期4. Borescope inspector must fill out these columns: 1. ENG S/N2. A/C POSITION3. ENG. TYPE4. TSN, CSN, TSO, CSO, TSR, and CSR5. BSI DATE6. REASON AND SUBJECT7. TASK CARD/N.R.C/EO NO 8. FAILURE AND DEFECTS FOUND9. CONCLUSION / MM LIMIT10. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE11. RE-INSPECTOR SIGNATURE12. REP DATE. 详细描述所检查部件的具体情况,需要有详细的孔探检查参考程序编号。如果有损伤/缺陷的,需详细描述损伤/缺陷的具体部位和测量数据,重4. Detailedly record BSI finding refer to the particular inspection procedure No. If failure/defects are found, The size and position of the defects must be recorded. The CAAC 批准CSN-06-24REV 22010/04/15 4 - 5发动机控制方案ENGINE CONTROL PROGRAM复检查的项目要说明故障/缺陷的发展情况。孔探检查部件的照片附在右侧相应的“影像照片”栏。检查未发现任何损伤的部件,也需把能反映该部件总体情况的一张孔探照片附在右侧相应的“影像照片”栏。development of the defects should be specified in later reports if the BSI is a repetitive one. The BSI photos are attached in the right side “Photo and video” column. If no defect was found during BSI, one photo that can reflect the general condition of the inspecte
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