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Summer holiday plans,Unit 7,Sound time & Cartoon time,joy 欢乐;乐趣;高兴,Sound time,He really is so happy.,Hes so full of joy.,充满欢乐,Hes playing with his toy.,Look at the little boy. Playing with his toy. He really is so happy. Hes so full of joy.,/ i /,( ) 1. A. boy B. toy C. joy D. air ( ) 2. A. point B. toilet C. sure D. enjoy,找出画线部分发音与其余三项不同的一项。,Tips:1.答对两题:2.答对一题:,D,C,Bobby is reading a book.,travel 旅行,What is the book about?,Its about travelling.,Cartoon time,What does Bobby want to be?,He wants to be a traveller.,What does he want to do?,He wants to travel around the world.,traveller 旅行者,Bobby is talking about his travel plans with Sam.,Where will Bobby go?,He will go to the UK, the US and Australia.,Sam is excited about Bobbys plans.,How will Bobby get to the UK?,He will get to the UK by taxi.,以三人为小组: 或朗读故事; 或分角色表演:Bobby, Sam and Narrator,Tips,1. I can read the cartoon time by myself (我能自己完整地读完整个故事) 2. I can act the cartoon time with my classmates. (我能和同学表演cartoon time) 3. I can act the cartoon time with emotion fluently (我能带着感情流利地表演) 4. I can act the cartoon time with action and emotion fluently (我能带着动作和感情流利的表演) 5. I can act the cartoon time with out books. I can act more. (我能不看书表演或者我能拓展对话表演内容) ,Tips,My summer holiday plans,Where will you go ,Tips,1. I can ask or answer three questions. (我能提问或回答三个问题) 2. I can ask or answer more then 4 questions. (我能提问或回答三个以上的问题) 3. I can ask or answer more than 5 questions. (我能提问或回答5个以上的问题) 4. Ask and answer with action and emotion fluently add 1 (我能带着动作和感情流利的表演多得一颗 5. You can say something wonderfully and specially add 1 (如果你说得内容精彩而特别,多得一颗 ,My summer holiday plans,Where will you go ,Homework,1. Read Cartoon time for 5 times. 2. Write down your summer holiday plans on P76.,
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