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,Delicious Food,Fast Food Restaurantt,Unit1 I want a hot dog, please.,宁夏隆湖扶贫经济开发区五站小学 张倩张 倩,义务教育教科书(外研版)六年级下册,New words,hot dog,hamburger,cola,dollar,cent,enjoy,How many hot dogs did they order? And hamburgers, colas?,1,3,2,听对话,回答问题,2. Does Simon like hamburgers?3. Who likes hot dogs?4. Who likes colas?5. How much is it?,Yes, he does.,Daming likes hot dogs.,They all like colas.,Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.,3.75 three dollars and seventy-five cents,1.25 one dollar and twenty-five cents,2.00 two dollars,Homework,1.Listen to the dialogue and try to imitate. 2.Collect some information about the food.,
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