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Natural Products Chemistry & Pharmacology,Introduction: Historical & Modern Natural Products Chemistry,2nd,The Traditions of Natural Products Chemistry,Natural Products Chemistry is the science that deals with the discovery of therapeutic chemicals and their development into useful medicines Natural Products Chemistry has been practiced for thousands of years The earliest written records of the African, Chinese, Indian, South American, and Mediterranean cultures and biblical languages describe the therapeutic effects of various plant concoctions Man has search for cures by chewing on bark, roots, leaves and berries,藥王 神農大帝,我中醫藥幾千年來維護人類的健康、厥功至偉,這要歸功於神農大帝,發明中藥,不畏艱難,不懼危險,嘔心瀝血對草木植物、動物、礦石等精心研究,以身試毒所獲得的成果。 神農大帝(人皇)與伏羲氏(天皇)黃帝(地皇)並列為三皇之尊,其道德規範崇高如天。神農氏又稱為炎帝,所以國人自古以來,稱為炎黃子孫就是起源於此。 大帝見人民患病,用赭鞭鞭草木,採百草試食,察其寒熱溫平,辛甘苦辣的性味,辨其君臣佐使藥理,創作書籍典章,用來治療人民的疾病,所以人民供奉神農大帝為藥師琉璃光王佛並稱為藥王。世人又有將神農大帝與彌陀、釋迦並列為三寶,而道教一稱神農大帝為古仙浮丘公為諸仙之長,可見神農大帝至仁至聖,道高德大,人人都尊敬。其大德大勇的精神,長留於人間。,本草綱目,明萬曆六年,西元一五七八年,這部近二百萬字,收集一千八百九十二種藥物的劃時代藥物學鉅著問世 研究的對象是存在於自然界中的各種無機物與動、植物,書中呈現的科學精神,是一種實事求是的精神,用李時珍自己的說法就是通考據、詢野人。 通考據的意思就是,通過對文獻的校正、考據、整理,糾正過去的錯誤,尋求正確的知識;至於李時珍所謂的詢野人,包括了:社會調查、實地實物考察、以及自身的經驗。,中華藥聖 李時珍 本草綱目,本草綱目,達爾文稱它是中國古代的百科全書! 總結十六世紀以前藥物學的曠世名著 它的貢獻有許多方面 首創科學分類法。全書將所收藥物分為水、火、土、金石、草、穀、菜、果、木、服器、蟲、鱗、介、禽、獸、人等十六部,每部再分類,由微至巨,由賤至貴,這可是當時世界上最先進的分類方法。 堅持科學精神,廣泛的糾正舊書中荒誕迷信的說法。例如:服食水銀、雄黃可以成仙;蜘蛛血塗腳,可以步行水上;草子變魚、馬精入地變鎖陽等謬誤。 糾正了以往本草書中某些金石不分,魚蟲互混,品類錯置,或一物誤分為二,或二藥混為一談等諸多錯誤,在很大程度上起了正本清源的作用。 在該書新增藥品中,有不少是名不見經傳的新品,如三七、鎖陽、樟腦、半邊蓮、土茯苓等等,經作者和其他醫家臨床驗證後,首次收進本草書中,為中國的藥物學開創了新的藥源。,名醫箴言,名醫葉天士臨歿誡其子說: 醫可為而不可為,必天資靈敏,讀萬卷書而後濟世,不然鮮有不殺人者,是以藥餌為刀刃也,吾死,子孫慎勿輕言醫。 吳瑭 (鞠通)溫病條辨自序云:癸丑都下瘟疫大行,其死於世俗之手者,不可勝數,生民不死病而死於醫,是有醫不若無醫也,學醫不精,不若不學醫也。,西藥與中藥理論的探索- 契合 or 矛盾?,中西藥用藥的基本面是一致的,16世紀初期,安地斯山脈及亞馬遜高原土著即使用金雞鈉樹皮(Cinchona officinalis)治療高燒 17世紀中期,由耶穌會傳教士帶回歐洲,並廣為流傳,時稱Jesuit fever bark。在當時,許多信奉新教的國家視此療法為異教邪說而堅拒使用。其後分析得知其有效成份為alkaloid quinin,並成為今日合成抗瘧疾藥物的原型 。,瘧原蟲對合成藥物的抗藥性日漸增加醫界自中國傳統治療瘧疾的植物黃花蒿(Artemisia annua)中分離出青蒿素(artemisinin),顯示其具有殺滅抗chloroquine之瘧原蟲的能力。,聖約翰草(St. Johns wort)為金絲桃屬植物,很早即被原始民族用以治療感冒、梅毒、結核、痢疾等疾病,西元前二千年希臘人即以其抽出物治療輕度憂鬱。 美、德等科學家發現除能有效對抗憂鬱外,亦發現其中兩種成份(hypericin及pseudohypericin)有殺滅retrovirus能力。 在德國以聖約翰草提煉製劑做為抗憂鬱使用之年銷量為百憂解(Prozac)的四倍而達9千2百萬美金。,hypericin,南太平洋的Kava (Piper methysticum),土著已做為鎮靜劑使用超過三千年。 近來西方科學家陸續分離鑑定初其所含兩系列活性成份,即alpha-pyrones與5,6-dihydro-alpha-pyrones。 German Commission E(相當於美國的FDA)核准之製劑以每日服用相當60-120 mg kava pyrones (kawain)之kava-kava rhizome在德國甚為暢銷。,kavain,alpha-pyrone,Fifteen Kavalactones,白柳樹萃取的水楊酸(salicylic acid) 製造阿斯匹靈(aspirin)。 太平洋紫杉(Taxus brevifolia)萃取的紅豆杉醇(taxol),治療癌症。 喜樹(Camptotheca acuminata )萃取的喜樹鹼(camptothecin) ,治療癌症。 抗老化及增強記憶力的銀杏(Ginkgo) 降低膽固醇的葡桃柚纖維(Grapefruit Fiber) 強化心臟的輔脢Q-10(Coenzyme Q-10) 具有保護肝臟功能的洋白薊(Milk Thistle) 對偏頭痛很有效的小白菊(Feverfew) 抑制感冒病毒的紫錐菊(Echinacea) 治療攝護腺肥大的鋸櫚果(Saw palmetto) 幫助安眠的纈草(Valerian) 治療噁心症狀的薑(Ginger) 治療酗酒的野葛(Kudzu)等,德、法、英國為歐洲前三大草藥市場。 德國草藥醫藥品中54的草藥被列入健保給付,46為成藥。約有58%的德國人服用中草藥,不僅當作處方藥使用,銀杏葉提取製劑處方用藥連續佔德、法、義等西方國家心血管用藥之首,年銷售額已逾1 億美元。 2002年全球中草藥市場超過250億美元(PhytoPharm Consulting,含食品及藥品),且每年以10的速度成長。其中,美、德、法國,佔5成以上;日本佔全球市場的12。 中國大陸雖為世界上最大藥材生產國,擁有12,807 種中藥材資源與近萬種中藥方劑,但是在國際市場僅佔5。,Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry,This lead Berzelius, in 1807, to distinguish between “inorganic“ and“organic”;(“Organic“ substances were believed to be obtainable only from organs of living systems and could not be man-made because only living systems have the vital (“life“) force. “Inorganic“ materials were from non living, e.g. mineral, sources.) In the 1800s, organic chemistry was exclusively the study of natural products.,Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry,Extract the dried and ground plant material with a suitable solvent. Concentrate the extract. Separate and purify each component. Since the concentrate contains an enormous variety of compounds, early isolations involved selective crystallization of the most dominant component in the mixture. Liquid natural products were distilled. Natural organic acids were isolated by aqueous basic extraction and natural organic bases (alkaloids) were isolated by aqueous acidic extraction.,Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry,Modern chromatographic methods have been greatly developed to isolate and purify a large number of different compounds in very small quantities: column, GC, TLC, HPLC, paper, electrophoresis, ion exchange, etc. Natural products are usually given names that are derived from the species name of the plant or animal, or from the biological action, or property, of the compound.,Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry,In the late 1800s, natural products were identified and analyzed by mp, bp, a (optical rotation), hoping to find correlations between data and structure. This initiative was not successful in predicting structure, but useful data on natural products were obtained.,Introduction to Natural Products Chemistry,Classical structural elucidation is done by: Determination of functional groups Determination of the carbon skeleton and the location of the functional groups Degradation to smaller fragments (A-B-C - A + B + C) Elemental analysis Reactivity (leading to new reactions) Stereochemistry Synthesis of the smaller fragments (A, B, C) and the entire molecule (A-B-C) Classification of the compound into a biogenetic family of compounds,
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