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How do you get to school?,Unit4,梧田一中 黄挺挺,Revision,Lets enjoy,Donald Duck has a good friend.,Donald Duck,Guessing game.,What,Whats the transportation?,男女生展开竞赛,根据提示,猜出交通工具。猜对得一分。,VS,take the train,take the bus,take the ship,Listen and guess,Look and guess,take the car,take the bike,-It goes in the water.,-A boat.,Read and guess,-It is like a bike but goes much faster.,-A motorbike.,-It is like a train but goes under the ground.,-A subway.,-It takes you about three hours to go to Beijing from Shenzhen by it.,-A plane.,take the bicycle,take the motorbike,take the train,take the boat,take the ship,take the plane,take the subway,take the taxi,take the bus,kinds of transportation,Do you know more?,A helicopter,A carriage,A spaceship,Beijing,Tokyo,Mickey,Beijing,How does Mickey get to Shanghai from Beijing?,Mickey,It takes the ,How long does it take from Beijing to Shanghai ?,train: 80 km/h plane: 1000km/h bike : 10 km/h ship: 30 km /h bus: 110 km/h car : 120 km/h,12 hours,Speed,Which kind of transportation is the best. Why?,I think taking the railway is the best. Because its cheap. ,Discuss,Shanghai,Mickey,Wenzhou,Jiangxin Island,Dongtou Island,Yandang Mountain,Nanxi River,Wuma Street,Jiangxin Island,Nanxi River,Wuma Street,A: How does Mickey get to Wuma Street? B: He takes the ,A: How does Mickey get to Jiangxin Island? B : First, he takes the Then, he . A: How far is it from our school to ? B: Its kilometers.,A: How does Mickey get to Nanxi River? B : First, he takes the Then, he A: How far is it from our school to ? B: Its A: How long does it take? B: It takes minutes by and minutes by,Pairwork,Travel Plan,Mickey在温州旅行2天。4 人一组,讨论帮助他制订最佳的旅游线路。说明去的地点,路线,交通工具和选择此交通工具的理由。,traffic,heavy traffic,rush hours,Sometimes its faster to walk than taking buses or cars.,Travel Plan,Mickey在温州旅行2天。4 人一组,讨论帮助他制订最佳的旅游线路。说明去的地点,路线,交通工具和选择此交通工具的理由。,Report,On the first day, Mickey goes to He takes theIt takes minutes. . On the second day, ,What are the transportation problems in Wenzhou?,Discuss,In our daily life, transportation is very important. We need it. But at the same time, it makes the traffic very busy today. There are more and more traffic accidents (交通事故). So when we go to school, be careful. And we must obey the rules. Lets make our city more beautiful together.,Teachers advice and hope,Homework,写下为Mickey设计的最佳旅游路线的建议。 了解温州的交通现状,与同学讨论出解决的办法。,Bye Bye!,Writing,Write a letter to the editor(编辑) of Wenzhou Evening Paper. Tell him your advice for the transportation in Wenzhou.,Dear editor, I have some advice for the transportation in our city. First, we dont use cars. Because its Second, we can take . Because its Third, we Yours, Lucy,Choose one to plan a wonderful vacation,Dongtou Island,Yandang Mountain,Wenzhou is a good place. There are mountains and rivers. There are ,car,train,bus,ship,bike,Listen and guess,motorbike,
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