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Hypertension,By: Daniel McGill, Alfred Brandolph Tica, and Elizabeth Barrera,Hypertension,What is it?,- Hypertension is a chronic medical condition in which the pressure or tension in the arteries is elevated.,Blood Pressure,Blood pressure is given in two numbers The top number is called the systolic blood pressure The bottom number is called the diastolic blood pressure A normal blood pressure is when its lower than 120/80mmHg A high blood pressure is when its above 140/90 mmHg,Stages of Hypertension,Prehypertension-systolic 120-139/diastolic 90-99 mmHg Stage 1- systolic 140-159/diastolic 90-99 mmHg Stage 2- systolic equal to or more than 160/diastolic equal to or more than 100 mmHg,Types of Hypertension,Secondary hypertension High blood pressure is caused by another medical condition or medication Essential hypertension when no cause for high blood pressure is found Secondary hypertenison-maybe due to chronic kidney disease pregnancy medications renal artery stenosis Hyperparathyroidism,Types Contiued,Pulmonary Hypertension occurs when the blood pressure in the pulmonary artries is much higher than normal Malignant Hypertension Most severe and progressive Not caused by cancer or malignacy Rapidly leads to organ damage Death usually comes from heart failure, Kidney damage or brain hemorage. Isolated Systolic Hypertension Where systolic blood pressure is consistently above 160 and the diastolic below 90 usually occurs in old people as a result of stiffening of artries.,Types Continued,White Coat Hypertenison blood pressure is only high when tested by a health professional Does not need to be treated Resistant Hypertension blood pressure cannot be reduced below 140/90 despite a triple drug regime,Excessive Cases,Characterized by severe hypertension- blood pressure above 180/110mmHg without symptoms hypertensive urgency- blood pressure above 180/110 mmHg with mild end organ effects such as headache or dyspnea hypertensive emergency- blood pressure of 220/140mmHg or greater with life threating endorgan dsysfunction,What are the symptoms of Hypertension?,There are no symptoms!,Hypertension has no symtoms, giving it the nickname, “Silent Killer“. When hypertension goes untreated, it increases as years go by.,High Blood Pressure Kills,Hypertension Causes: Strokes Heart Attacks Heart Failures Damage to Eyes Kidneys,Risk Factors,During the last decade, the number of Americans with high blood pressure has increased by 30%. More then 73 million Americans age of 20 years and older now have high blood pressure, and this condition affects close to 1 billion people worldwide. About 20-30% of people with high blood pressure are unaware that they have it.,Age and Gender Race and Ethnicity Family History Obstructive Sleep Apnea Lifestyle Factors,Age and Gender,The risks for high blood pressure increases in men over age 45 and women over age 55. Over half of Americans over age 60 have hypertension.,Race and Ethnicity,More than 40% of African-American men and women have hypertension. It may account for over 40% of all deaths in this group.,Family History,People with parents or other close relatives who have high blood pressure have an increased risk of developing it themselves.,Obesity,To control the obesity related hypertension, critical weight loss is an effective way of managing the condition. Weight loss will lead to a significant lowering of blood pressure. It is important to work from the beginning before hypertension leads to other cardiovascular risks in obese patients.,Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing halts briefly but repeatedly during sleep, is present in many patients with hypertension.,Lifestyle Factors,Smoking Salt and Potassium Alcohol Physical Inactivity Stress,Treatment Options,Lifestyle Modifications,Exercise Eating Habits Medication/Types of Drugs,Why Exercise?,Allows heart to pump more efficiently Decreases pressure on arteries, translating to lower blood pressure. Keeps weight in check May reduce the need of medication and decrease amount of dosage if mild hypertension is present.,Recommended Time of Physical Activity,It is suggested to exercise at least five days a week for 30 minutes.It may be anything from walking, biking, jogging, and dancing.,Positive Fat,Unsaturated or Polyunsaturated fats and contain Omega-3 (typically found in fish). Vegetable Oils Flaxseed Oils Leafy Vegetables Nuts,Negative Fat,Saturated Fats: Fatty cuts of red meat Chicken skin Dark meat of chicken Egg yolk Lard Butter Oils from tropical plants Baked goods,Initial Choice of Drug Therapy,Different types of drugs:,Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs) Peripheral vasodilators Alpha and beta blockers Diuretics,Tailor Your Treatment,If you have diabetes or kidney problems: Make your second drug an ACE inhibitor, which protects the kidneys. If youre African American: Consider starting with a combination treatment that includes a diuretic: African Americans generally dont respond as well to treatment with just one drug. If blood pressure is really high: Start right away with combo treatment to quickly bring down systolic blood pressure if its 160 or higher, or diastolic blood pressure if its 100 or higher. If you have ischemic heart disease (which can cause your pulse to be irregular or rapid): Instead of a diuretic, start with a beta-blocker, which can help lower your heart rate. If youre pregnant: Avoid ACE inhibitors and ARBs; they can cause birth defects. Better choices: beta-blockers and vasodilators that relax blood vessels.,
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