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Case discussion2012-02-09 Department of Radiology到 Yangzhou No.1 peoples HospitalAAAoeyAaryae26 YO femalecomplained seizure accompanied loss ofconsciousness.normal PE .No obviously abnormal history CT 二一让Follow up MRI 2 weeks later saraCE MRI follow up 4 weeks laterJinchnutou.cl汉 FindingsCT:Right frontal subcortical lesion. Heterogenous highdensity mass with mild mass effect without surroundingedema. Anterior horn of the right ventricular isSuppressed. midline structures shifted left* MR 站上心T1Wl: heterogenous high Sllesion with focal low SI必T2WIl: heterogenous with ring of low SI号CE: mild enhancement DSA: No obviously abnormal vascular structures . Oligodendroglioma. Tuberculoma.Cavernous MalformationsDDXAneurysmArteriovenous MalformationCapillary TelangiectasiaHypertensive HemorrhageMetastases 1Venous vv地确已本 网aid二Of站Cysticercosis, CNSGanglioglioma Hemangioblastoma, BraiMeningioma Cavernous Malformationsadistinct pathologic subtype of vascular malformation,appearing as a honeycomb of endothelial-linedSinusoidal vascular spaces which contain stagnantblood.angiographicallyoceult| 和Thrombosis, 0 and hemorrhage arecommon,本brain parenchyma may be asymptomatic,, Seizures arethe most common presenting symptom and oftennecessitate surgery 和 ernous Malformations0Occur anywhere in the CNS and aremultiple in 1/3 of casesSurrounding neural tissue maydemonstrateglipsis 一affect males greater than females andOoccur between third and sixth decade * Diagnosis: CT, as well as MRIl, which isoften diagnostic* Treatment: Seizures may necessitateaggressive surgical inierveniion JI9Dtherwise,careful observation is indicated.
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