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1,*水动力学课程参考书介绍 水波理论及其应用(邹志利,科学出版社) 水波动力学基础(吴云岗,陶明德,复旦大学出版社) 波浪对海上建筑物的作用(李玉成,滕斌 等,海洋出版社), The Applied Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves (Chiang C, Mei 梅强中,A Wiley-Interscience Publication , New York), Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Structures (Turgut Sarpkaya and Michael Isaacson, Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company , New York),2018/9/25,2,2018/9/25,3,2018/9/25,4,2018/9/25,5,波浪绕射问题的贝塞尔级数解,2018/9/25,6,波浪绕圆柱 的绕射,2018/9/25,7,8,Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Applied Ocean Research Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: APOR-D-15-00113 Title: Interaction of cnoidal waves with an array of vertical concentric porous cylinders Article Type: Original Paper Keywords: Cnoidal waves; Concentric porous; Cylinder array; Diffraction; Wave forces; Wave run-up Corresponding Author: Prof. Hua Huang, M.S Corresponding Authors Institution: Sun Yat-Sen University First Author: Yulai Weng, M.S Order of Authors: Yulai Weng, M.S; Xiaonan Xu, PHD candidate; Hua Huang, M.S Abstract: An array of large concentric porous cylinder arrays are mounted in shallow water exposed to cnoidal waves. The interactions between waves and cylinders are studied theoretically using an eigenfunction expansion approach. Semi-analytical solutions of hydrodynamic loads and wave run-up on each cylinder are obtained using first approximation to cnoidal waves. The square array configuration of four-legged identical concentric porous cylinder is investigated in present study. Numerical results reveal the variation of dimensionless wave force and wave run-up on individual cylinder with angle of incidence, porosity parameter, spacing between outer and inner cylinders,spacing between concentric porous cylinders and wave parameter. Different mechanism of wave force,9,From: “Bernard Molin“ Date: 2016-01-25 17:56:16 To: huahuangsysugmail.com,beingthereforyou126.com Subject: Your Submission Ms. Ref. No.: APOR-D-15-00113R1 Title: Interaction of cnoidal waves with an array of vertical concentric porous cylinders Applied Ocean Research Dear Prof. Huang, I am pleased to inform you that your paper “Interaction of cnoidal waves with an array of vertical concentric porous cylinders“ has been accepted for publication in Applied Ocean Research.,2018/9/25,10,11,Below are comments by the reviewers. Thank you for submitting your work to Applied Ocean Research. When your paper is published on ScienceDirect, you want to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. To help you get your message across, Elsevier has developed a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown (publicly available) next to your published article. This format gives you the opportunity to explain your research in your own words and attract interest. You will receive an invitation email to create an AudioSlides presentation shortly. For more information and examples, please visit http:/www.elsevier.com/audioslides. Yours sincerely, Bernard Molin Receiving Editor Applied Ocean Research Comments from the reviewers:,Reviewer #1: The authors have addressed specific comments and suggestions, and the reviewer recommend to accept the manuscript for publication. Reviewer #2: This is the second review. No further question for the paper.,12,13,14,15,Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Interaction of Water Waves with a Group of Porous Circular Cylinders in a Two-layer Fluid -Manuscript Draft- Manuscript Number: Full Title: Interaction of Water Waves with a Group of Porous Circular Cylinders in a Two-layer Fluid Manuscript Region of Origin: CHINA Article Type: Technical Paper Abstract: The interaction of water waves with arrays of porous circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid is in-vestigated theoretically by the use of the eigenfunction approach. The diffracted and total wave po-tentials are developed based on the linear potential theory with unknown complex coefficients deter-mined by the cylinder boundary conditions. Analytical solutions to wave force in the exterior and all interior fluid regions are derived. Numerical results are presented to show the effects of porosity of thecylinders, fluid density ratio, angle of incident wave and center to center spacing between the porous cylinders on wave force exerted on the group of cylinders. It is found that, the internal waves can have a strong effect on the cylinders. It also reveals that the porosity of the structures may result in a signif-icant reduction in wave loads. With the increase of fluid density ratio, the wave forces for surface mode and internal mode decreases. The finding of the present study is likely to play a significant role in the design of marine facilities. Order of Authors: Hua Huang,2018/9/25,16,2018/9/25,17,2018/9/25,18,2018/9/25,19,2018/9/25,20,水波动力学课程讲义稿第一章 基本方程与问题的近似提法1.本课程所涉范畴-基本方程与近似方法、微幅波理论、水波与物体的相互作用、界面波理论、非线性波理论、波浪渗流力作用等。2. 波浪问题的一般概念波浪的成因与常见类型,21,- 自然界存在大量波动现象。平衡水介质受扰动时,产生初始速度或位移,在回复力作用下(重力或表面力)恢复平衡,由此产生波浪。- 常见的波动现象包括风生波(阵风作用 )、涌浪(暴风停止后的余留,属于水跃的一种)、潮汐波(太阳和月亮引力)、水跃(明渠流中水流速大于由障碍物所引起扰动-浅水重力波波速,形成水面突然跃起,如水库泄水)、地震津波(海底摇荡,可致海啸)、瞬变波(扰动源运动非周期化,如投入水中石头所激发的波动)、洪水波 、船行波及内波(海洋水表面受阳光照射使表层升温,在一定深度水层以下水温不再升高,形成温度突变的跃变层,该层面在上下方向微小扰动下,微小密度差使水体浮力变化而诱发或加剧该层面波动,形成二层海内波)。 -波浪理论中常见分析类型包括微幅波、有限振幅波、浅水波(如椭圆余弦波和孤立波) 、内波 、船行波、瞬变波、破碎波及无规则波等。,
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