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,Module 10 Lao Shes Teahouse Unit 2 It takes place in a teahouse,老舍(18991966),原名舒庆春,笔名有“舍予”、“老舍”,现代著名作家,老舍被誉为“人民艺术家”和“杰出的语言大师”。一生主要作品有:长篇小说骆驼祥子、四世同堂;话剧龙须沟、茶馆等。,What works (作品) of Lao She do you know?,Lao She Teahouse,The waiter brings tea to the customers.,have delicious Chinese food,Beijing Opera京剧,folk music 民间音乐,acrobatics 杂技表演,magic show魔术表演,New Words,master 大师 twentieth 第二十 waiter 男服务员 folk 民间的 acrobatics 杂技表演,take place 发生 audience 观众 customer 顾客 dynasty 王朝,朝代 lose 失去,失败 loselost-lost,Match the words and expressions with their meanings. 1. part of a town where people live _ 2. to start doing something again after stopping _ 3. fighting between countries _ 4. to happen _ 5. a person buying things _ 6. people watching a play or film _,neighbourhood,continue,war,take place,customer,audience,Listen carefully and choose the correct answers. 1.The play Teahouse shows_ life in China between 1898 and 1945.A. the audience B. the customer C. the writer 2. It asks us _ the teahouse as the centre of the neighbourhood.A. To read B. to see C. to hear 3. It says _ to old Beijing and its people.A. hello B. sorry C. goodbye 4. Then Wang Lifa loses _ .A. the teahouse B. the audience C. himself 5. Lao She learned _ at the Teachers School in Beijing.A. to learn B. to read C. to teach 6. Lao She taught _ to the English in London.A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese,It takes place in a teahouse,C.The play Teahouse,D.Lao She,A.The story of Teahouse,B.Lao Shes Teahouse,para1,para3,para2,para4,The play shows _ life inChina between 1898 and 1945. 2. It asks us _ the teahouse as thecentre of the neighborhood. 3. It says _ to old Beijing and its people.,Read the passage again and complete the sentence.,to see,the audience,goodbye,4. Then Wang loses _. 5. Lao she learned _ at theTeachers School in Beijing. 6. Lao She taught _ to theEnglish in London.,the teahouse,to teach,Chinese,Read paragraph 1 carefully and choose the correct answers. ( )1.Lao she wrote Teahouse in_.A.1945 B.1957 C.1898 ( )2.It takes place in a teahouse in old_.A.Beijing B.Shanghai C.Hunan ( )3. It tells us the story of _ .A. Wang Lifa B. his customers C. Wang Lifa and his customers.,B,A,C,Read Paragraph 2 carefully and match1.The story starts2.The story continues3 .Finally it ends,in 1916 .in 1898. in 1945,Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the form.,In Beijing,In 1899,writer,plays, novels and shot stories,“peoples Artist” and“Great Master of Language”,What can people do in Lao She Teahouse today?( )A. drink tea B. have Chinese foodC. listen to folk music D. watch magic show E. watch cross talK F. watch acrobatics G. enjoy Beijing OperaH. watch game show,Read paragraph 4 carefully and choose the correct answers,A,B,C,D,F,G,show the audience life in china =show the life in China to the audience taught the English Chinese =taught Chinese to the English bring the customers tea =bring tea to the customers sell them delicious Chinese food =sell delicious Chinese food to them give everyone a wonderful welcome =give a wonderful welcome to everyone,show sb sth =show sth to sb teach sb sth =teach sth to sb bring sb sth =bring sth to sb sell sb sth =sell sth to sb give sb sth =give sth to sb buy sb sth =buy sth for sb,Language Points,动词+人+物 (双宾语结构)人是间接宾语,物是直接宾语,2.take place“发生、举行、举办” ,通常指有计划、有安排的发生。happen “发生、碰巧”,一般用于偶然或 突发性事件。,The Sound Of Music,音乐之声,Answer the questions .,1. Whats the name of it? 2. Where does it take place? 3. Who is in it? 4. Whats the story? 5. What was the best part? 6. Whats the writers opinion?,The Sound of Music.,In Austria.,Maria and the von Trapp family.,Maria looks after the seven von Trapp children, and Captain von Trapp falls in love with her and marries her.,The singing.,Its a very beautiful and interesting film.,Writing,How to describe a film/ play,1.the name 2.Writer 3.When 4.Where 5.Who 6.Whats the story about? 7.opinion,According to the information and introduce the film.,The film Titanic was written by James Cameron. It is a story of.,一.根据句意及中文提示完成单词. 1. There are a lot of _ (观众) in the cinema. Lao She wrote many _ (戏剧) in his life. People often drink tea in the _(茶馆). I bought a new pen yesterday, but I _(丢失)it this morning. 5.Waiters bring tea to the_(顾客) in Lao She Teahouse.,exercises,audiences,plays,teahouse,lost,customers,三.单项选择 I will say _to my parents when I leavefor school every day.A. hello B. goodbye C. sorry2.He _a teacher last year.A.married B. married to C. married with 3. She bought a dress _her daughter.A. to B. of C. for 4. Lao She _ in Beijing in 1899.A. was born B. is born C. born 5. Great changes have_in my hometown.A. happen B. happened C. taken place,
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