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设计总说明设计总说明茶多酚是一种理想的食品天然抗氧化剂,具有抗癌治病、防衰老、防辐射、消除人体自由基等多种生理功效,广泛用于食品、油脂、医药、化工等行业.近年来,对于茶多酚的提取方法多见于报道。论文以茶多酚生产废水为研究对象,针对该废水有机物浓度高,含生物毒性物质和含盐量高等特点提出了预处理水解酸化SBR后处理的组合工艺.投加聚铝对混合废水进行预处理,CODcr 和茶多酚的去除率都非常的高.由于该废水中所含大都为天然物质,该工艺是废水通过水解酸化池后,提高废水的可生化性. 由于该废水中所含大都为天然物质,其分子质量较大,而采用水解酸化可使水中的高分子物质在产酸菌的作用下分解为小分子,减少好氧处理的负荷,同时在厌氧条件下也可使废水中残留的茶多酚得到部分降解。在预处理阶段对茶多酚的去除是否完全对于废水处理的效果是至关重要的。但是在预处理阶段很难将茶多酚去除完全,而好氧对茶多酚基本没有降解作用,虽然水解酸化对茶多酚的降解率很低,但为了尽可能地降低茶多酚的浓度和减小出水的色度,水解酸化池应采用较长的停留时间。因为 SBR 法的处理设施十分简单,管理非常方便去除有机物效率很高,基建费用明显低于常规活性污泥法,所以本工艺采用 SBR 法, 废水中的 COD 和 BOD 主要是在 SBR池中去除. 茶多酚废水经预处理和生化处理后水质得到了明显改善,但出水仍然不能达标,尤其是色度较大,所以可采用混凝沉淀进行后处理,混凝沉淀试验采用聚合铝作混凝剂,有关试验结果表明,对厌氧 24h、好氧生化 12h 的出水进行混凝沉淀处理,最佳投药量为 80mg/L,沉淀 1.0h 后 COD 可降到 80mg/L,出水色度50 倍,出水清澈透明,完全达到该地区的废水排放标准。关键字关键字: 茶多酚,抗氧化剂,预处理,水解酸化,SBR 法 ABSTRACTTea polyphenols is an ideal natural foods anti - oxidant, which has many physiological functions such as anticancer and treating disease, anti - aging, radiation protection and eliminating human body free radical, etc, and has been widely used in foods, fats, medicine and chemical industry. The extrdction of tea polyphenols has been reported much for the past few years。Tea Polyphenols(TP)production wastewater is characterized by high CODcr,high salinity,bio-toxicity,etc. a three-stage treatment process is proposed including pretreatment,anaerobic hydrolysis and SBR,and post treatment.Adding polyaluminum chloride into the mixed wastewater,the removal efficiency of CODcr and TP is very efficiency .In this process, first, the wastewater runs through the hydrolysis acidification pool, there is stuffing. so that the BOD5/CODcr can be increased. As the wastewater contained mostly natural substances, so they have larger molecular weight, hydrolysis and acidification of the water can polymer substances in the acid- producing bacteria to decompose under small molecules, reduce the load of aerobic treatment, while under anaerobic conditions can also enable the wastewater residual TP partial degraded. In preprocessing stage,the TP removed entirely, so the wastewater treatment effect is essential. But the pretreatment stage it is difficult to completely remove TP, TP and aerobic basic right without degradation, Although acid hydrolysis of tea polyphenols, the degradation rate is very low, However, in order to reduce as much as possible ,the TP concentrated and decreased water color, hydrolysis acidification should adopt a longer duration. because the treatment facilities is very simple and very convenient management of highly efficient removal of organic matter, infrastructure costs significantly lower than conventional activated sludge process,so we choose the technology SBR, wastewater COD and BOD can mainly removed in the SBR pond. TP wastewater pretreatment and biochemical treatment has been markedly improved, but the water is still not fulfilled, especially larger color, Therefore available upon coagulation, flocculation tests used for the polymerization of aluminum coagulants, the test results show that right anaerobic 24 h, 12 h aerobic biochemical water for the coagulation treatment, the best dosage of 80 mg / L, Precipitation 1.0 h after COD can be reduced to 80 mg / L, water color 2m/s 符合要求(3)排水系统计算溢流堰的设计计算单个水解池的处理水量为 2.3L/s,溢流负荷为 12L/(m.s),取 f1.2 L/(m.s)则堰上水面总长为:L=q/f2.3/1.22.0m溢流堰数为 n1L/B2.0/2.01 每个堰口长度为 400mm,共有堰口数为:n22.0/0.45QI=Q/n22.3103/50.46103 m3/s每堰上水头 h(QI/1.4)0.4(0.46103/1.4)0.40.04m(在 0.0270.043 之间,符合要求)单池排水渠长 L=3m,出水渠 B=1.0m,水深 0.3m(4)水解酸化池内填料填料尺寸:LBH=6.25m2.0m2.0m选择半软填料,其具有较强的重新布水,布气能力强,传质效果好,对有机物去除效果高,而抗腐蚀,不容易堵塞,安装方便灵活,还具有节能降低运行费用的优点。14表 4.2材质理论比表面(m3/ m3)规格高醛度维纶纤维2472排行距 120mm,束距 60mm(5)排泥管的设计产泥量的设计计算产泥系数 r0.3kg 干泥/(kgCOD.d)设计流量 Q=400 m3/d16.7 m3/h进水 COD 浓度 S01500mg/L=1.50kg/ m3CODcr去除率 E=9(812)产泥量为:21XrQSrrQS0E0.34001.500.0916.2kg 干泥/d0.675 kg 干泥/h每池产泥量X1X/20.675/20.338kg 干泥/h设污泥含水率为 99,因含水率 P95,取 1000kg/ m3则污泥产量为: 316.211.62/1000(1 99%)SQmd(6)排泥系统设计排泥管选用 DN150mm,两池合用排泥管 DN200mm,该管按每天一次排泥时间为4min,设计充满度为 0.4,则管内污泥流速为:221.62442400.96/3.14 0.150.4QVm sD 0.7m/s (4.26)(7)选择污泥泵采用潜污泵,其扬程必须满足:Hhh1h2h水解池最低水位和所提升的最高水位之差,m。h1出水管路的沿程损失(包括局部损失) ,m。h2安全出头,m(一般采用 0.51.0m)取 h4.5m,h20.8m,预算出水管的总长度为: 50m,lh1il(110)0.02501.11.1mHh+h1+h24.选择 11/2/1B-AH 型渣浆泵:15表 4.3型号流量(m3/h)扬程(m)11/2/1B-AH12.628.8658建筑尺寸LBH=6.25m2m4.0m224.64.6 SBRSBR 工艺的设计计算工艺的设计计算SBR 是序批式活性污泥法,它的基本特征是在一个反应池中完成污水的生化反应、沉淀、排水、排泥,不仅省去了初沉池和污泥消化池,还省去了二沉池和回流污泥泵房,处理设施比氧化沟还要简单4.6.1 已知条件设计污水量为 200 m3/d。Kz=2.0 最大设计流量为 Qmax=16.7 m3/d. 进水BOD933mg/L 水温 200 250 4.6.2 主要参数选择设计规模 Q=200 m3/d。总变化系数 Kz=2.0。进水 BOD5 Lj=933 mg/L进水 CODCr Cj=1365mg/L 进水 SS Sj=175mg/L 出水 BOD5 Lch=20 mg/L出水 CODCr Cch=160 mg/L 出水 SS Sch=70mg/L 设计最低水温 T=15按最低温度计算池容和曝气量以满足冬季需要污泥指数 SVI=150 mL/g 按污泥指数取值附表取值16一个完整周期的时间周期时长 TC=6 h每天单池最多运行周期次数周期数 N =4 次/天反应池反应阶段的反应时间 TF =4h沉淀池(亦反应池)沉淀阶段的沉淀时间 Ts=1h沉淀池(亦反应池)滗水阶段的滗水时间 Tch=1h池水深度 H4.5h安全高度 Hf =0.3m(预留堰口至污泥界面的高度,以防止污泥被带出)保护层水深 Hp =0
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