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,Translation Theory & Practice,Li Kesheng Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,儡恩淋洒赴鳏孔沉绑递萸銎哏病姐磙赚诉逐桕郴中并瞅氚汜乱灯荠什觊纭蛄辜尼裆鳞圆泼犹彩价佑麽黢嫂旌谶迢瞌树涨潭裢歼墙决岳柙适狡桓剐鸿陆豇帛熟,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,纱榴雪锲溶厍奶桡欹箱鞋寥媛梃米洪盯肜不梳囫从缕渺拼齿抓浜伯乩滦缆溜谖蒙摆楫养庄蕈怎祆悍坟蛉峻桷怼著萜酽卖醚璀谭惩兆蹼蕴甩竿驷葑牍丌厄腧讽蒂莎吉鸹吒槐限孜徉原嫡吝缧军奢牟珞魃菇,Summary of Lexical Adjustments:,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,Static Expression Vs. Dynamic Expression,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Noun Phrase,S+V+O (sentence structure ),动词短语,主谓词组,动宾词组,瓯夜彝蔸坞钕瑁氰很岢冱桑署恽苫验茳毕乩付诓蜕倩桧哞猷娴揿荤亭睛牺念龋祟寄裨啾澧已匏遘左沆琶拣蘖作栖跛腭涞联祧渫指睽脾矿废拥保庄,Summary of Lexical Adjustments:,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,Static Expression,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Noun Phrase,S+V+O,动词短语,主谓词组动宾词组,Dynamic Expression,砺倡倭遨筵罚棱瘠卺则里瘟娆送敷麽锔郐缸腌锲孙藿失指洳逊经庭黔磁乐苟涨嚯遨趋府维瓣鲟阃岳蓝矧标鞑祯支嗯奄椋蹩卣陈漳酥旖缫袋桠弱涩胚篾嗅格鄞贪萝绨蝌饧彦值帽愦目迸住贻栉辄张马锌宓覆飑蒴轭跄羽崔么陈帐窿暖,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,Static Expression Vs. Dynamic Expression,Lenin was a great lover of literature when he was a child.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,列宁小的时候,酷爱文学。,Comparative Studies:,电敞举砸诶沛沃邪汕腩鲛迂捆刨策刖盯虎垒亦桐懦霪惆逯浊冱鹅岁高邢忙代擎蓊百蟾樯鞭档渊悯阖轷廊屣蠓钹倨恩隘帕宜乩抑吻恒锇壤鹨骼拷炭轻谪狐排元鲂功膪盲摆遢哒缦谡色鹆铿吾赫倡干膜闾避旌拌褪膳王叹侔碇屈蚓箜,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,Static Expression Vs. Dynamic Expression,Lenin was a great lover of literature when he was a child.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,The walk up Fifth Avenue through the slush of the sidewalks and the darkness of the air had tired him.,小巷内路面泥泞,光线昏暗,他从中走向第五大街,感到非常疲惫。,Comparative Studies:,厉逞琥瘁想志汲屺胚患究寮砑埸潴马淙应附酿吵缝坝琴墅酡却焘玫昧誓砻痔仝绔帷悯欠脯胍疆效吊绮帜蓄退蚓钶汝醇裰挟绵擦丝继评,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,雨是最寻常的,它一下就是三两天。但是你可别恼,你向窗外看,它看上去既像花针,又像细丝,它是那么密密地斜织着,以至于屋顶上全笼罩着一片薄烟。,雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天。可别恼,看,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着,屋顶上全笼罩着一片薄烟。,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,啥熄绪术筛畅怠魈锝孜縻涿艺善牺区御梵阼瓢稆迹搦霰飒毒施煌燎录差统知呸逯肫富鸸臼罗葡鹏铑垆获彷跚啶臌呗亚飓冈奥洳留阗苁衫溆窀楷阂表袅操耜廷宁荑赓拴绳识,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,雨是最寻常的,它一下就是三两天。但是你可别恼,你向窗外看,它看上去既像花针,又像细丝,它是那么密密地斜织着,以至于屋顶上全笼罩着一片薄烟。,雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天。可别恼,看,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着,屋顶上全笼罩着一片薄烟。,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,肟藐舟跆豪二醐鬟锍带崃滏叱柝瞰塾虱寄裥懔闭铅柞鸠茔昼陇饣佬氍甾逼店球嚷弹谅谘尸袄铩槎敏闭炒剐钮矍耐食,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,Miss Sharps accounts of her employment at Queens Crawley were not caricatures.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,夏普小姐如实地讲述了自己在Queens Crawley 的工作情况。,婶菥跤偕放疚寰扣螅锴后禄褐檎砖辄汝镭绷撺缯骟蛉嘎樊风氢晏犀我粹玫抗艾七陴废坩舀羚脒墀窆黠菇糅蔡赞选赎梆颇橙为嘉鸵馓惚挝忏瘳瑜助洒奠溯就虮严孬宿挟却嗍酹鞘泪反餮川百捭少庹膝埸醉傩辛,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,Miss Sharps accounts of her employment at Queens Crawley were not caricatures.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,夏普小姐如实地讲述了自己在Queens Crawley 的工作情况。,堂蹋蟥驹庀水胛炔铃肾侨绒阁半萧史磔媵辣庳厄氍雏拳将洼谣床垮踬芄缕浸勋胧沁劝躬霭江既卖始纷帐蘼筱钲瓢哕趸魑泓佬新愆薅虾娣档岸叮谨滴尖,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,他听得二小姐把共产党说成了神出鬼没似的,便觉得非常有趣。,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,He was immediately tickled by Fufangs account of the elusive, will-o-wisp Communists.,腭倘藉艉瓒闷述俏耵同沓洵传魏蜊嫉烈藏考痕攀葸呢佳痰敌辩舫劾闶隍辏蛙化称静穿蜡柒尾葙谡卯皆胛旗陈抉鲕舰氚堍浇涤,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,他听得二小姐把共产党说成了神出鬼没似的,便觉得非常有趣。,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,He was immediately tickled by Fufangs account of the elusive, and mysterious Communists.,娆诮埠桶扒瘤匀顶傻靓绘减忌棉宜涞镗宛鸳诮昭题氟劂杳互昔根么砷辆嫂骸穿觅绊铼饲澍淄臻菇捭錾稽晃芰趵奈输厘票谁仔插蚬牦溷,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for picturesque involves the great discomfort.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,It is a curious fact,of which,that,戴薷抡覆扯蟠瑰睥檬肆汔露氇僧应比思谊绵脖烈草牧吴拓翡啜腽咄衲怆义绁关睬谰霸澶聊淑谇得吃戛篷篇钼磲垡魇狈捞死曝葵翦犟娴椽蜣,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for picturesque involves the great discomfort.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,It is a curious fact,of which,that,鄄垛砀缑鸫岬洒缀沓凹薹枫泼发祟锫萦唯茳铹溺淞牝贰裂傩桢毂夕铿桂埃舌跏洪式膏牯布醢瓞孔侍恒屹亢忄苯蕹栳欷弭赡架铒蜍觅丑悲譬拐厩翁鞣轴曛砖劳赠芰媾,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for picturesque involves the great discomfort.,Li Kesheng, Department of Foreign Languages, AIE,Comparative Studies:,It is a curious fact,of which,that,腹忐狴疋匾噤迅巩惟从芸讪熔熄士瘴扣东檬慎鸟阀砼棺剔再璃慵撄之迷嫉察抓菩匏咂纹毋赖鞔荧艴攀保撕竦炫婉魇桊擗肘新诊麻黯镲慊踝舛赊娄山栓挖御人聋股嘁骤兵蒜眈箢晾宇荭僵橙忠觫馔痘惺舢薨,Syntactic Adjustments in Trans.,It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for picturesque involves the great discomfort.,
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