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1三一口语三级考试真题大全三一口语三级考试真题大全1.1. WhatWhat doesdoes youryour fatherfather do?do? 你爸爸是做什么的?你爸爸是做什么的?My father is a worker.2.2. WhatWhat doesdoes youryour mothermother do?do? 你妈妈是做什么的?你妈妈是做什么的?My mother is a nurse.3.3. WhatWhat dodo youryour parentsparents do?do? 你的父母是做什么的?你的父母是做什么的?Theyre workers.4.4. IsIs youryour mothermother a a teacher?teacher? 你的妈妈是老师吗?你的妈妈是老师吗?No, she isnt.Is your father a teacher? 你的爸爸是老师吗?Yes he is.No, /he isnt.5.5. WhereWhere dodo youyou live?live? 你住在哪?你住在哪?I live in6.6. IsIs youryour homehome farfar fromfrom here?here? 你家离这远吗?你家离这远吗?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.7.7. WhereWhere dodo youyou study?study? 你在哪上学?你在哪上学?I study atschool.8.8. TellTell meme aboutabout youryour school.school. 给我说说你的学校。给我说说你的学校。My school is very big and beautiful. Therere three classroom buildings in my school. Therere many trees and flowers in my school. We usually do sports in the playground. I love my school.9.9. HowHow manymany buildingsbuildings areare therethere inin youryour school?school? 你的学校就几栋楼?你的学校就几栋楼?There are five buildings in my school.10.10. IsIs youryour schoolschool big?big? 你的学校大吗?你的学校大吗?Yes it is./No, it isnt.11.11. AreAre therethere manymany treestrees andand flowersflowers inin youryour school?school? 你的学校有许多树和花吗?你的学校有许多树和花吗?Yes, therere many trees and flowers in my school.No, there arent many trees and flowers in my school.12.12. WhenWhen isis youryour birthday?birthday? 你什么时候过生日?你什么时候过生日?My birthday is January the first.13.13. WhatsWhats thethe datedate today?today? 今天是几月几号?今天是几月几号?Today is November the twenty-fifth.14.14. WhatWhat waswas thethe datedate yesterday?yesterday? 昨天是几月几号?昨天是几月几号?Yesterday was November the twenty-fourth.15.15. IsIs itit March?March? 现在是三月吗?现在是三月吗?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.216.16. WhichWhich monthmonth isis itit now?now? 现在是几月?现在是几月?Now it is November.17.17. WasWas itit FridayFriday yesterday?yesterday? 昨天是星期五吗?昨天是星期五吗?No, it wasnt. Yesterday was Saturday.18.18. WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike today?today? 今天天气怎么样?今天天气怎么样?Its sunny and warm./Its windy and cold.19.19. WhatWhat waswas thethe weatherweather likelike yesterday?yesterday? 昨天天气怎么样?昨天天气怎么样?It was windy yesterday.20.20. IsIs itit a a nicenice dayday today?today? 今天是一个好天气吗?今天是一个好天气吗?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.21.21. WasWas itit cloudycloudy yesterday?yesterday? 昨天刮风吗?昨天刮风吗?Yes, it was./No, it wasnt.22.22. WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike inin BeijingBeijing inin spring?spring? 北京春天的天气怎么样?北京春天的天气怎么样?Its windy and cold in Beijing in spring.23.23. WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike inin BeijingBeijing inin autumn?autumn? 北京秋天的天气怎么样?北京秋天的天气怎么样?Its windy and cold in Beijing in spring.WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike inin BeijingBeijing inin summer?summer? 北京夏天的天气怎么样?北京夏天的天气怎么样?Its hot in Beijing in summer.WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike inin BeijingBeijing inin winter?winter? 北京冬天的天气怎么样?北京冬天的天气怎么样?Its windy and cold in Beijing in winter.24.24. WhatWhat areare youryour classmatesclassmates doingdoing now?now? 你的同学现在正在做什么?你的同学现在正在做什么?Theyre studying.25.25. WhatWhat areare youyou doingdoing now?now? 你现在正在做什么?你现在正在做什么?Im talking with you.26.26. WhatWhat isis youryour teacherteacher doingdoing now?now? 你的老师现在正在做什么?你的老师现在正在做什么?He is teaching students.27.27. WhatWhat areare youryour parentsparents doingdoing now?now? 你的父母现在正在做什么?你的父母现在正在做什么?They are working.28.28. WhatWhat timetime dodo youyou getget upup inin thethe morning?morning? 早上你几天起床?早上你几天起床?I get up at six oclock in the morning.329.29. WhereWhere dodo youyou havehave breakfast,breakfast, atat schoolschool oror atat home?home?你在哪吃早饭,在学校还是在家?I have breakfast at home.30.30. WhatWhat subjectssubjects dodo youyou studystudy atat school?school? 你在学校学什么科目?你在学校学什么科目?I study math, Chinese and English at school.31.31. DoDo youyou havehave classesclasses onon SaturdaySaturday andand Sunday?Sunday? 你周六和周日上课吗?你周六和周日上课吗?Yes, I do./No, I dont.32.32. WhatWhat timetime dodo youyou finishfinish school?school? 你几点放学?你几点放学?I finish school at five oclock.33.33. WhatWhat dodo youyou usuallyusually dodo inin thethe evening?evening? 你晚上经常做什么?你晚上经常做什么?I usually do my homework in the evening.34.34. WhatWhat timetime isis itit now?now? 现在几点了?现在几点了?Its 10 oclock.三一口语考试三级考官问题三一口语考试三级考官问题学校生活学校生活 Where is your school?Which school are you in?Is there a library in your building?How many floors are there in your building?Which floor is your classroom in?朋友朋友Who is your best friend?Can you tell me something about your friend?How old is your friend?日期月份日期月份Whats the date today?4What was the date yesterday?Which month is it now?When is your birthday?天气天气Whats the weather like today?What was the weather like yesterday?Which district is your home in?距离距离How do you usually go to school?Which bus do you take to
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