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1话题十四话题十四 安全与守则安全与守则(Safety(Safety andand rules)rules).完形填空A A Accidents can happen indoors. Many young children get _1_ when playing in their homes. _2_ do these accidents happen? A housewife is a _3_ person. She has to do most of the work at home. Sometimes she is _4_. She puts a pot of hot water on a table. When she goes out of the room, the child reaches up and _5_ the pot. The hot water spills over him and hurts him. Then the child may be _6_ to hospital at once. Many other accidents happen. Kerosene(煤油) heaters(加热器) are sometimes _7_ by children playing at home. The kerosene spills out of the heater and burns. Soon the whole room is burning. All things that can cut are dangerous. Sharp _8_ and scissors(剪刀) should be put away out of the reach of children. Small children should not be allowed to _9_ them. Electricity is always dangerous. Electricity can be used for heating and cooking, _10_ it can also kill us! You should never touch any electric heaters or wire if it is turned on. Medicine makes us _11_ or kill us! Sometimes grownup people are careless. They _12_ medicine in places where children can reach it. They find it and eat it. Perhaps they die. The skins of bananas, oranges and other _13_ are very slippery(滑的). You _14_ not throw them on the ground. If you do, someone may step on them and fall down. They may break a leg or an arm. To stop accidents, please be careful in _15_ you do. (B)1. Ahit Bhurt Ccut Dburned (C)2.A.Why BWhat CHow DWhen (C)3.A.free Bstrict Cbusy Dyoung (D)4.A.interesting Bfriendly Ccareful Dcareless (A)5.A.pushes down Bturns downCcuts down Dfalls down (C)6.A.fetched Bput Csent Dgot (B)7.A.looked out Bknocked overCturned on Dturned off (B)8.A.pens Bknives Ctables Dcups (C)9.A.go with Bdeal with Cplay with Dagree with (C)10.A.so Band Cbut Dthen (A)11.A.better Bgood Cworse Dhappy (B)12.A.take Bleave Cgive Dforget (D)13.A.things Baccidents Cpeople Dfruit2(A)14.A.should Bmight Cneed Dmay (D)15.A.something Banything Cnothing Deverything 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。室内意外事故任何时候都有可能发生。本文通过举例 子说明意外事故是如何在人们的眼皮底下发生的。 【答案精析】 1B 考查动词辨析。 hit“撞击” ; hurt“受伤” ; cut“切” ;burned“烧伤” 。get hurt 意为“受伤” 。由后文内容可知此处表示许多小孩在家中玩耍时会受伤。 2C 考查疑问代词辨析。 why“为什么” ; what “什么” ;how“如何,怎样” ; when“什么时候” 。由下文解释每个意外事故发生的具体情况,可知此处是下文的总起句, 说明意外事故是如何发生的。 3C 考查形容词辨析。free“有空的” ;strict“严厉的” ;busy“忙碌的” ; young“年轻的” 。由下一句“She has to do most of the work at home.”可知作为家庭 主妇是忙碌的。故选 C。 4D 考查形容词辨析。 interesting“有趣的” ;friendly“友好的” ;careful“小 心的” ; careless“粗心的” 。正是因为家庭主妇通常是忙碌的,所以有时她很粗心,会导 致儿童意外事故的发生。故选 D。 5A 考查动词短语辨析。 pushes down“推倒” ;turns down“拒绝,调小” ;cuts down“砍倒” ; falls down“摔倒” 。由下文内容可知此处表示,小孩伸手去够从而推倒了 水壶,故选 A。 6C 考查动词辨析。 fetched“去取” ; put “放” ; sent“送” ;got“到达” 。由 空格后的 hospital 可知,小孩受伤就会立刻被送往医院。故选 C。 7B 考查动词短语辨析。 looked out“当心” ;knocked over“碰翻” ;turned on“打开” ;turned off“关闭” 。由空格前的内容可知此处表示,小孩有时玩耍时会不小心 碰翻加热器,碰翻的加热器容易引起烧伤和火灾,故选 B。 8B 考查名词辨析。 pens“笔” ; knives “小刀” ; tables“桌子” ;cups“杯子” 。 上文提到,所有能够用来切割的东西都很危险,而小刀是可以切东西的,故选 B。 9C 考查动词短语辨析。go with“和一起去” ;deal with“处理” ; play with“与玩(某物)” ;agree with“同意(某人)” 。空格后的 them 指的是小刀或剪刀, 所以不允许小孩去玩它们。 10C 考查连词辨析。 so“所以” ;and“和;并且” ; but“但是” ;then“然后” 。 前文说电的作用与好处,后文说电的危害,故此处是转折关系,故选 C。 11A 考查形容词及比较级辨析。 better “更好的” ;good“好的” ;worse“更糟的” ; happy“愉快的” 。药能使病人身体变好,指身体好应该用 well 不能用 good,故选 A。 12B 考查动词辨析。 take“带去” ;leave“离开,留在” ;give“给” ;forget“忘 记” 。结合上下文语境可知大人不小心把药留在了小孩能拿到的地方,leave sth. 地 点表示“把某物遗留在某处” ,而 forget 后面不能接地点,故选 B。 13D 考查名词辨析。 things“东西” ;accidents“事故” ; people“人们” ; fruit“水果” 。上文提到的香蕉和橘子属于水果,果皮很滑,故选 D。 14A 考查情态动词辨析。 should“应该” ;might“可能” ;need“需要” ; may“可 能” 。结合语境可知,人们不应该把果皮扔在地上,故选 A。 15D 考查代词辨析。something“有些事情” ;anything“任何事情” ;nothing“没 有什么事情” ; everything“所有事情” 。结合语境可知,我们应该对所有做的事情都小心, 这样才能阻止意外事故的发生,故选 D。B B3二孩政策 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用 一次。reason large if two chance have parent balance at news The government in China plans to end its one-child per family policy(政策) and instead let families have two children. People knew the 1 1 news after an important meeting in Beijing. Its reported that there are many 2 2 reasons for the change in policy. One of them is to 3 3 balance population development. China has the worlds 4 4 largest population. It carried out the onechild policy in 1980. But the government permitted only a small number of couples to have two children. For example, at rural areas, 5 5 if the firstborn is a girl, couples can have a 6 6 second child. In 2013, the Chinese government gave other couples a 7 7 chance to have two children. Families could have two if one 8 8 parent was an only child. However, too many young people in the cities are probably no longer interested in 9 9 having two c
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