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1话题二十二话题二十二 科普知识与现代技术科普知识与现代技术(Popular(Popular sciencescience andand modernmodern technology)technology).完形填空 A A( 20162016 淮安改编)Have you ever heard of “a ball of energy”?People often use it to describe very _1_ children. But today we tell about an invention called the sOccket, that is a real soccer ball of energy. Julia Silverman explains that _2_ the sOccket is a portable generator(便携式发电机). Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews _3_ the sOccket as part of a group project(项目) for an engineering class at Harvard University. There are mechanisms(装置) in a sOccket. When you kick, hit or _4_ it, energy is then kept in it by these mechanisms instead of disappearing into the environment. Then the user can put something directly into the ball, like a lamp(灯), or a mobile phone charger (充电器) _5_ they can get energy from it.For every fifteen minutes of the game play, the sOccket can _6_ enough electricity for an LED lamp for three hours, and the_7_ can store up to 24 hours electricity. The International Energy Association reported last year that _8_ one and a half billion people in the world had no electricity to use, and most of them live in subSaharan Africa and in India and other _9_ in Asia.Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews both had _10_ in developing countries before they began the project. They knew that power shortages are a serious problem in many areas. Theres an energy crisis(危机) in the world. One fifth people in the world dont have any _11_. And besides that, there are a lot of health problems because what people use instead of the electricity are _12_ choices like kerosene(煤油) lamps. They _13_ a lot of smoke.Julia Silverman says the sOccket ball is one small solution to a big problem. Jessica Matthews and Julia Silverman hope their sOccket ball will _14_ more light on the problem of power shortages. It _15_ people a chance to put their energy into the worlds most popular sport and get some energy in return. (B)1.A.lazy Bactive Cbored Dsilent (D)2.A.in the face of Bin total Cin that case Din fact (A)3.A.developed Binfluenced2Clocked Dmailed (C)4.A.buy Bfinish Cthrow Dhate (A)5.A.so that B.when Cthough Dunless (B)6.A.afford B.provide Csuggest Dimprove (D)7.A.phone Blamp Ccomputer Dball (C)8.A.heavily B.hardly Cnearly Dhappily (B)9.A.cities Bcountries Ctowns Dvillages(D)10.A.heroes B.instructions Csentences Dexperiences (A)11.A.electricity BcreativityCdiscovery Dability (B)12.A.wise B.harmful Cgood Dhelpful (C)13.A.kill Bsell C.produce Dgive (A)14.A.shine Bcelebrate Ccreate Ddivide (D D)15.15.A.refuses Bguesses Clends Doffers 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了由哈佛大学的 Julia Silverman 和 Jessica Matthews 共同发明的一种能够提供能量的足球,它其实就是一种便携式发电机。 在踢球的过程中,通过踢球,击球,扔球所产生的能量被储存在球内部的一个装置里被保存 起来,这些能量可以被用来给手机充电、照明等。 【答案精析】 1B 考查形容词辨析。lazy“懒惰的” ;active“活跃的” ;bored“厌倦的” ; silent“沉默的” 。由“energy”可知用来描述“活跃的”孩子。故选 B。 2D 考查介词短语辨析。in the face of“面对” ;in total“总共” ;in that case“既然那样” ;in fact“实际上” 。由句意可知他解释 sOccket“实际上”就是一台便 携式发电机。 3A 考查动词辨析。develop“开发;发展” ;influence“影响” ;lock“锁上” ; mail“邮寄” 。由后半句中的“a group project”可知他们把“开发”sOccket 作为集体项 目的一部分。故选 A。 4C 考查动词辨析。buy“买” ;finish“结束” ;throw“扔” ;hate“讨厌” 。和前面 的动作 kick 和 hit 语境相似的是 throw。故选 C。 5A 考查连词辨析。so that“目的是;为了” ;when“当时” ;though“尽管” ; unless“除非;如果不” 。 “put something directly into the ball”的目的是“get energy from it” 。故选 A。 6B 考查动词辨析。afford“承担得起;买得起” ;provide“提供” ;suggest“建议” ;improve“提高” 。由上文“For every fifteen minutes of the game play”和下文 “The.can store up to 24 hours electricity.”可知每踢 15 分钟,sOccket 就能为 一盏 LEF 灯提供三个小时的电能。故选 B。 7D 考查名词辨析。phone“电话” ;lamp“灯” ;computer“电脑” ;ball“球” 。由 上句中的“the sOccket can .enough electricity for an LED lamp for three hours.”可知 it 指的就是 sOccket,而 sOccket 就是 a real soccer ball of energy。故 选 D。 8C 考查副词辨析。heavily“严重地;重地” ;hardly“几乎不” ;nearly“将近” ; happily“高兴地” 。由下文“They knew that power shortages are a serious problem in many areas.”可知这里是指近 15 亿的人没有电用。故选 C。39B 考查名词辨析。city“城市” ;country“国家” ;town“城镇” ;village“村庄” 。 由上文中的 India 可知这里是指亚洲的其他国家。故选 B。 10D 考查名词辨析。hero“英雄” ;instruction“说明” ;sentence“句子” ; experience“经历” 。由下句“They knew that power shortages are a serious problem in many areas.”可知他们在发展中国家经历了电力短缺的问题。故选 D。 11A 考查名词辨析。electricity“电力” ;creativity“创造力” ;discovery“发 现” ;ability“能力” 。由上文“one and a half billion people in the world had no electricity to use”可知是指“电力”短缺。故选 A。 12B 考查形容词辨析。wise“明智的” ;harmful“有害的” ;good“好的” ; helpful“有帮助的” 。由“like kerosene(煤油) lamps”和“a lot of smoke”可知是指 用“有害的”方式来取代电力照明。故选 B。 13C 考查动词辨析。kill“杀死” ;sell“买” ;produce“产生” ;give“给” 。众所 周知,煤油灯点燃时会产生大量的烟。故选 C。 14A 考查动词辨析。shine“发光” ;celebrate“庆祝” ;create“创造” ; divide“分开” 。由“sOccket ball is one small solution to a big problem”以及 sOccket ball 是个能量提供装置可知他们希望 sOccket
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