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1话题八话题八 人际交往人际交往(Interpersonal(Interpersonal communication)communication).完形填空A A Mr.Turner was walking along the street _1_ he saw an old lady carrying a large box.It was half in and half out of her car.Mr.Turner was very _2_.So he went up to the lady and said, “It seems that the box is quite _3_.Let me give you a hand.” “Thats very kind of you, ” the lady said with a smile _4_ her face.“Im having a lot of _5_ with it.I think it was stuck(卡住) ” “Together well soon _6_ it, ” Mr.Turner said.“Ill get into the car and take the other end.”With these words, he got into the back seat of the car and _7_ the other end of the box.“Right, ” he said, “ Im _8_, ” and he began to push with all his strength.For several _9_, Mr.Turner and the lady did with the box.Soon they were red on their faces and out of _10_. “Lets have a rest, ” Mr.Turner said.“Youre right.Its really stuck.” _11_ they rested for a few minutes, Mr.Turner said, “Lets try again.” So they _12_ held the box again.“One, two, three!”Mr.Turner said, and again they _13_ moving the box.At last, they were too tired to move it any more.“Im sorry, but it seems to be _14_ stuck.I dont think theres any way to get it out of your car.” “Get it out of the car?” the old lady _15_.“Im trying to get it in! You know?” (B)1.A.where Bwhen Cthat Dwhile (B)2.A.honest Bhelpful Ctired Dhumorous (C)3.A.light Bdeep Cheavy Ddifficult (A)4.A.on Bwith Cin Dunder (D)5.A.questions Bthings Cstrength Dtrouble (A)6.A.move Btake Cbring Dcatch (B)7.A.threw Bheld Cpulled Dprotected (D)8.A.strong Bpowerful Ckind Dready (C)9.A.days Bhours Cminutes Dweeks (B)10.A.control Bbreath Cpower Dability (A)11.A.After BBefore CStill DEven (C)12.A.once Beither Cboth Dall (D)13.A.stopped from Bwent outCput on Dwent on (A)14.A.completely Bhardly Cnearly Dsimply (C C)15.A.smiled15.A.smiled B Bnoticednoticed C Ccriedcried D Dtaughttaught 【文章大意】本文是一则小故事。讲述一位热心人帮助一位女士搬运箱子的过程中发生 的趣事。 【答案精析】 1B 考查时间状语从句的引导词。由后文“he saw an old lady carrying a large box”可知后半句为时间状语从句,因此可先排除 A、C 项;因为是短暂动词,所以选2when。 2B 考查形容词辨析。honest“诚实的” ;helpful“乐于助人的” ;tired“累的” ; humorous“幽默的” 。由后文“Let me give you a hand.”可推断出 Turner 先生想要帮助 他,因此他很乐于助人。故选 B。 3C 考查形容词辨析。light“轻的” ;deep“深的” ;heavy“重的” ;difficult“困 难的” 。由第一句中的“he saw an old lady carrying a large box”和后文的“Let me give you a hand.”可推测这个箱子很重。故选 C。 4A 考查介词辨析。on“在上面” ;with“和一起” ;in“在里面” ; under“在下面” 。表示脸上露出笑容应用 on。 5D 考查名词辨析。questions“问题” ;things“事情” ;strength“力量” ; trouble“麻烦” 。由后一句“I think it was stuck(卡住) ”可知女士遇到了麻烦,故选 trouble。 6A 考查动词辨析。 move“移动” ;take“带走” ;bring“带来” ;catch“抓住” 。 由上一段最后一句可知,包裹被卡住了,因此需要移走。故选 A。 7B 考查动词辨析。threw“扔” ;held“握住” ;pulled“拉” ;protected“保护” 。 Turner 先生进到车内,需要先握住一端才可以移动,故选 B。 8D 考查形容词辨析。strong“强壮的” ;powerful“有能量的 ” ;kind“善良的” ; ready“准备好的” 。由后句“he began to push with all his strength.”可推断出 Turner 先生进入车内做好准备。故选 D。 9C 考查名词辨析。days“几天” ;hours“数小时” ;minutes“几分钟” ;weeks“周” 。由上下文语境可知,短时间内发生的事情肯定是几分钟。故选 C。 10B 考查名词辨析。control“控制” ;breath“呼吸” ;power“力量” ; ability“能力” 。由前文“They were red on their faces”可推断累得在喘气。故选 B。 11A 考查副词辨析。after“在之后” ; before“在之前” ;still“仍然” ; even“甚至” 。 由“they rested for a few minutes, Mr.Turner said, Lets try again ”可推断他们休息几分钟之后又试了一次。故选 A。 12C 考查代词辨析。once“一次” ; either“ 任何一个” ;both“两个都” ; all“三者或三者以上都 ” 。由语境可知表示“两个人再次抓住箱子” ,故选 both。 13D 考查动词短语。stopped from“ 阻止” ;went out“出去” ;put on“穿上” ;went on“继续” 。由语意可知表示“两个人继续挪动箱子” 。故选 D。 14A 考查副词辨析。completely“完全” ;hardly“几乎不” ;nearly“将近” ; simply“简单地” 。由“they were too tired to move it any more”和“I dont think theres any way to get it out of your car.”可推断出 Turner 先生感觉完全没办法推 出包裹,所以认为包裹完全被卡住了。故选 A。 15C 考查动词辨析。smiled“微笑” ;noticed“注意” ;cried“哭;喊叫” ; taught“教” 。女士发现 Turner 在完全和自己相反的方向用力,所以应该是喊着说。故选 C。B B 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用 一次。natural remain would body arrive five what build simply teamworkWhen I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm.First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box.Then we waited for the ants to 1 1 arrive.After the ants were in the glass farm, they started to make tunnels(隧道)3I was amazed that each one knew exactly 2 2 what to do.On the 3 3 fifth day a tragedy(悲剧) happened.I put my face so close to the glass farm that I knocked it over.All the tunnels fell down.Although the ants 4 4 remained alive after their earthquake, one by one they began to die.I was scared as I watched them give up 5 5 building their tunnels to carry the 6 6 bodies to a corner of the farm.My mother said that the ants were dying of sadness.They 7 7 simply could not stand that their tunnels were gone. Although much time has passed, I still think of
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