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January is the first month,Teacher: Fay,the first month of the year 一年里的第一个月the second month of the year 一年里的第二个月New years Day 元旦Spring Festival 春节January dnj()r 一月February febrr; febjr 二月back bk 回原处;后面,New words and Expressions,the third month of the year 一年里的第三个月the fourth month of the year 一年里的第四个月Tree Planting Day 植树节Easter 复活节March mt 三月April eprl 四月grass grs 草;草地,New words and Expressions,stop stp (使)停止the fifth month of the year 一年里的第五个月the sixth month of the year 一年里的第六个月Labour Day 劳动节May me 五月June du:n 六月 Mothers Day 母亲节,New words and Expressions,Fathers Day 父亲节 Childrens Day 儿童节,New words and Expressions,Ja-nu-ary,is the first month of the year.,January,is the first day of the year.,January 1st,New Years Day,New Years Day,in 2014 in January on January 30th 2014 on the 30th of January on January the 30th on the 30th of January,The first day , January 1st , is called .,New years Day,People have a holiday and they celebrate New Years Day!,Its January. The children are .,skating,Its January. The children are a snowman.,making,Pattern practice,A: What do you usually do in Januarys? B: I usually make a snowman with my friends in January.,is the second month of the year.,February,Spring Festival,is usually in January or February.,Spring Festival,Now people call it .,Chinese New Year,All people in China have a holiday.They go back home to celebrate the festival with their families.,Its February. People are in the supermarket.,shopping,Its February. They are Spring Festival.,celebrating,Practice 1. is the first month of the year. 2. The first day , January 1st , is called . 3. People have a and they New Years Day! 4. is the second month of the year. 5. is usually in January or February. 6. They home to celebrate the festival with their families.,celebrate,go back,January,New Years Day,holiday,February,Spring Festival,Mar-ch,is the third month of the year.,March,gra-ss,People can see green and green everywhere in March.,grass,tree,Tree Planting Day,is on March 12th.,Tree Planting Day,People on Tree Planting Day.,plant trees,Its March, the students are .,planting trees,Its March, they are .,taking photos,sto-p,can stop the sand on windy days and make the air clean.,Tree,刮风天,使空气更清新,People want to make the country.,greener,A: What do you usually do in Marchs? B: I usually plant trees with my friends in Marchs.,Pattern practice,A-pr-il,is the fourth month of the year.,April,Its a sunny day in April, We are .,going on a trip,Ea-s-ter,按圣经马太福音的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后三天复活,因而设立此节。根据西方教会的传统,在春分节(3月21日)当日见到满月或过了春分见到第一个满月之后,遇到的第一个星期日即为复活节。东方教会则规定,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟一周。 因此,节期大致在3月22日至4月25日之间。,is in March or April.,Easter,Its always on a .,Sunday,For school children in America,the holidays are a week long.,Easter,During ,children get colourful eggs.,Easter,Easter,Practice 1. is the third month of the year. 2. People can see green everywhere 3.People plant trees on . 4. Tree can the sand on windy days and make the air clean. 5. is the fourth month of the year. 6.During , children get colourful eggs.,stop,Easter,March,grass,Tree Planting Day,April,Easter,May,is the fifth month of the year.,April,May,La-bour Day, or May Dayis on May 1st.,Labour Day,People to celebrate May Day.,sing and dance,is also in May.,Mothers Day,We give to our mothers to show our love .,gifts,Ju-ne,is the sixth month of the year.,June,Childrens Day,Childrens Day,The first day of June is in China.,Childrens Day,Many children to celebrate .,perform,.,Fathers Day,is in June, too.,Fathers Day,We also give to our fathers to show our love .,gifts,father,grass,go back,January,New Years Day,Spring Festival,June,celebrate,Childrens Day,April,Labour Day,May,February,Easter,Tree Planting Day,Mothers Day,Practice 1. is the fifth month of the year. 2. , or May Day is on May 1st. 3. is also in May. 4. The first day of June is in China. 5. is the sixth month of the year. 6. is in June, too. 7.We give to our fathers and mothers to show our love .,Childrens Day,May,Labour Day,Mothers Day,June,Fathers Day,gifts,谈论,Is New Years Day Mimi s favourite fastival?,A: Yes, it is. B: No , it isnt,damplings,Childrens Day,Lets talk about whats your favourite festival?,Have a try (连词成句),1.a;January;month;is;first;yearof;the (.) 2.holiday;and;celebrate;have;a; they;New;People;Years;Day (!) 3.Planting;plant;People;on;trees; Tree;Day(.) 4.love;to;show;give;We;fathers;to;our;our;gifts (.),
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