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本本 科科 毕毕 业业 论论 文文基于基于 FreemarkerFreemarker 技术的技术的 BBSBBS 系统的设计与系统的设计与 实现实现The Design and Implementation of Bulletin Board System Based on Freemarker姓 名:学 号:学 院:软件学院系:软件工程专 业:软件工程年 级:指导教师: 年年 月月II摘摘 要要当今的社会是一个信息化的社会,数据的共享和信息的快速阅读是当今社会的发展趋势,作为电子公告板形式的 BBS 已经面世了 30 多个年头,在这 30多个年头里面 BBS 有着不断的发展,但是当前 BBS 发展的一个共同的瓶颈就是访问速度的问题,很多的 BBS 系统都是基于 PHP 技术来实现的,对于用户的访问速度有一定的延迟。根据查询相关资料显示,在网络访问中静态页面是访问速度最快的,网络中对于静态页面的传输最快主要是不用进行相关动态信息的解析直接传递静态页面的信息流,这样就可以节省了相关解析所需的时间。本文主要研究的就是基于网络上能够高速访问的 BBS 系统,也就是基于静态页面技术的 BBS 系统。当前信息的交流主要是以时间为基准,信息之间的传递越快,有效性就越强,本文研究的就是基于快速访问的实现,这就是本文为什么使用 Freemarker 技术的原因。 本文研究的是网上论坛系统(BBS 系统) ,该 BBS 系统是纽新项目里面的一个小功能模块,其中对于 BBS 的要求设计主要是用来实现公司和用户的沟通的作用,用来实现用户对于产品的关注和对于产品的建议。本系统采用的是浏览器/服务器(B/S)结构,用户工作界面是通过 IE 浏览器来实现的。设计上采用的是 MVC 模型,实现模型-视图-控制器的三层结构。主要运用的技术框架是采用 Spring+Struts2.0+Hibernate 三层框架搭建起来,并且为了响应用户对于速度的需求,决定采用 struts 和 Freemarker 这样两个框架来实现表示层信息的展示实现,FreeMarker 允许 Java Servlet 保持图形设计同应用程序逻辑的分离,这是通过在模板中密封 HTML 完成的。模板用 servlet 提供的数据动态地生成 HTML,这样使得 BBS 系统页面自动生成。主要是用来实现信息的及时交流和对于信息的保存功能的实现。当今,BBS 是各种信息交流的平台,更是信息更新的平台,对于信息的沟通是 BBS 的一大功能实现。本文基于 Freemarker 技术实现的 BBS 的最大特点是实现其网页信息的快速访问和交流的实现,体现当今社会数据和信息的快速共享,为客户提供快速的服务体验。最后,本文将实现一个由 Struts2 和 Freemarker 相结合的静态页面自动生成的能够快速得到访问的 BBS 系统。关键字:关键字:BBS;Freemarker;数据共享 ABSTRACTTodays society is a society, which is full of information technology. Data sharing and information fast reading is the development trend of todays society. As an electronic bulletin board forms of BBS has been around for more than 30 years. BBS is developing in these 30 years all the time. But the current development of BBS has a common bottleneck which is the access speed, a lot of BBS systems are based on PHP technology to achieve, for users access speed of a certain delay. According to inquiries related information, visiting the static page in the network is the fastest access to the network in a static page, for the fastest transmission main reason is not required to carry out direct analysis of dynamic information related to the static page of information flow transfer, so you can save related to the time required for analysis. The study is based on the network to high-speed access to the BBS system, which is technology based on static page BBS systems. The exchange of information is the current time the main basis of information transfer between the faster the stronger the effectiveness, this study is based on the realization of fast access, which is this reason of the use of Freemarker technology.This study is the online Bulletin Board System (BBS), which is a small functional module of the project of Joynew System. Including the requirements for the design of BBS is mainly used to achieve communication between companies and the role of the user, to achieve the user to products of concern and recommendations for the product. This System is based on browser / server structure, users can achieve information through IE browser. And the design of this System bases on MVC model, which is made up of model - view - controller three-tiered structure. The main framework of the use of technology is Spring + Struts2.0 + Hibernate to build up three-frame, and in order to respond to user demands for speed, decided to make the framework of struts and FreeMarker technology to achieve the displaying of level information. FreeMarker allows Java Servlet maintain a graphic design application logic with the separation, which is sealed through the HTML in the template completed. Template provided with the servlet to generate the data dynamically IVHTML, this makes the BBS system automatically generated page. This way is mainly to be used to achieve the timely exchange of information and information on saving for the realization. Today, BBS is a platform for information exchange; information update is a platform for information communication is a major function of BBS implementation. This study Based on the Freemarker technical, and the greatest features of this is to achieve its website information to achieve fast access and exchange, reflects todays society the rapid sharing of data and information, providing customers with fast service experience. Finally, this study will achieve a combination of Struts2 and Freemarker automatically generated static pages to quickly get access to the BBS system.Key words: BBS; Freemarker; Data Sharing目目 录录第一章第一章 绪论绪论11.11.1 研究背景研究背景.11.1.1 BBS 中国的发展 11.1.2 BBS 现状展望 11.1.3 BBS 设计背景 21.21.2 研究综述研究综述.31.31.3 研究目标研究目标.3第二章第二章 模型与主要技术介绍模型与主要技术介绍52.12.1 FreemFreema arkerrker 技术介绍技术介绍52.22.2 SSHSSH 技术介绍技术介绍6第三章第三章 系统总体设计系统总体设计73.13.1 需求分需求分析析.73.1.1 系统功能层次模型图73.1.2 系统功能描述83.23.2 原型原型设设计计.83.33.3 数据库设计数据库设计.93.43.4 系统概要设计系统概要设计.103.4.1 系统运行环境103.4.2 系统设计方案103.4.3 系统架构设计图113.4.4 完成相应模块说明123.4.5 完成相应功能模块的类说明133.4.6 接口设计153.5 概要设计说明.163.6 详细设计实现.163.6.1 系统主要目标163.6.2 整体系统的功能需求17II3.6.3 功能模块说明213.6.4 接口详细设计233.6.5 相应功能流程图313.6.6 系统整体类图343.6.7 服务器配置373.6.8 Freemarker 技术难点介绍 .393.73.7 本章小结本章小结.41第四章第四章 系统测试与运行结果系统测试与运行结果434 41
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