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Technical English,For Information Science and Electronic Engineering,工亮蛾滁聪毕溃奠翰廊脯兜颐睬植垣序硕曹痴孺甭冗由河难担公哟渺踢镑信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,Unit 14,Telemedicine and Biomedical Signal Processing,比眼碑颊窖步抉荐酣翠武智桓羚傣虎樱艘呀众使圾何追结摊疫毒氯疥陶辽信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,Part I,Telemedicine,区试谨蛙答刑察谴萝等逝蛛勺今逗淫同吴桌戳恤兰歌暴群建咆撼拄澡囚骂信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,3,New Words,罪旺宾脯烹汝总求鸥刽臻喇易酮亮西雷祭暴测泊棋滞富迹咐勺佣沦乘冬瞬信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,4,New Words,蚌葛遵辉佩孤徊丛波熬撵裙吉炎篡碎皆诧寨醒烙焚便挤怜讣拉驳机膨层瘤信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,5,New Words,碧扮春泅何育取岗胸耳科境民毗声裸澈谱苏弹凭镑供燃枉餐莆能愁汗唾焕信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,6,1,Telemedicine may be as simple as two health professionals discussing a case over the telephone, or as complex as using satellite technology and video-conferencing equipment to conduct a real-time consultation between medical specialists in two different countries.1,远程医疗可以简单到两名医务工作者通过电话讨论病情,或者复杂到通过卫星技术和视频会议系统在两个不同国家的医学专家之间进行实时的医疗咨询。,便酒痉咽吩彦膏杜舅锨瞪伙栓疑摆砒琶坦错鸳烽旦童瓣菱冲胶操烈碳厩霖信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,7,1,It can also involve the use of an unmanned robot. Telemedicine generally refers to the use of communications and information technologies for the delivery of clinical care.,通常,远程医疗指的是通过通信和信息技术来进行临床保健。,背永淋崭漫咯渴峙悍恒尹囤矽民或利编婴腹要钻罢橙惯殷淄街娄惫切胆重信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,8,2,Care at a distance (also called in absentia care), is an old practice which was often conducted via post; there has been a long and successful history of in absentia health care, which has metamorphosed into what we know as modern telemedicine thanks to the modern communication technology.2,缺席医疗服务具有漫长而成功的历史,由于有了现代通信技术,它已发展成为现在我们所了解的现代远程医疗。,巧层器服刊胎仲爬祟着吟人割谤肆嘱仪综居代恕幢疑呈头芯吃剔汹娩苑激信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,9,3,In its early manifestations, African villagers used smoke signals to warn people to stay away from the village in case of serious disease. In the early 1900s, people living in remote areas in Australia used two-way radios, powered by a dynamo driven by a set of bicycle pedals, to communicate with the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia.,在20世纪初,生活在澳大利亚偏僻地区的人们用由自行车踏板驱动的发电机提供能源的双向无线电来与澳洲皇家飞行医生服务进行通信,讽氛润庄踏舔兴顷椭甘泡芯丝宴迸彼帅驻挂序恨钎疡崖颁卓斌恼醉壹倍道信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,10,4,The terms e-health and telehealth are at times wrongly interchanged with telemedicine. Like the terms “medicine” and “health care”, telemedicine often refers only to the provision of clinical services while the term telehealth can refer to clinical and non-clinical services such as medical education, administration, and research.3,就像医疗和保健两个词有所不同一样,远程医疗通常仅指提供临床服务,而远程保健可以指临床和非临床的服务,后者如医学教育、行政管理和研究。,案锋抡诺瘟遏遍嘛梦途泪理迫才恃绚墓必诗犹疯氢腾拇郡性庙湛涯顶卯品信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,11,4,The term e-health is often, particularly in the UK and Europe, used as an umbrella term that includes telehealth, electronic medical records, and other components of health IT.,沫娟汪睹呛递冲代责棕嘶配戒渭诊证嘎纷哄眯宜侄始公捍缔爹诺禽立刁犁信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,12,5 Types of telemedicine,Telemedicine is practiced on the basis of two concepts: real time (synchronous) and store-and-forward (asynchronous).,远程医疗基于两个概念来实行:实时(同步)和保存并转发(异步),吉铃乓滩鞠畏骄饱幂版探雍宣字凰峻背宰蚁歧铭晦方雍绕盼亦薄赴灾弄遇信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,13,6,Real time telemedicine could be as simple as a telephone call or as complex as robotic surgery. It requires the presence of both parties at the same time and a communications link between them that allows a real-time interaction to take place. Video-conferencing equipment is one of the most common forms of technologies used in synchronous telemedicine.,磋翻刻俘澈圭胺骋炽尊贼得饿锯渠钙材派磋赢冈雷两作撑妙础椎阮滋诚括信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,14,6,There are also peripheral devices which can be attached to computers or the video-conferencing equipment which can aid in an interactive examination.4,另外还有外部设备可以接到计算机或视频会议设备上,在交互检查中提供帮助。,拆塑剔谰疡四谜振耘炔门互拷谢吓变悼淖嚷荷植追节挺蝇倾拥青戚蛊旬潘信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,15,6,For instance, a tele-otoscope allows a remote physician to see inside a patients ear; a tele-stethoscope allows the consulting remote physician to hear the patients heartbeat. Medical specialties conducive to this kind of consultation include psychiatry, internal medicine, rehabilitation, cardiology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology and neurology.,有助于这种咨询的医学专科包含精神病学、内科医学、康复学、心脏病学、小儿科学、妇产科学以及神经学,喧拱泵拐床妇浚涕畦哭欣养惋胞大秋捎聊孔把樱氢坠挥酝雪腕赏唇链净练信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,16,7,Store-and-forward telemedicine involves acquiring medical data (like medical images, biosignals etc.) and then transmitting this data to a doctor or medical specialist at a convenient time for assessment offline. It does not require the presence of both parties at the same time. Dermatology, radiology, and pathology are common specialties that are conducive to asynchronous telemedicine. A properly structured Medical Record preferably in electronic form should be a component of this transfer.,扰署橇魁汪侮彤仗仆陛蔽抽渣酣峨顿橇弛鞘肿仇今瘩厅葵鼠闺番货遮尘漾信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华信息科学与电子工程专业英语(王朔中)清华,17,8,Telemedicine is most beneficial for populations living in isolated communities and remote regions and is currently being applied in virtually all medical domains. Specialties that use telemedicine often use a “tele” prefix; for example, telemedicine as applied by radiologists is called teleradiology. Similarly telemedicine as applied by cardiologists is termed as telecardiology, etc.,
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