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Unit 8,At the Tailors,An introduction to the author,John Boynton Priestley 约翰博因顿普里斯特利Birth:September, 1894, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, UK Death:14 August 1984, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, UK,J.B. Priestley: 杰伯普里斯特利(18941984),英国小说家、剧作家、文学批评家,主要作品有流浪汉小说好伙伴、喜剧金链花树丛、文学评论英国小说等。第一次世界大战期间,他曾在英国军队服役,战后去剑桥大学读书并获得文学学士学位。1922年开始漫长的文学生涯。,Regent Street is a major shopping street and thoroughfare(干线道路)in Londons West End.,Regent Street 丽晶街,Regent Street 丽晶街,New Bond Street新庞德街,如果您不惜金钱,想炫一把顶级设计师的名牌服饰,那么新庞德街奢华的名牌零售店则是理想之选,那里是伦敦最高档的时尚购物区之一。,Savile Row萨维尔街,Savile Row萨维尔街,伦敦西区是史上最为有名的绅士云集之地,在这里有一条两百多年历史的小街Savile Row 。从19世纪初,这条街便逐渐聚集了英国甚至是全世界最顶尖的裁缝,是世界最顶级西服手工缝制圣地。世界各国的高官显贵,富商巨贾,演艺明星都以有一套萨维尔顶级裁缝店手工制作的西装为身份象征。,Savile Row的店面并不多,半个小时就能转个来回,但每家店都有自己的镇店之宝那些身怀绝技的裁剪大师们。据说,这些大师仅凭一根卷尺和敏锐的直觉便能对客人的身材、气质和要求做出判断,做出的衣服更是巧夺天公、独一无二。你会发现世界上再不会有第二个人可以将这件衣服穿得这么好看,而且你身材上的缺陷如鸡胸、翘臀、双肩不平等都可以被掩饰。每一件Savile Row男装都是一件集解剖学和艺术智慧为一体的手工艺品,并被赋予了穿着者的生命。这就是Savile Row的品质。“of the Savile Row quality”已经成为一个常用的英语词汇,泛指那些具有卓越品质的精品。,身怀传世绝技的裁剪大师,New words and expressions,chaos keis : n. a state of extreme disorder混乱 opulent pjulnt adj. abundant or plentiful富裕的,繁盛的 bustlebsl n.忙碌;繁忙 v. move busily (使)奔/繁忙 bustling: full of busy activity 繁忙的,熙攘的 Nanjing Road in Shanghai is always bustling.,hush: v. become quiet or still使停止喧哗,使安静;n.安静,寂静 pretend pritend: make believe with the intent to deceive假装,伪称 Surely he doesnt pretend to any understanding of music!,run parallel to与平行 The railway lines run parallel to the road. 铁路线和那条道路平行。 go off v. run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along离开,去世,消失 solicitor:(初级)律师,severe sivi 1. serious, strict严重的,严格的 2.simple朴素的 She wore a severe black dress. 她穿一件朴素的黑衣裙。 wire screen金属丝网 (筛) establishment: n.1.建立,确立 2. 建立的机构;公司;学校;机关;企业;家庭;住宅;建筑物,dignified : having dignity有威严的;高贵的 dignify v. dignity n. impassive impsiv :not revealing or affected by emotion;calm不动感情的,无动于衷的,镇静自若的,butler:男管家 modest mdist: 1. not boastful 谦虚的 2. moderate, small适度的,不太大/多的;少量的 flashing sign闪烁信号灯 assault s:lt n./v.attack someone physically or emotionally攻击,突袭,tempt tempt vt. attempt to persuade to do something, esp something morally wrong or unwise诱惑,引诱;attract打动,吸引 tempt sb into doing sth or to do sth 诱使/吸引某人做某事,loiter lit :hang around, linger闲逛,游荡,徘徊 sale: n.出售,卖出;selling in a low price贱卖,廉价出售 The shop is having a sale to clear old stock. 为出售存货商店正在减价甩卖。 riding breeches:马裤 sober: plain朴素/实的,素净的,ready-made: not homemade现成的 bag:1. put into a bag把.装入袋中2. swell使膨大;(如袋状) 膨胀 She bagged all the leftovers. 她将所有吃剩的食物装入袋内。 The boys pants bagged at the knees. 那男孩的裤子在膝盖处鼓了出来。 shrivel up: dry out and become smaller, twisting into small folds皱缩,枯萎,audacity :dsiti: 1.fearless daring大胆,无畏; 2.aggressive boldness鲁莽 strip n. 长条,条状; v. 1.undress 脱光的衣服(+of/off/from)The children stripped off their clothes and jumped into the river. 孩子们脱掉衣服跳进河里。,deposit dipzit put, leave放下/置;寄存 apparel prl n. clothing in general衣服 Apparel make the man .人靠衣装,佛靠金装。 dust-bin/ dustbin: 垃圾箱,quest v./n. make a search (for)寻找/求;探索(+of/for) The lawyer was on a quest for further evidence.律师正在到处找寻更多的证据。 in all sincerity: sincerely 极其/非常真诚地,衷心地 I may say in all sincerity that youve been my most loyal friend.我可以极其真诚地说,你一直是我最忠实的朋友。,trousers are beauty, beauty trousers, and that is all we know and need to know.作者这里模仿英国浪漫主义诗人济慈(17951821)诗作Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮咏中的两行诗: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” “美即是真,真即是美一切尽在此,这世上你们每人都知道,你们每人所必须知道的也尽在此”,,L8: thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears: 作者这里模仿英国诗人华兹华斯(17701850)的诗作Ode on Intimations of Immortality不朽颂中的两行诗: To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thougths that do often lie too deep for tears. Worthwords 即使最贱的花朵绽放,也能给我带来沉思, 深埋心底,使我潸然泪下。,seamsi:m: n. (接)缝 v. put together with a seam缝合,接合 She seamed two pieces of carpet together. 她将两块地毯缝在一起。 labor: 1.n./v. 劳动;2.strive/work hard (for sth.)努力;尽力(争取) labor at/for/over sth.或labor to do sth努力地/不辞辛劳地做某事,fit:1. suitable 适合的 2.healthy 健康的v. be acceptable to (衣服)合身,适合;使适合 fitting n. trying on试穿/衣; Ive been to the tailors for a fitting. 我到服装店去试过衣了。,lay figure: 1.人体模型2. a person considered to be unimportant傀儡般的人物;无足轻重的人 delicately: in a delicate manner优美地;精致地;微妙地 rip out: tear or be torn violently扯掉;撕开,penknife: 小刀;袖珍折刀 pin:n.别/胸针 v. attach or fasten with pins 别住,钉住 unpinnpin:v. remove the pins from拔去别针 disinterested无私的,公正的;不关心的,冷漠的 give disinterested assistance给予无私的援助 cease to: come to an end停止,结束 quartet: kw:tet四重奏,Lener Quartet: 莱纳四重奏,即著名的匈牙利弦乐四重奏。 shabby bi:破烂/旧的,衣衫褴褛的 undistinguished ndistigwit adj. not worthy of notice平凡的,不出色的 distinguish v.区/识别;使杰出,使显出特色,fortnight: two weeks十四日,两星期 contrive: 1.devise设计(出) 2. manage sth./ manage to do sth. 设法(做到) The couple contrived to bring up their children on a small income. 这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把孩子抚养成人。 spruce spru:s: neat, fashionable整洁的, 时髦的,sag sg: n/v. droop, sink下垂,下陷 mournfulm:nful:adj. filled with sadness忧/悲伤的;悲观的 take a mournful view of human affairs 对世事抱悲观态度 reproach riprut v./n. express criticism towards 责备,
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