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Section Task & Project,速效提能演练,Unit 1,写作专题突破,Section ,重点难点探究,重点难点探究,1Even with these incidents,I think showing foreign visitors around is a great way to improve our English. 即使出了这几件小事,我仍然觉得带领外国游客参观是一个很好的提高英语的方法。,品味经典 We were shown around the school by one of the students. 我们由一名学生领着参观了学校。 自我探究 show sb.around/round是固定搭配,意为领某人参观。,归纳拓展,Wusan showed up,apologizing for being late. 苏珊赶到了,并因迟到表示道歉。 He likes to show off how well she speaks French. 他喜欢向人展示他法语讲得有多好。 His paintings are on show in the capital city. 他的作品正在首都展出。,牛刀小试 (1)Hes always_and trying to impress his classmates. Ashowing off Bshowing up Cmaking off Dmaking up 解析:选A。句意“他总是炫耀自己试图给同学留下印象”,show off炫耀,卖弄。,(2)Are things getting even worse now without Jackson? Im afraid so.But it is certain that he will_finally. Ashow up Bget up Ctake up Dput up 解析:选A。根据句意“杰克逊没来,情况会不会变得更糟”,“恐怕是这样,但是他最终一定会露面的。”show up“出现,露面”。,2The breaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person concerned and the people around him or her. 违反禁忌通常会使相关的人及其周围的人感到生气或尴尬。 品味经典 Id like to thank everyone concerned for making the activity run so smoothly. 我要感谢使本次活动得以顺利进行的所有相关人士。 自我探究 例句中concerned是形容词,意为相关的。,归纳拓展,With a greater population to support,we really must be concerned for food shortages. 为了养活规模更庞大的人口,我们必须关注粮食短缺问题。 Police declared that Noriko Sakai was concerned with taking drugs. 警方宣布酒井法子涉嫌吸毒。,Hes a good student as far as his achievement is concerned. 就他的成绩来说,他是个好学生。 We asked the American professor many questions concerning American higher education after class. 课后我们问了那位美国教授许多关于美国高等教育方面的问题。,牛刀小试 (1)_,education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are. AAs far as I concerned BAs far as I am concerned CSo far as I am concerning DSo far as I was concerned 解析:选B。so/as far as sb.be concerned是固定结构“就某人而言,在某人看来”,又因为后面education is about.,故此处应使用B。,(2)The childs mother was very_for his safety when he didnt come back from school at the usual time. Aafraid Bworrying Cconcerned Dcareful 解析:选C。根据句意“孩子没在平时上学回家的时间到家,妈妈很为他担心”。be concerned for/about.be worried about.“为担心”。,(3)All those_about the poor children should be_. Aconcerned;thanked Bare concerned;thanked Cwho are concerned;thanked for Dare concerned;thanked for 解析:选A。concerned about the poor children作定语,修饰all those,who are concerned about the poor children,thank sb.“感谢某人”,第二空使用的是其被动语态。,3 Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others. 日本人可能会鞠躬甚至分发名片来给人打招呼。 品味经典 The rotten eggs give out a bad smell. 那些腐烂的鸡蛋发出一股臭味。 The news of the Presidents death was given out in a radio broadcast. 总统逝世的消息已在电台上播出了。,After a month their food supplies gave out. 过了一个月,他们的食物已消耗殆尽。 After a long walk,we all gave out. 走了很长一段路后,我们都累坏了。 自我探究 give out是固定短语,在中是及物动词,意为释放,发出,散发,公布;在中作不及物动词,意为用完,耗尽;精疲力竭。,归纳拓展 give away分发;赠送;泄漏 give backreturn 归还 give in(to sb.) (对某人)让步/屈服 give off 放出;散发出(液体、气体、气味、热量、能量、光、声音) give up 放弃,戒掉;停止;结束;将某物交给某人,give over 移交 give oneself to 专心于,迷恋于(to是介词) give way to 给让路;屈服;被征服 Do you think the President will give in to the terrorists demand? 你认为总统会对恐怖分子的要求让步吗?,牛刀小试 (1)What was the trouble with you the day before yesterday? When I practiced running on the playground,my strength _ and I fell onto the ground. Agave away Bgave in Cgave off Dgave out 解析:选D。此处表示“力气耗尽”,故用give out。A分发,赠送,泄露;B屈服,投降;C发出,放出。,(2)Im still working on my project. Oh,youll miss the deadline.Time is _. Arunning out Bgoing out Cgiving out Dlosing out 解析:选A。考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我仍然在做这个项目。啊!你肯定不能如期完成了,因为快没时间了。当表示时间用完、耗尽的时候多用run out,give out则意为“分发,筋疲力竭”。故A正确。,(3)Smoking is bad for your health. Yes, I know. But I simply cant _. Agive it up Bgive it in Cgive it out Dgive it away 解析:选A。此题考查give的相关词组。句意:吸烟对你的健康有害。是的,我知道。但是我无法戒掉。give up意为“放弃”;give in意为“屈服”;give out意为“分发”;give away意为“泄露”。故选A。,(4)She tried hard to keep calm in face of the students, but the sweat on her forehead _ her _. Agave;away Bturned;down Cshowed;out Dshut;off 解析:选A。句意:在学生面前她尽量保持平静,但她额头上的汗珠背叛了她。give away意为“泄露;背弃”,故选A。,4The Inuit believe in animal spirits. 因纽特人相信动物灵魂。 品味经典 I believe what the businessman said,but I dont believe in him. 我相信这个商人说的话,但我不信任他这个人。 He believes in God. 他相信上帝。,The old man believes in jogging. 那位老人相信慢跑有益处。 自我探究 believe in是固定短语,意为信任,信赖;相信的存在;相信有好处。,归纳拓展,What he did is beyond my belief. 他所做的事让我难以置信。 Believe it or not,he can do it easily. 信不信由你,他能很轻松地干这件事。 My father didnt have much belief in doctors. 我父亲不太相信医生。,牛刀小试 (1)Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again._,it is ten years since we met last. AIn a word BWhats more CThats to say DBelieve it or not 解析:选D。本题考查固定短语。believe it or not“信不信由你”,是固定短语。in a word “总而言之”;whats more“另外”;thats to say“也就是说”。,(2)In an open society,people enjoy complete freedom of different religious_,as long as they dont do harm to the stability(安定)of the society and its people. Aideas Bbeliefs Cbelieves Dorigins 解析:选B。由句意可知此处为宗教信仰,故选belief(信仰)。,
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