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Unit 7,I had a bad day.,(开心学英语)六年级下册,恩平东安小学:黄青云,go go went went to the park eat eat ate ate an apple write write wrote wrote a letter read read read read a book make make made made models ride ride rode rode a bike,Chant,I had a good day!,I had a good day yesterday! What happened? First, I won the game. Next, I ate some cotton candy. Afterthat, I had fun with friends. Wow! Thats really good!,win,ate some cotton candy,eat,had fun with friends,have,won the game,ate some cotton candy,have fun with friends,I had a bad day!,The day before yesterday ,I had a bad day! What happened? First, I woke up late. Next, I missed the bus. Then, I forget my homework. After that, I lost my keys. At last, I caught a cold. Wow! Thats really bad!,wake,miss,forgot my homework,forget,lose,caught a cold catch,ate some cotton candy,have fun with friends,won the game,woke up late,caught a cold,forgot my homework,lost my keys,missed the bus,游戏规则,两组各派一位同学到黑板前,老师念出单词,不发出声音,全班同学根据口型读出单词,两位同学将听到的单词的卡片取下,拿对多少张卡片就可以得到多少分。,I had a bad day!,What happed?,First,I woke up late. Next, I missed the bus. Then, I forgot my homework.,Wow! Youre really bad.,Talk about yourselves each other,I had a bad daya good day.First, _.Next, _.Then, _.At last _.Thats _.,Homework:,
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