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Unit 6 Ancient stories,Reading,The Great Wall is a famous historical place of interest in China.,Warming up,Do you know any other historical place in the world? Such as,The Stonehenge, the UK,Standing on the plain of a UK county, the Stonehenge is said to be the burial ground of the earliest people.,But someone said, the Aliens had built it! Do you believe that?,The Pyramid, Egypt,Standing on the desert of Egypt, the Pyramid is known as the tomb of the great Egyptian King- the pharaoh. The stone lion is the guard of it.,2,500 BC,The Great Wall, China,Kinkaku-ji Temple, Japan,Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered to built it. Now, it became one of the most famous historical places in the world.,People would be impressed at the first sight of brilliant golden walls of the building.,Tajimahal, India,The Colossuem, Italy,The very place for the warriors to fight with each other.,_ is in _.,Greece,The Parthenon,帕提农神殿,A What do you know about.?,a. Egypt b. Greece c. the UK,The Pyramids( ),Stonehenge( ),The Parthenon( ),a,b,c,What was an ancient war like?,Trojan Horse, Turkey,What was an ancient war like?,An ancient war,soldiers guards captain,Fight On Horse back On foot,Weapons Bows / arrows Shields swards,huge log Break down Break into,High city walls Thick main gates,Order Capture Seize,Do you know “The Trojan War” ?,The battle field (now Turkey),Trojans V.S. Greeks,Do you know which side won?,Pre-reading,In the war, a wooden horse helped the Greeks to win the war. Can you imagine that?,B. skim the passage and put the pictures in the right order.,2,3,4,5,D1 Match the main idea!,Para.1-2: _ Para.3: _ Para.4: _ Para.5-6: _ Para. 7 _,The Trojans celebrated in the main square.The Greek soldiers climbed out of the wooden horse and opened the main gates.The Greek army disappeared and left a wooden horse outside the city of Troy.The Greeks captured the city of Troy.The captain ordered the soldiers to pull the horse into the city.,c,e,a,b,d,First Reading,D2 Read the story again and circle the correct answers.,The Greek army disappeared because _.a. they were afraid of the Trojansb. they wanted to play a trick on the Trojansc. they won the war The Trojans thought the Greeks were _.a. funny b. stupid c. helpful 3. The Greek soldiers in the wooden horse waited until midnight because _ then.a. they could break the gatesb. all the Trojans would be asleepc. all the Trojans would leave the city 4. The Greeks could not capture the city of Troy for ten years because _.a. they could not get inside the cityb. the Trojans were cleverer than the Greeksc. they did not build a wooden horse before,Second Reading,Read the story and complete the table.,The Greeks,the Trojans,Troy,about 10 years,The Greeks,wooden horse,wheels,The main idea:( 20 words),The _ fought against _ at _ for _ years and _ the city by _.,Greeks,the Trojans,Troy,10,captured,playing a trick,Third Reading,C Vocabulary,1.A blue whale is a very big animal. It is _. (line 4) 2. The soldiers thought the Greeks were not clever. They thought the Greeks were _. (line 9) 3. The cinema does not have any people in it. It is _. (line 12) 4. I like almost all meat, but this does not include chicken. I like all meat _ chicken. (line 12) 5. Only a few people know about this information. Please keep it _. (line 13),huge,stupid,empty,except,secret,army full of pull succeed celebrate make jokes about secret,Alice: Oh, no! Your dress is _ holes!Betty: Dont _ that. I need to wear this dress to the party tonight.Alice: Sorry, Im only joking. Barry: Follow me. I know a _ path through the forest. We can get to the town faster.James: Really? That sounds great. Simon: I want to join the _ in the future.William: Me too. My dream is to be a soldier. Jill: Look! The old man is _ a big box into the house.Ella: Lets go and help him. Grace: Hey! Great news. Our class has _ in winning the first prize.June: Wow! We should _!,full of,make jokes about,secret,army,pulling,succeeded,celebrate,The captain of the g_ ran up the stairs and saw that the p_ was empty, and the Greeks had all gone, leaving a huge wooden horse outside the m_ gates. The captain o_ the soldier to p_ it into the city. The Trojans d_ it into the city with r_. All the c_ of Troy c_ for winning the war. By midnight, when the s_ was empty, the Greek soldiers inside the horse climbed out and opened the main gates. The Greeks s_ the Trojan captain and s_ in capturing Troy with a t_ instead of by fighting.,ucceeded,uards,lain,ain,ull,ragged,opes,itizens,elebrated,quare,rick,rdered,eized,Post reading:,Group discuss:,Do you know any other ancient Greek myth or story? Share them with your classmates!,Tense: Simple Past,
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