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Section D,Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.,Teaching aims and demands,1. Learn the useful expressions: greeting, buy, rent, visit, get, travel2. Review the wh-questions of the simple past tense:(1)How was your trip?(2)How long were you there?(3)When did you come back?3.(1)Talk about holidays and travels.(2)Talk about countries, customs and culture: Are these questions polite or impolite in English-speaking countries?Do you have any brothers or sisters?Where do you work?,Complete the postcard from Jack to Cao Yan, using the proper forms of the words in the box.,buy rent visit get travel,Dear Cao Yan, How are you doing? I _ here the day before yesterday. I _ a car and _ around the city. I _ Chinatown and _ a beautiful skirt for your sister. Guess what I bought for you! Please give my love to your parents.Best wishes,Jack,got,traveled,visited,bought,rented,Listen to the dialog and mark the questions in English-speaking countries with P for Polite or I for Impolite.,Do you have any brothers or sisters? 2. Where do you work? 3. Where do you come from?,P,P,P,4. Where do you live? 5. How much money do you make per month? 6. How old are you?,I,I,I,3 Work alone,( )1. Where did you go on holiday? ( )2. Why did you go to bed so late last night?( )3. How did you travel to England? ( )4. What time did you go to bed last night?,c,d,e,a,Australia.,Because I watched soccer games on TV.,By plane.,At 9:30 p.m.,( )5.Who did you live with then? ( )6.When did you go on a trip? ( )7.What did you do last Sunday?,b,g,f,My parents,During the summer holidays.,I went shopping.,5. Project Suppose you are on holiday.Write a postcardto a friend.Tell him/her:, where you are ? how you went there? whats the weather like there ? what you did there? what local customs you know? how you liked your trip?,4b Useful expressions,Whats the best time to go there?I think you can go anytime. You should visit Dali and Lijiang. And you shouldnt miss Xishuangbanna. Did you visit any places of interest? , and it is very different from ours.,hope/wish hope 和wish均可作动词和名词,意为愿望, 因此常常译为“希望”。 wish 一般侧重于表达不大可能实现或根本不考虑是否可能实现的愿望,因此常常译为“愿望”。 下面来分析一下它们的异同点。,相同点: 1. 表示“想、希望”,均可接动词不定式作宾语。如:I hope/ wish to come tomorrow. 我希望/但愿明天能来。,2. 均可与for 连用。如:Lets hope for the best. 让我们尽量往好处想。He wishes for a dictionary. 他想得到一本词典。, 不同点: 1. hope 后面接宾语从句, 常常表示很有把握实现的愿望。wish后面接宾语从句,常常表示一种无法实现的或不真实的愿望。 2. 如: I hope she wont come this evening. 我希望她今晚别来。I wish I could fly to the moon. 我真想飞上月球。,2. hope 后不能跟动词不定式(短语)作宾补。wish 可以,形成了wish sb. to do sth.结构。 如: The teacher wishes his students to come here. 这位老师希望他的学生们来这里。 3. wish可以有wish sb. + adj.结构,而hope则没有此结构。如:I wish you happy. 我祝你们幸福。,4. 作简略回答时,hope 后可以用替代词so或not,而wish则不可以。如:Will it be sunny tomorrow? 明天会是晴天吗?I hope so. 我希望是。/I hope not.我希望不是。,5. 作名词时,hope多用于“希望”。wish多用于“祝愿语”,且多用复数形式。 如:He didnt give up his hope. 他没有放弃希望。Best wishes to you! 致以良好的祝愿!,How was your trip? It was wonderful! How did you travel there? By train. How long were you there? Only five days.,特殊疑问句形式及回答:,1. 特殊疑问词+was/ were+ 主语+ 其他如:-How was your weekend, Jim?吉姆,周末过的如何?- It was great. 好极了。 2. 特殊疑问词+ did+ 主语+ 动词原形+ 其他?,如:-Where did you go yesterday?昨天你们去哪儿了?-We went to the zoo. 我们去动物园了。 注意: 如果特殊疑问句词作主语,其语序和陈述句相同。,如:Who was at home just now ? 刚才谁在家?How many children played basketball last Saturday? 上周六多少个孩子打篮球?,Homework,1. Preview Topic 3 Section A 1a&1b. 2. Recite 4. 3. Review the key points of this topic. 4. Write a passage: My holidays.,
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