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传出神经系统药理学概论 Overview of neuromuscular junction and autonomic ganglia,Classification: 1Anatomy (1)Autonomic nervous system Sympathetic nerve;parasympathetic nerve (2)Somatic motor nervous system,Overview of neuromuscular junction and autonomic ganglia,2Transmittors: (1)Cholinergic nerveAcetylcholine (2)Noradrenergic nerveNoradrenaline (3)Enteric nervous system,ENS细胞体位于肠壁的壁内丛。涉及多神经肽和其他递质,如5-羟色胺(5-HT)、一氧化氮(NO)、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、P物质(SP)和神经肽(NP)。,小肠神经系统(ENS)环路的高度简化图 LM: 纵行肌肉层MP: 肠肌丛 CM: 环行肌肉层 SMP: 粘膜下丛,Transmitter and receptor:synapse:junction,运动终板 突触前膜;突触后膜; synaptic cleft,151000nm,1. Synthesis and storage of transmitters(1)Noradrenaline,NA or Norepinephrin, NE,NA能N末梢递质合成、贮存、释放、代谢A: 钠依赖性载体B: 单胺转运载体P: 多肽,(2)Acetylcholine,ACh,胆碱能N末梢递质合成、贮存、释放和代谢AcCoA: 乙酰辅酶AChAc: 胆碱乙酰化酶,A: 钠依赖性载体B: 乙酰胆碱载体P: 多肽,2 Transduction of nerve impulse and disappear of transmitters (1)Transduction: Ca2+ influx Exocytosis Release: Quantal release Others 后膜受体 前膜受体,(2)Disappear of transmitters Ach: Acetylcholinesterase AChE NA: uptake 1uptake 2,3Classification of receptors (1)Acetylcholine receptors Muscarine receptor:M1-5 Nicotine receptor:NM receptor: nicotinic muscleNN receptor: nicotinic neuron (2)Adrenoceptors receptor:1 and2 receptor:1、2 and3,5Biochemical process (1) N cholinoceptor Ligand gated ion channel receptor,regulate Na+、K+、Ca2+ flux.,(2)M cholinoceptor Superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors) Activate PLC (phospholipase C) Inhibit AC Activate K+ or inhibit Ca2+ channels (3)Adrenoceptors 1 R activate PLC, D, A2 2 R inhibit AC R activate AC,三、Action manners and classification of drugs 1Action manners: (1)Direct: Agonist Blocker; Antagonist (2)Indirect: Affect release : ephedrine; metaraminol; carbacholine Affect transport and storage: reserpine Affect transformation: anticholinesterase agents,
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