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殷承良 Prof. Chengliang Yin汽车电子控制技术国家工程实验室 National Engineering Laboratory for Automotive Electronic Control Technology 电驱一体化系统及控制技术电驱一体化系统及控制技术Integration of electric and drive system and control strategyContentAutomotive development trends 发展趋势 HEV development situations 发展现状 Integration of electric and drive system Platform and control strategy 电驱一体化平台及控制技 术 Research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学的相关研究 SJTU “Green Campus” demonstration 上海交通大学示范项目Automotive development trends驱动电气化 The electrification of drive systemsALLISON: motortransmissionCCCCHHH能源“炭氢”转变 Energy transition “carbon -hydrogen “能源多样化 Energy diversification Biodiesel Ethanol Hydrogen Electricity技术平台化 Technology platformContentAutomotive development trends 发展趋势 HEV development situations 发展现状 Integration of electric and drive system Platform and control strategy 电驱一体化平台及控制技 术 Research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学的相关研究 SJTU “Green Campus” demonstration 上海交通大学示范项目HEV development situationHEV development situation插电式、增程式电 动汽车(EREV & PHEV)电机、变速器耦合方案 Motors Coupling with Transmission发动机、电机直接耦 合的动力方案 Engine Coupling with Motor通用双模式混合动力系统Delphi Energen ISG Demo Vehicle (Ford Explorer) 雪佛兰VoltAllison双模变速器丰田插电式Prius丰田Prius本田InsightIMA动力系统Continental公 司 ISAD动力系统纯电动汽车(EV)混合动力汽车(HEV)日产LEAF聆风电动车Smart纯电动车插电式、增程式 动力方案(PHEV)发动机与电机通过 变速器耦合方案 Motors Coupling with Transmission发动机与电机直接耦 合的动力方案Engine Coupling with Motor荣威后续将开发550插 电式混合动力车长安杰勋HEV奇瑞A5等混合动力车型奔腾B50将推出PHEV车型荣威550混合动力车, EDU动力系统纯电动汽车车型(EV)混合动力汽车(HEV)比亚迪E6纯电动车瑞麟M1- EV比亚迪F3DMHEV development situationHEV development situationHEV development situation申新动1号解放东风申沃SWB6116五洲龙在商用车方面,东风汽车、一汽解放和玉柴集团都拥有自主研发的混合 动力总成系统。ContentAutomotive development trends 发展趋势 HEV development situations 发展现状 Integration of electric and drive system Platform and control strategy 电驱一体化平台及控制技 术 Research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学的相关研究 SJTU “Green Campus” demonstration 上海交通大学示范项目Drive System Technology PlatformAbroadDomesticHonda Insight IMA Platform以本田为代表的发动机与电机耦合Plug- in Platform美国Plug- in电动汽车APU与电机耦合Toyota and GM Hybrid Transmission Platform以丰田和GM为代表的变速器与电机耦合Deficiency- 无新型动力系统集成平台的概念Low efficiency - 动力系统效率低、节能效果差Obstacle- 制约我国在电动汽车方面赶超国外Toyota Prius Drive System and Product SeriesVehicleModelModel YearEPA City mileage(m pg)EPA Highway mileage (mpg)Tailpipe emissions (grams per mile CO2)Annual Petroleum Use (barrel)Prius 1st gen2001- 200342mpg (5.6L/100km)41mpg (5.7L/100km)217(135g/km)8.0(1272L)Prius 2nd gen2004- 200948mpg (4.9L/100km)45mpg (5.2L/100km)193(120g/km)7.2(1144.8L)Prius 3rd gen2010- 201251mpg (4.6L/100km)48mpg (4.9L/100km)178(111g/km)6.6(1049.4L)Prius v201244mpg (5.3L/100km)40mpg (5.9L/100km)212(132g/km)7.8(1240.2L)Prius c201253mpg (4.4L/100km)46mpg (5.1L/100km)178(111g/km)6.6(1049.4L)Prius Plug- in Hybrid2012Gasoline equivalent in EV modeHybrid mode133(82g/km)95mpg (2.5L/100km)50mpg (4.7L/100km)Source: U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Prius v is a bigger Prius version.First generation of THS used in Prius (1997- 2003) Second generation of THS (also called as HSD) used in Prius (2003- present)New HSD/Lexus Hybrid Drive SystemHybrid Electric Vehicle Control SystemHEV Control SystemEngine Control Unit ECUTransmission Control Unit TCUBrake Control UnitBattery Management System BMSMotor Control Unit MCUMode Selection & Transition ControlEnergy Management SystemHybrid Control Unit HCUComplexityCoordinationBrief SummaryIntegration follows the development trend.电驱一体化系统符合平台化与电气化发展趋势Integration is Important for future research and production.有利于研发和产业化布局Integration brings higher Requirement for Control System.对控制系统及控制策略提出更高要求ContentAutomotive development trends 发展趋势 HEV development situations 发展现状 Integration of electric and drive system Platform and control strategy 电驱一体化平台及控制技 术 Research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学的相关研究 SJTU “Green Campus” demonstration 上海交通大学示范项目Institute of Automotive Engineering Institute of Automotive Engineering Research at Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityIntegration of Electric and Drive System自平衡混合动力:节油率25%以上 插电式混合动力:节油率60%以上 校园示范最终实现:0燃油消耗1616National “863” HEV ProgramEV Research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University1717National “863” ProgramShanghai Economy Commission Shanghai Science & Technology CommissionShanghai Economy Commission Shanghai Science & Technology CommissionFormer Research and AchievementHybrid EV Key Components1818EVTElectric air- conditionAMT and ControllerElectric MotorElectric SteeringResearch on the BMSBattery Management System Basic Research Of Onboard Storage Technologies (National “973” Project) High Performance Li- Ion Battery Pack and Management System (National “863” Project) Pure Electric Vehicle NiMH Battery Management System (National “863” Project) BMS hardware and BMS control strategyBattery pack structure and thermal researchSOC, SOL prediction and ESS diagnosticBattery Management SystemV-cycle devel
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