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Points for attention Sentence Patterns Specimen letter Exercises,Unit Four Enquires and Replies,1. In foreign trade, enquires are usually made by the buyers without engagement to get information about the goods to be orders, such as price, catalogue, delivery date and other terms. Enquires may be either despatched by mail, cable, telex, fax, or handed to the suppliers through personal contract. 在对外贸易中,通常由买方不受约束的提出询价,以得到拟订购货物的情况,如价格。目录、交货期和其他条款。询价信可经邮寄、电报、电传、传真发出,或通过亲自接触当面交给供应商。,Points for attention,2. If you are an enquirer, you should state clearly in your enquires to foreign suppliers your exact requirements, inclusive of prices, discounts, terms of payment, and the length of time required for delivery. There is no need for long, over-polite phrases and still less for humbleness. Nowadays, many firms even use a printed enquiry form instead of a letter. 如果你是一位询价者,应该在向外国供应商的询价中阐明你的确切需求,包括价格、折扣、付款条件以及交货所需的时间。询价信不需要冗长和过分客气的词句,更不应该自卑。当今,很多公司用印刷的表格来代替书信。,3 A “first enquiry”, that is an enquiry sent to a supplier whom you have not previously dealt with, should(初次询盘信一般包含以下内容:)(1) begin by telling him how you obtained his name(简单告知如何获得卖方的名址)(2) Some details of your own business, such an the kind of goods handled, quantites needed, usual terms of trade(写一些你方的业务情况,如经营商品的种类、所需数量、一般贸易条款)(3)any information likely to enable the supplier to decide what he can do for you, will also help(可能会使供应商决定为你效劳的任何信息,也将是有好处的),In conclusion, enquires should be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable. In return, the answers to enquires should be prompt, courteous and helpful. In case the goods enquired for are currently out of stock, the supplier should inform the enquirer when they will be avaiable and, by taking this opportunity, introduce some other products as substitutes so as to create a good impression, which hopefully will result in more business.总之,询价信必须简短、具体、有礼貌且合理。反过来说,对询价信的答复则应迅速、客气而且要给对方有所帮助。如果所需的货物目前脱销,供应商应通知询价者何时会有货供应,然后借此机会介绍一些其他产品来替代,以便给人良好的印象,这样做将有希望带来更多的生意。,1. Interest and Desire 1) to take (have, feel) interest in对感兴趣We take interest in your canned goods and wish to have the catalogues.我们对你方罐头食品有兴趣,希望能收到目录。2) to be interested in sth.对有兴趣We are interested in bicycles in various sizes and please send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue with details of the prices and terms of payments.我们对不同尺寸的自行车感兴趣,请寄一份带插图的目录并详告价格和付款方式。,Sentence Patterns,3) to be in the market for sth. 要购买The Indians are in the market for copper.印度人正想购买铜。Well cable you as soon as we are in the market.一俟我方要货即去电。 4)to be desirous of sth. 想要We are desirous of your lowest quotations for frozen rabbit.我们想要你方冻兔最低报价。We are desirous of establishing (to establish)business relations with you.我们想和你方建立业务联系,2. Enquiry 1) to enquire for 询购A client of mine enquires for 100 cases Black Tea.我的一个客户询购100箱红茶。We are in receipt of your letter of June 12, enquiring for our black tea.你方6月12日询购我红茶信函已收悉。2) to make (send) enquiry for 询购Upon receipt of your catalogue, well make enquiry for the items which are of interest to us.一俟收到你方目录,我方即询购感兴趣的商品。,3) to have an enquiry for有的询盘We have an enquiry for 50 tons of chemical fertilizer.我们有要求供应50吨化肥的询盘。 4) to send quotation for对报价As we are in the market for colour TV sets, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations for Panda Brand color TV sets of 19 and 21 inches.我方欲购彩色电视,请报19和21英寸熊猫牌彩色电视。Please send us your best CIF quotation for sewing machines.请报缝纫机最低CIF价。,5)to state terms of说明的条款When quoting, please state terms of payment time of delivery.报价时,请说明付款条件和交货时间。 6)to inform sb.on terms one can supply告知某人在何种条件下可供应Please inform us on what terms you can supply iron nails.请告知你方供应铁钉的条件。 7)to send sb.particulars of 告知某人的详细情况We have seen your advertisement in Chinas Foreign Trade and shall be glad if you will send us particulars of bed sheets and pillowcases.我们在中国对外贸易杂志上看到你们的广告,敬请告知有关床单和枕套的详细情况。,8) to allow sb.a special allowance (discount)给予某人特别折扣Will you please allow us a special allowance on annual total purchase above $500,000?如果我们每年购买总金额超过50万美金,请给予特别折扣。When quoting, please state terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchase of quantities of not less than 500 dozen.报价时,请说明付款条件和对购买不少于500打的数量所给予的折扣。,3. Reply 1) in reply (to ones enquiry) 答复某人询盘This is in reply to your enquiry of Oct. 8th, 2000.现答复你方2000年10月8日询盘。With regard to your enquiry for typewriters, we wish to give the following in reply.关于你方关于打字机的询盘,我们愿做如下的答复。 2) to welcome ones enquiry 欢迎某人的询盘We welcome your enquiry of May 26th, 2001 and thank you for your interest in our products. We specialize in this line of business.欢迎你们2001年5月26日询盘,并感谢你们对我产品的兴趣,我们专营此业务。,3)to thank sb.for ones enquiry for谢谢某人对某商品的询价。We thank you for your enquiry for Feb.2 and are pleased to tell you we are in good connections with the best manufacturers in the country.感谢贵方2月2日询盘,并告知我方与国内最好的厂家有密切的联系。 4)to enclose a catalogue and a price list附寄目录和价格表We enclose our latest catalogue and a price list giving details you ask for.现附寄最新目录和价格表,上面有贵方要求了解的详细情况。,
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